Secondo questa fonte gli integralisti islamici che hanno preso la #Siria hanno annunciato l’adozione della Sharia come legge nazionale, davanti al Palazzo di giustizia di Aleppo. Torneranno lapidazioni, sottomissione totale delle donne e tutto ciò che la legge islamica prescrive. I profughi siriani avranno pieno diritto di asilo, ma fra essi potranno nascondersi anche terroristi o estremisti per infiltrarsi nei nostri Paesi. La Russia è stata l’unica a lottare in Siria contro Isis e Al Qaeda per evitare questo epilogo, col sostegno solo dell’Iran. L’UE e gli USA di Biden lo hanno voluto e permesso.
According to this source, the Islamic fundamentalists who have taken over #Syria have announced the adoption of Sharia as national law, in front of the Palace of Justice in Aleppo. Stonings, total submission of women and everything that Islamic law prescribes will return. Syrian refugees will have full right to asylum, but terrorists or extremists may also hide among them to infiltrate our countries. Russia was the only one to fight in Syria against Isis and Al Qaeda to avoid this epilogue, with the support of Iran alone. The EU and Biden's USA wanted and allowed it.
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According to this source, the Islamic fundamentalists who have taken over #Syria have announced the adoption of Sharia as national law, in front of the Palace of Justice in Aleppo. Stonings, total submission of women and everything that Islamic law prescribes will return. Syrian refugees will have full right to asylum, but terrorists or extremists may also hide among them to infiltrate our countries. Russia was the only one to fight in Syria against Isis and Al Qaeda to avoid this epilogue, with the support of Iran alone. The EU and Biden's USA wanted and allowed it.
Secondo questa fonte gli integralisti islamici che hanno preso la #Siria hanno annunciato l’adozione della Sharia come legge nazionale, davanti al Palazzo di giustizia di Aleppo. Torneranno lapidazioni, sottomissione totale delle donne e tutto ciò che la legge islamica prescrive. I profughi siriani avranno pieno diritto di asilo, ma fra essi potranno nascondersi anche terroristi o estremisti per infiltrarsi nei nostri Paesi. La Russia è stata l’unica a lottare in Siria contro Isis e Al Qaeda per evitare questo epilogo, col sostegno solo dell’Iran. L’UE e gli USA di Biden lo hanno voluto e permesso.
According to this source, the Islamic fundamentalists who have taken over #Syria have announced the adoption of Sharia as national law, in front of the Palace of Justice in Aleppo. Stonings, total submission of women and everything that Islamic law prescribes will return. Syrian refugees will have full right to asylum, but terrorists or extremists may also hide among them to infiltrate our countries. Russia was the only one to fight in Syria against Isis and Al Qaeda to avoid this epilogue, with the support of Iran alone. The EU and Biden's USA wanted and allowed it.