In #Romania bloccano i mezzi pubblici e tagliano la corrente per limitare e nascondere le proteste e la repressione durissima che viene imposta. In gioco c'è la sicurezza di tutti i popoli europei: i patrioti rumeni combattono anche per noi.
In #Romania they block public transport and cut off electricity to limit and hide the protests and the harsh repression that is being imposed. The security of all European peoples is at stake: Romanian patriots are fighting for us too.
In #Romania they block public transport and cut off electricity to limit and hide the protests and the harsh repression that is being imposed. The security of all European peoples is at stake: Romanian patriots are fighting for us too.
In #Romania bloccano i mezzi pubblici e tagliano la corrente per limitare e nascondere le proteste e la repressione durissima che viene imposta. In gioco c'è la sicurezza di tutti i popoli europei: i patrioti rumeni combattono anche per noi.
In #Romania they block public transport and cut off electricity to limit and hide the protests and the harsh repression that is being imposed. The security of all European peoples is at stake: Romanian patriots are fighting for us too.