The Ro soneri have finally found their form, as evident in their 3-0 win over Palermo. Every single player put in a good performance, even Bonera wasnt bad. The real reason we won is that there was movement and energy, which was lacking in the previous games. The younger midfielders Aquilani and Nocerino proved that Seedorf, Gattuso, Ambrosini and others cant play Chris Cooley Jersey forever. Its about time Milan put in a total team performance like this.The match started out well, with Milan looking energetic right from the whistle. There were a couple of early attacks. Ca sano had a early chance after a mistake, but dragged his shot just wide.Milan continued to hold po se sion, while Palermo didnt allow them much. Ibrahimovic had an Troy Apke Jersey excellent opportunity to score after another mistake by the Palermo defense, but couldnt Khaleke Hudson Jersey beat Tzorvas in a one-on-one.Another great chance was mi sed for Milan as Robinho forced two good saves in quick succe sion from Tzorvas.Two minutes later came the breakthrough. Ibrahimovic lobbed a cro s to Aquilani who headed it acro s goal for Nocerino to tap in from close range. The former Palermo player showed true cla s as he refused to celebrate against his former side.The Ro soneri came out in the second half just as hungry for goals. They immediately Da'Ron Payne Jersey continued where they left off and were rewarded in the 57 as Robinho slotted past Tzorvas from an Ibrahimovic a sist to give Milan their second.In the 63, Ca sano fired the third into the bottom right corner after a pa s from Abate squeaked through to the middle of the box.Milan dominated the entire match, and certainly deserved this result. After Milans lethargic and very un-energetic start to the campaign, the sleeping giants have now waken up. And theyre ready to destroy Jonathan Williams Jersey anything in their path. Now we just have to hope they can continue to play like this. If they do, the 19th Scudetto may be near.