• Questa è grossa.
    In #Francia assicurazione sulla vita rifiuta di pagare la famiglia di un anziano morto dopo la puntura #mRNA perché era un farmaco sperimentale e gli effetti letali erano noti, per cui la morte è considerata "suicidio".
    Le compagnie #USA seguono l'esempio.

    This is a big one.
    In #France, a life insurance company refuses to pay the family of an elderly man who died after an #mRNA shot because it was an experimental drug and the lethal effects were known, so the death is considered "suicide".
    The #USA companies follow suit.
    Questa è grossa. In #Francia assicurazione sulla vita rifiuta di pagare la famiglia di un anziano morto dopo la puntura #mRNA perché era un farmaco sperimentale e gli effetti letali erano noti, per cui la morte è considerata "suicidio". Le compagnie #USA seguono l'esempio. This is a big one. In #France, a life insurance company refuses to pay the family of an elderly man who died after an #mRNA shot because it was an experimental drug and the lethal effects were known, so the death is considered "suicide". The #USA companies follow suit.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni 3
  • Which industries are key end users in the IoT Monetization Market?

    The IoT monetization market is increasingly supported by various key industries that serve as significant end-users. The Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector is leveraging IoT technologies to improve customer experiences and optimize operational efficiency. The retail industry harnesses IoT monetization to enhance inventory management and create personalized shopping experiences for consumers. In the IT and Telecom sector, companies utilize IoT solutions to enhance connectivity and service delivery. The manufacturing industry benefits from IoT monetization through improved supply chain management and predictive maintenance, while transportation and logistics utilize IoT applications to streamline operations and enhance tracking capabilities. In addition, the healthcare sector leverages IoT monetization for better patient monitoring and management systems. Lastly, the energy and utilities industry employs IoT technologies to optimize resource management and consumption. Collectively, these industries demonstrate the vast potential and diverse applications of IoT monetization across the global economy.

    #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup

    Read the full report here: https://www.imarcgroup.com/iot-monetization-market
    Which industries are key end users in the IoT Monetization Market? The IoT monetization market is increasingly supported by various key industries that serve as significant end-users. The Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector is leveraging IoT technologies to improve customer experiences and optimize operational efficiency. The retail industry harnesses IoT monetization to enhance inventory management and create personalized shopping experiences for consumers. In the IT and Telecom sector, companies utilize IoT solutions to enhance connectivity and service delivery. The manufacturing industry benefits from IoT monetization through improved supply chain management and predictive maintenance, while transportation and logistics utilize IoT applications to streamline operations and enhance tracking capabilities. In addition, the healthcare sector leverages IoT monetization for better patient monitoring and management systems. Lastly, the energy and utilities industry employs IoT technologies to optimize resource management and consumption. Collectively, these industries demonstrate the vast potential and diverse applications of IoT monetization across the global economy. #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup Read the full report here: https://www.imarcgroup.com/iot-monetization-market
    IoT Monetization Market Size, Growth and Forecast, 2033
    IoT monetization market size reached USD 518.0 Billion in 2024 to reach USD 6,712.3??Billion by 2033 at a CAGR of 32.93% during 2025-2033.
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    L'ex broker di Wall Street Ross Mandell afferma che gli incendi di Los Angeles Pacific Palisades erano pianificati

    "Ti sorprenderò. La gente di BlackRock sta andando porta a porta offrendo di acquistare case. — Questa è una cosa altamente organizzata"
    "Pensi che sia successo per caso? Le dighe sono state svuotate dal governatore Newsom senza una buona ragione. Gli idranti sono vuoti senza una buona ragione."
    "Tre mesi fa, State Farm, la grande compagnia assicurativa di Los Angeles, ha cancellato le polizze antincendio di tutti perché il governatore ha deciso di non consentire a State Farm di aumentare i prezzi. Quindi ora le persone non hanno più un'assicurazione. Pensi che sia successo per caso?"
    "BlackRock sta andando porta a porta, facendo offerte generose in contanti. Vogliono prendere le case di tutti. Questo è il business in cui sono impegnati. Non è così segreto. È stato altamente organizzato"


    Former Wall Street Broker Ross Mandell Says Los Angeles Pacific Palisades Fires Were Planned

    "I'll surprise you. The BlackRock people are going door to door offering to buy houses. — This is highly organized."
    "You think this happened by accident? The dams were emptied by Governor Newsom for no good reason. The fire hydrants are empty for no good reason."
    "Three months ago, State Farm, the big insurance company in Los Angeles, canceled everyone's fire insurance because the governor decided not to allow State Farm to raise prices. So now people don't have insurance. You think this happened by accident?"
    "BlackRock is going door to door, making generous cash offers. They want to take everyone's house. This is the business they're in. It's not that secret. It was highly organized."
    ALTRO CHE CAMBIAMENTO CLIMATICO. CAMBIAMENTO DI PROPRIETA'! L'ex broker di Wall Street Ross Mandell afferma che gli incendi di Los Angeles Pacific Palisades erano pianificati "Ti sorprenderò. La gente di BlackRock sta andando porta a porta offrendo di acquistare case. — Questa è una cosa altamente organizzata" "Pensi che sia successo per caso? Le dighe sono state svuotate dal governatore Newsom senza una buona ragione. Gli idranti sono vuoti senza una buona ragione." "Tre mesi fa, State Farm, la grande compagnia assicurativa di Los Angeles, ha cancellato le polizze antincendio di tutti perché il governatore ha deciso di non consentire a State Farm di aumentare i prezzi. Quindi ora le persone non hanno più un'assicurazione. Pensi che sia successo per caso?" "BlackRock sta andando porta a porta, facendo offerte generose in contanti. Vogliono prendere le case di tutti. Questo è il business in cui sono impegnati. Non è così segreto. È stato altamente organizzato" OTHER THAN CLIMATE CHANGE. OWNERSHIP CHANGE! Former Wall Street Broker Ross Mandell Says Los Angeles Pacific Palisades Fires Were Planned "I'll surprise you. The BlackRock people are going door to door offering to buy houses. — This is highly organized." "You think this happened by accident? The dams were emptied by Governor Newsom for no good reason. The fire hydrants are empty for no good reason." "Three months ago, State Farm, the big insurance company in Los Angeles, canceled everyone's fire insurance because the governor decided not to allow State Farm to raise prices. So now people don't have insurance. You think this happened by accident?" "BlackRock is going door to door, making generous cash offers. They want to take everyone's house. This is the business they're in. It's not that secret. It was highly organized."
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni 3
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/pt/reports/global-cyber-insurance-market
    Tamanho Do Mercado Global De Seguros Cibernéticos, Participação, Crescimento E Tendências Do Relatório - 2030
    A uma taxa de crescimento anual composta de 25,40% durante o período projetado, estima-se que o mercado de seguro cibernético crescerá de US $ 11.998,53 milhões em 2022 para US $ 73.368,28 milhões até 2030.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 445 Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-marine-insurance-market
    Marine Insurance Market Opportunities, Drivers, Challenges, Scope, Share, & Global Analysis By 2029
    The Marine Insurance Market growth at a CAGR of 4.50% & expected USD 39.87 billion by 2029. It is analyzed on the basis of type, insurance, end-user and policy type.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 318 Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-health-insurance-market
    Health Insurance Market Size, Share Analysis & Statistics By 2031
    Health Insurance Market is expected to reach USD 3,723,048.30 million by 2031 from USD 2,035,166.07 million in 2023, growing with a CAGR of 7.9% in the forecast period
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 802 Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-third-party-cyber-insurance-market
    Third Party Cyber Insurance Market Scope, Segmentation, Key Players, Trends, & Analysis By 2030
    The Third Party Cyber Insurance Market boost up with a CAGR of 22.60% & surpass USD 39496.49 million by 2030. It is divided into component, insurance type, insurance coverage, organization size and application.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 484 Visualizzazioni

    C’è qualcosa di anomalo nell’omicidio di Brian Thompson, il superboss delle assicurazioni sanitarie che è stato ucciso la scorsa settimana da un attentatore incappucciato su un marciapiede di Manhattan.

    L’anomalia sta nel fatto che si fatica a trovare, in rete, una sincera compassione per la vittima, mentre si sente circolare silenziosamente una specie di tacita approvazione verso l’assassino che ha commesso quel gesto.

    Il motivo è molto semplice: Brian Thompson rappresentava, sintetizzato nella sua persona, tutto il male dell’America delle grandi corporation, quelle che si approfittano sistematicamente della debolezza del singolo cittadino, incapace di far valere i propri diritti di fronte alla potenza economica di queste corporation.

    Mister Smith contro Big Money. Perde sempre lui.

    Il caso delle compagnie di assicurazione, negli Stati Uniti, è uno dei più eclatanti in assoluto: da una parte hai uno Stato che non offre alcuna protezione sanitaria ai cittadini, obbligandoli a stipulare contratti assicurativi particolarmente esosi per proteggere la propria salute. E dall’altra hai, appunto, le compagnie di assicurazione che si approfittano di questa situazione, ingurgitano miliardi di dollari ogni anno da parte dei cittadini, ma poi quando si tratta di rimborsarli per un intervento medico ricorrono a mille “trucchetti del mestiere” per ritardare i pagamenti, dimezzarli o non effettuarli del tutto.

    Talmente diffusa è questa pratica, che è addirittura uscito un libro intitolato “Delay, Deny, Defend” che denuncia proprio questa frode sistematica (“Ritardare, negare, difendere”) da parte delle compagnie assicurative.

    E proprio le parole “Deny” “Defend” e “Depose” sono state trovate scitte sui bossoli dei proiettili che l’assassino, Luigi Mangione, ha utilizzato per uccidere Brian Thompson. (Per “depose” si intende “portare in tribunale”, altra tattica favorita delle assicurazioni).

    L’omicidio ha quindi tutto il sapore di un episodio di giustizia popolare, nel quale il cittadino frustrato e stufo di essere preso in giro da un sistema che protegge i ladri invece di punirli, si è fatto giustizia da solo.

    Non a caso, stanno già nascendo in rete poesie e canzoni che lo celebrano, mentre iniziano a circolare gadget come tazze, magliette e sticker che portano il motto “Deny, Defend and Depose”. Fra i mille post su X, ne è comparso uno che diceva: “ Ho tanta compassione per la famiglia di Thompson quanta ne hanno avuta le compagnie di assicurazioni per la mia”. Cioè, zero.

    Se voi foste il giudice, condannereste all’ergastolo Luigi Mangione?

    Massimo Mazzucco


    There is something anomalous about the murder of Brian Thompson, the health insurance superboss who was killed last week by a hooded attacker on a Manhattan sidewalk.

    The anomaly lies in the fact that it is difficult to find, online, sincere compassion for the victim, while a sort of tacit approval for the murderer who committed that act is silently circulating.

    The reason is very simple: Brian Thompson represented, summed up in his person, all the evil of America's big corporations, those that systematically take advantage of the weakness of the individual citizen, incapable of asserting his rights in the face of the economic power of these corporations.

    Mister Smith against Big Money. He always loses.

    The case of insurance companies, in the United States, is one of the most striking ever: on one hand, you have a State that offers no health protection to its citizens, forcing them to take out particularly expensive insurance contracts to protect their health. And on the other hand, you have the insurance companies that take advantage of this situation, they gobble up billions of dollars every year from citizens, but then when it comes to reimbursing them for a medical procedure they resort to a thousand "tricks of the trade" to delay payments, halve them or not make them at all.

    This practice is so widespread that a book called "Delay, Deny, Defend" has even been published, denouncing this systematic fraud ("Delay, deny, defend") by insurance companies.

    And the words "Deny" "Defend" and "Depose" were found written on the cartridge cases of the bullets that the killer, Luigi Mangione, used to kill Brian Thompson. ("Depose" means "to take to court", another favorite tactic of insurance companies).

    The murder therefore has all the flavor of an episode of popular justice, in which the citizen, frustrated and tired of being made fun of by a system that protects thieves instead of punishing them, took justice into his own hands.

    It is no coincidence that poems and songs celebrating him are already appearing online, while gadgets such as mugs, t-shirts and stickers bearing the motto “Deny, Defend and Depose” are starting to circulate. Among the thousand posts on X, one appeared that said: “I have as much compassion for Thompson’s family as the insurance companies had for mine.” That is, zero.

    If you were the judge, would you sentence Luigi Mangione to life in prison?

    Massimo Mazzucco

    LA VENDETTA DI MR. SMITH C’è qualcosa di anomalo nell’omicidio di Brian Thompson, il superboss delle assicurazioni sanitarie che è stato ucciso la scorsa settimana da un attentatore incappucciato su un marciapiede di Manhattan. L’anomalia sta nel fatto che si fatica a trovare, in rete, una sincera compassione per la vittima, mentre si sente circolare silenziosamente una specie di tacita approvazione verso l’assassino che ha commesso quel gesto. Il motivo è molto semplice: Brian Thompson rappresentava, sintetizzato nella sua persona, tutto il male dell’America delle grandi corporation, quelle che si approfittano sistematicamente della debolezza del singolo cittadino, incapace di far valere i propri diritti di fronte alla potenza economica di queste corporation. Mister Smith contro Big Money. Perde sempre lui. Il caso delle compagnie di assicurazione, negli Stati Uniti, è uno dei più eclatanti in assoluto: da una parte hai uno Stato che non offre alcuna protezione sanitaria ai cittadini, obbligandoli a stipulare contratti assicurativi particolarmente esosi per proteggere la propria salute. E dall’altra hai, appunto, le compagnie di assicurazione che si approfittano di questa situazione, ingurgitano miliardi di dollari ogni anno da parte dei cittadini, ma poi quando si tratta di rimborsarli per un intervento medico ricorrono a mille “trucchetti del mestiere” per ritardare i pagamenti, dimezzarli o non effettuarli del tutto. Talmente diffusa è questa pratica, che è addirittura uscito un libro intitolato “Delay, Deny, Defend” che denuncia proprio questa frode sistematica (“Ritardare, negare, difendere”) da parte delle compagnie assicurative. E proprio le parole “Deny” “Defend” e “Depose” sono state trovate scitte sui bossoli dei proiettili che l’assassino, Luigi Mangione, ha utilizzato per uccidere Brian Thompson. (Per “depose” si intende “portare in tribunale”, altra tattica favorita delle assicurazioni). L’omicidio ha quindi tutto il sapore di un episodio di giustizia popolare, nel quale il cittadino frustrato e stufo di essere preso in giro da un sistema che protegge i ladri invece di punirli, si è fatto giustizia da solo. Non a caso, stanno già nascendo in rete poesie e canzoni che lo celebrano, mentre iniziano a circolare gadget come tazze, magliette e sticker che portano il motto “Deny, Defend and Depose”. Fra i mille post su X, ne è comparso uno che diceva: “ Ho tanta compassione per la famiglia di Thompson quanta ne hanno avuta le compagnie di assicurazioni per la mia”. Cioè, zero. Se voi foste il giudice, condannereste all’ergastolo Luigi Mangione? Massimo Mazzucco MR. SMITH'S REVENGE There is something anomalous about the murder of Brian Thompson, the health insurance superboss who was killed last week by a hooded attacker on a Manhattan sidewalk. The anomaly lies in the fact that it is difficult to find, online, sincere compassion for the victim, while a sort of tacit approval for the murderer who committed that act is silently circulating. The reason is very simple: Brian Thompson represented, summed up in his person, all the evil of America's big corporations, those that systematically take advantage of the weakness of the individual citizen, incapable of asserting his rights in the face of the economic power of these corporations. Mister Smith against Big Money. He always loses. The case of insurance companies, in the United States, is one of the most striking ever: on one hand, you have a State that offers no health protection to its citizens, forcing them to take out particularly expensive insurance contracts to protect their health. And on the other hand, you have the insurance companies that take advantage of this situation, they gobble up billions of dollars every year from citizens, but then when it comes to reimbursing them for a medical procedure they resort to a thousand "tricks of the trade" to delay payments, halve them or not make them at all. This practice is so widespread that a book called "Delay, Deny, Defend" has even been published, denouncing this systematic fraud ("Delay, deny, defend") by insurance companies. And the words "Deny" "Defend" and "Depose" were found written on the cartridge cases of the bullets that the killer, Luigi Mangione, used to kill Brian Thompson. ("Depose" means "to take to court", another favorite tactic of insurance companies). The murder therefore has all the flavor of an episode of popular justice, in which the citizen, frustrated and tired of being made fun of by a system that protects thieves instead of punishing them, took justice into his own hands. It is no coincidence that poems and songs celebrating him are already appearing online, while gadgets such as mugs, t-shirts and stickers bearing the motto “Deny, Defend and Depose” are starting to circulate. Among the thousand posts on X, one appeared that said: “I have as much compassion for Thompson’s family as the insurance companies had for mine.” That is, zero. If you were the judge, would you sentence Luigi Mangione to life in prison? Massimo Mazzucco Source: https://www.facebook.com/share/15hg1JxfyZ/
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 6K Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-cyber-insurance-market
    Cyber Insurance Market Size, Trends & Overview By 2031
    The Cyber Insurance Market was valued at USD 15.05 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 92.00 billion, with a CAGR of 25.40% by 2031
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  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-marine-insurance-market
    Marine Insurance Market Opportunities, Drivers, Challenges, Scope, Share, & Global Analysis By 2029
    The Marine Insurance Market growth at a CAGR of 4.50% & expected USD 39.87 billion by 2029. It is analyzed on the basis of type, insurance, end-user and policy type.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 397 Visualizzazioni
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