With the start of Season 4, Diablo 4 introduced significant changes to character building through a lower armor cap. While players initially struggled with this adjustment, optimizing new defensive layers has emerged as a more engaging way to experience the game's challenging endgame content.

Previously, stacking armor above 13,000 was the defense meta. However, the new 9,230 cap in Season 4 refocused efforts onto other mitigation sources. Rather than mindlessly stacking a single defensive stat, players must now achieve balanced protection against multiple damage types.

Through gems like Emeralds granting Magic resistance and items with poison or fire resistances, building hybrid tankiness across resistances became necessary. Strategically countering enemies' elemental attacks results in more calculated and varied gameplay.

Adaptations to the New Defense Meta

Prior Meta Season 4 Meta
Stack Armor above 13k Balance Armor, Resistance, Damage Reduction

For example, reaching 75% fire resistance through a rare chest piece allows soaking flames from Rift Guardians. Emeralds granting 60% magic resistance lets absorbing blows from cultists. Carefully selecting damage complimenting D4 items shifts focus from one-dimensional tank builds to synergizing diverse mitigation.

Proper gemming and choosing defensive-oriented suffixes when rerolling items with the help of D4 items from reputable sellers like MTMMO can maximize a character's resilience. Stacking resistance and damage reduction opens possibilities to push further in Season 4's most challenging group activities and raids.

While adapting took effort, the updated defense meta refreshingly encourages analytical optimization over simple stacking. Greater character diversity and strategic counterbuilding against enemies' damage types enhances build viability in Diablo 4's cutthroat endgame.