Portsmouth admitted today that there would be no more big money signings. Pompey recently completed the signing of French centre-back Younes Kaboul for a reported 5 million and many expected even more money to be spent.Peter Storrie, Pompeys Chief executive says that isnt the case though and its all due to the dreaded credit crunch. He stated that clubs could no longer borrow money to finance expensive transfer deals but didnt rule out Pompey making more signings this summer.After the FA Cup succe s, Peter Storrie shouted from the rooftops that Pompey would sign three big-name players. Charlie Brown Jr. Jersey Pompey have so far signed five players including Glen Little, Ben Sahar, Peter Crouch, Omar Koroma and more recently Younes Kaboul.Out of those signed you could say that Kaboul and Crouch are two big name players and players Redknapp had tracked for months on end before finally getting them. Two out of three isnt too bad considering one of them will form one of the tastiest strikepartnerships in the Premier League with hitman Jermain Defoe. However should some Pompey fans feel aggrieved that they wont get that elusive third player?Peter Storrie doesnt seem to think so.Storrie said, The credit crunch is there and everyone has been affected by it. We dont get away just because were a football club.The banks are now tighter and Jeremy Lin Jersey not prepared to put debt on. You just cannot continue to increase debts. I did say we intended to bring in three top players but that was before the credit crunch.Portsmouth have spent a significant amount of money over the past few seasons, not just on the transfer fees but on the increasing wage bill as well. This summer they Brandon Goodwin Jersey have spent 11 million on England international Peter Crouch so its no wonder theyre now taking a step back to check their finances.One me sage that looks quite clear is that fans shouldnt expect 30 million to be pumped into the squad every year and many should take a reality check.The owner has already invested an incredible amount of money but we cannot keep spending the amount we have spent since the summer of 2007 in exce s of 60 million on players alone .On top of that you have agents fees while the wage bill has gone up substantially. All that and with just 20,000 coming through the gates. People have to be realistic. A few players might arrivebut not for big money.We have still got more quality players than we have ever seen at Pompey.CommentPersonally I feel this is a great approach by the club. Its rea suring that the club is looking at their finances and arent doing a Leeds. Its important that we dont overspend and dont make the wage bill to high. The squad has been improved since last year even with the lo s of Muntari.I think Harry will sign that right winger weve all been pining for. I dont think it will be Wright-Phillips (.yet) but it could be someone that will be able Clint Capela Jersey to do a good job for us, at least a years worth. Harry has a knack of getting the best out of players and anyone could come in and surprise us. Lets not forget Little was brought here for a reason as well, maybe Harrys thinking of using him more in his plans than most of us would have.I think it was good Dikembe Mutombo Jersey that Storrie came out and said this now. Maybe now at least we can get on with the rest of the transfer window without people claiming to be in the know regarding Wright-Phillips proposed transfer even though he has come out and denied it. It should also stop people questioning if were skint or not because the answer simply is yes (for the time being at least anyway.)Knowing Pompey, it wouldnt surprise me if a big money signing did happen towards the end of the window, however it would of course mean losing one or two players i.e Nugent, Davis, Hughes etcIm sure with Sasha, Harry and Peter, they will do whats best for the club.