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A futuristic solution!A futuristic solution!Effettua l'accesso per mettere mi piace, condividere e commentare!
Is Brexit a good solution for UK?Is Brexit a good solution for UK?EDITION.CNN.COMBrexit has radicalized the UK's political classRemember the days when British politics was like its weather and its food? Safely predictable, frequently disappointing, seldom extreme? Those days of moderation are behind us. The fish and chips haven't changed, but everything else has. Stable, dependable Britain has become dangerously unhinged.
What is happening in Venezuela?What is happening in Venezuela?EDITION.CNN.COMTensions mount in Venezuela as Guaidó seeks return to countryWhat's next for the standoff in Venezuela? European states and most of Venezuela's neighbors tend to oppose Maduro, and support self-declared interim president and opposition leader, Juan Guaidó. Yet they are hesitant over fiercer sanctions, or to entertain military intervention as an option.
A great battle for democracy!A great battle for democracy!EDITION.CNN.COMTensions mount in Venezuela as Guaido seeks return to countryThe four men in green walk calmly down the street, to gentle clapping from the people around them. They appear to be defectors, shown on a video posted to social media from Wednesday in the town of Herran, Colombia. While CNN has not been able to verify the video, the scene is now a common one in Colombia, from a steady drip of Venezuelan soldiers that have given themselves over to Colombian immigration officials over the past week. As of Thursday, an astounding total of 567 had defected.
What is happening in Algeria?What is happening in Algeria?WWW.BBC.COMAlgerian students pile pressure on leaderFresh protests break out as a deadline looms for Algeria's president to submit his candidacy.
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