Here are some design features that are ideal for successful CNC turning of titanium parts:

Focus on Rotational Symmetry

Cylindrical Features: CNC turning excels at creating parts with cylindrical or tapered outer diameters and inner bores. This is because the turning process relies on the rotation of the workpiece.

Concentric Features: Features like grooves, shoulders, or flanges should be concentric with the axis of rotation for efficient machining. Minimizing eccentricities reduces machining complexity.

Hole Design Considerations

Radial Holes: Holes drilled perpendicular to the axis of rotation (radial holes) are simpler to machine compared to angled holes.

Drilled Through vs. Blind Holes: Through holes, where the drill goes completely through the part, are generally easier to machine than blind holes (holes that don't go all the way through).

Hole Size and Spacing: There needs to be sufficient material remaining between holes and between holes and the edge of the part to ensure structural integrity during machining and minimize tool deflection. Consult with your CNC machining service provider for recommended minimum hole sizes and spacing for your specific part size and titanium grade.

Additional Design Tips

Minimize Sharp Corners: Sharp internal corners are difficult to achieve with CNC turning. Consider incorporating chamfers or rounded corners whenever possible to improve machinability and avoid stress concentrations.

Wall Thickness: Maintain a sufficient and consistent wall thickness throughout the part to ensure rigidity during machining and avoid tool deflection. This is especially important for larger or longer parts.

Undercuts and Non-Standard Features: CNC turning might struggle with features like undercuts (requiring the tool to reach into a recessed area) or odd-shaped features. Explore alternative design approaches or consider post-machining processes to achieve such features.

Benefits of Ideal Design

Machining Efficiency: Designing parts with CNC turning in mind can significantly improve machining efficiency, reducing production time and cost.

Surface Finish: Optimized designs allow for better tool engagement and chip evacuation, leading to a cleaner surface finish on the final titanium part.

Minimized Tool Wear: Proper design features minimize stress on cutting tools, reducing tool wear and the need for frequent replacements, lowering overall production costs.


By understanding these ideal design features and consulting with a CNC machining service provider early in the design process, you can create titanium parts that are well-suited for CNC turning. This will lead to efficient production, good quality parts, and potentially lower costs for your project.