Se hanno condannato a 8 anni la Petrillo per NON aver iniettato VACClNl a dei bambini che poi NON hanno avuto nessuna infezione, a quanti secoli devono condannare chi ha obbligato VACClNl mRNA contaminati con DNA di SV40 potenzialmente cancerogeno
If they sentenced Petrillo to 8 years for NOT injecting VACClNl to children who then DID NOT have any infection, how many centuries should they sentence those who forced VACClNl mRNA contaminated with potentially carcinogenic SV40 DNA
If they sentenced Petrillo to 8 years for NOT injecting VACClNl to children who then DID NOT have any infection, how many centuries should they sentence those who forced VACClNl mRNA contaminated with potentially carcinogenic SV40 DNA
Se hanno condannato a 8 anni la Petrillo per NON aver iniettato VACClNl a dei bambini che poi NON hanno avuto nessuna infezione, a quanti secoli devono condannare chi ha obbligato VACClNl mRNA contaminati con DNA di SV40 potenzialmente cancerogeno ⁉️
If they sentenced Petrillo to 8 years for NOT injecting VACClNl to children who then DID NOT have any infection, how many centuries should they sentence those who forced VACClNl mRNA contaminated with potentially carcinogenic SV40 DNA ⁉️
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