Ma guarda un po’ come questa gentaglia adesso parla … io ho assistito diversi medici in procedimenti disciplinari che erano stati aperti nei loro confronti perché hanno assistito i propri pazienti con scienza e coscienza e, dunque, non con Tachipirina e vigila attesa.
Fillippo Anelli (detto Pippo) presidente della #FNOMCeO : Tachipirina e vigile attesa non era un protocollo obbligatorio ma un consiglio. I medici potevano scegliere liberamente e in coscienza le terapie da adottare…
Look at how these people are talking now... I have assisted several doctors in disciplinary proceedings that were opened against them because they assisted their patients with knowledge and conscience and, therefore, not with Tachipirina and vigilant waiting.
Fillippo Anelli (aka Pippo) president of the #FNOMCeO: Tachipirina and vigilant waiting was not a mandatory protocol but a suggestion. Doctors could freely and conscientiously choose the therapies to adopt...
Fillippo Anelli (detto Pippo) presidente della #FNOMCeO : Tachipirina e vigile attesa non era un protocollo obbligatorio ma un consiglio. I medici potevano scegliere liberamente e in coscienza le terapie da adottare…
Look at how these people are talking now... I have assisted several doctors in disciplinary proceedings that were opened against them because they assisted their patients with knowledge and conscience and, therefore, not with Tachipirina and vigilant waiting.
Fillippo Anelli (aka Pippo) president of the #FNOMCeO: Tachipirina and vigilant waiting was not a mandatory protocol but a suggestion. Doctors could freely and conscientiously choose the therapies to adopt...
‼️Ma guarda un po’ come questa gentaglia adesso parla … io ho assistito diversi medici in procedimenti disciplinari che erano stati aperti nei loro confronti perché hanno assistito i propri pazienti con scienza e coscienza e, dunque, non con Tachipirina e vigila attesa.
Fillippo Anelli (detto Pippo) presidente della #FNOMCeO : Tachipirina e vigile attesa non era un protocollo obbligatorio ma un consiglio. I medici potevano scegliere liberamente e in coscienza le terapie da adottare…
‼️Look at how these people are talking now... I have assisted several doctors in disciplinary proceedings that were opened against them because they assisted their patients with knowledge and conscience and, therefore, not with Tachipirina and vigilant waiting.
Fillippo Anelli (aka Pippo) president of the #FNOMCeO: Tachipirina and vigilant waiting was not a mandatory protocol but a suggestion. Doctors could freely and conscientiously choose the therapies to adopt...