OSA ITALIA: “Il 15 gennaio 2021, Fauci sapeva perfettamente che 23 persone erano già morte in Norvegia dopo il vaccino Pfizer. E nonostante questo, ha scelto di tacere e proseguire con la propaganda vaccinale. Questo non è solo criminale, è disumano. Quante madri, padri, figli e figlie hanno perso i loro cari, distrutti da questo esperimento criminale mascherato da salvezza? Quante famiglie sono state spezzate, mentre Fauci e i suoi complici contavano i loro sporchi profitti? Questo uomo ha scelto il denaro e il potere sopra la vita umana. È responsabile di un dolore senza fine e deve pagare per ogni lacrima versata, per ogni vita rubata. Non esiste castigo abbastanza duro per chi ha tradito l’umanità in questo modo.”
OSA ITALIA: “On January 15, 2021, Fauci knew perfectly well that 23 people had already died in Norway after the Pfizer vaccine. And despite this, he chose to remain silent and continue with the vaccine propaganda. This is not only criminal, it is inhuman. How many mothers, fathers, sons and daughters have lost their loved ones, destroyed by this criminal experiment disguised as salvation? How many families have been torn apart, while Fauci and his accomplices counted their dirty profits? This man has chosen money and power over human life. He is responsible for endless pain and must pay for every tear shed, for every life stolen. There is no punishment harsh enough for those who have betrayed humanity in this way.”
OSA ITALIA: “On January 15, 2021, Fauci knew perfectly well that 23 people had already died in Norway after the Pfizer vaccine. And despite this, he chose to remain silent and continue with the vaccine propaganda. This is not only criminal, it is inhuman. How many mothers, fathers, sons and daughters have lost their loved ones, destroyed by this criminal experiment disguised as salvation? How many families have been torn apart, while Fauci and his accomplices counted their dirty profits? This man has chosen money and power over human life. He is responsible for endless pain and must pay for every tear shed, for every life stolen. There is no punishment harsh enough for those who have betrayed humanity in this way.”
OSA ITALIA: “Il 15 gennaio 2021, Fauci sapeva perfettamente che 23 persone erano già morte in Norvegia dopo il vaccino Pfizer. E nonostante questo, ha scelto di tacere e proseguire con la propaganda vaccinale. Questo non è solo criminale, è disumano. Quante madri, padri, figli e figlie hanno perso i loro cari, distrutti da questo esperimento criminale mascherato da salvezza? Quante famiglie sono state spezzate, mentre Fauci e i suoi complici contavano i loro sporchi profitti? Questo uomo ha scelto il denaro e il potere sopra la vita umana. È responsabile di un dolore senza fine e deve pagare per ogni lacrima versata, per ogni vita rubata. Non esiste castigo abbastanza duro per chi ha tradito l’umanità in questo modo.”
OSA ITALIA: “On January 15, 2021, Fauci knew perfectly well that 23 people had already died in Norway after the Pfizer vaccine. And despite this, he chose to remain silent and continue with the vaccine propaganda. This is not only criminal, it is inhuman. How many mothers, fathers, sons and daughters have lost their loved ones, destroyed by this criminal experiment disguised as salvation? How many families have been torn apart, while Fauci and his accomplices counted their dirty profits? This man has chosen money and power over human life. He is responsible for endless pain and must pay for every tear shed, for every life stolen. There is no punishment harsh enough for those who have betrayed humanity in this way.”