• What Makes AI Video Generators Ideal for E-Commerce Brands?

    Looking for a free AI video generator? Check out our latest blog post to discover why AI video generators are a game-changer for eCommerce businesses. Read more today!

    What Makes AI Video Generators Ideal for E-Commerce Brands? Looking for a free AI video generator? Check out our latest blog post to discover why AI video generators are a game-changer for eCommerce businesses. Read more today! https://palzparc.com/adblog/17651/what-makes-ai-video-generators-ideal-for-e-commerce-brands/
    What Makes AI Video Generators Ideal for E-Commerce Brands? What Makes AI Video Generators Ideal for E-Commerce Brands?
    There is so much competition in the new age of e-commerce that a brand needs to look at ways to keep its competitive edge. Among the newest and most powerful tools that have emerged is the free AI video generator, which uses artificial intelligence to create high-quality, targeted videos at a very rapid pace and affordable cost. Goodbye to the older norm of video creation; here comes the game-changer for e-commerce businesses. So, let's explore what is ideal for the e-commerce business with AI video generators. 1. Low Cost of Content ProductionTraditional video production is very costly and time-consuming. Most e-commerce brands would require a budget for the equipment, actors, directors, editors, and many more expenses to create professional videos. This often limits the number of video content being produced. AI video generators do away with such limits because they provide affordable, accessible video creation methods.2. Speed and EfficiencyVideo tools lead as far as speed is concerned. Generating videos the old way, from the writing of the script and up to filming and cutting, might take days or sometimes even weeks. AI video machines skip the whole process with automation. In a few minutes, input like product images, descriptions, and even voice-over scripts can be transformed by AI tools into a good-quality video.This speed of video making is especially crucial for e-commerce brands to cash in on trends, promotions, or seasonal sales. AI video generators enable brands to create content quickly for a new product launch or a limited-time offer, which ensures they keep pace with the fast nature of e-commerce.3. ScalabilityOne of e-commerce brands' biggest challenges is scaling their marketing efforts effectively. As a brand grows, producing content for multiple products, campaigns, or customer segments becomes increasingly difficult. AI video generators make scaling content creation easier by automating many of the tasks involved in video production.Due to AI, hundreds or thousands of product videos are quickly and efficiently generated for e-commerce brands. Such tools also generate multiple versions of the same video to reach out to various groups of people depending on demography, languages, and other differences. Scalers benefit large e-commerce companies that need huge volumes of content creation for their myriad products and customers.4. Improved Engagement and Conversion RateVideo content has long been proven to boost customer engagement and improve conversion rates. Consumers are more likely to buy a product if they watch a video explaining the same. AI video generators assist e-commerce brands in harnessing this extremely effective marketing medium by producing interesting videos about product features, benefits, and use cases.In addition, AI makes the video content more optimal through customer interaction and feedback analysis. Video content can be changed over time. Therefore, AI-generated videos could continuously improve and increase traffic, engagement, and sales effectiveness.5. Consistency and Brand IdentityBrand identity re-enforcement in all video content is extremely important for e-commerce brands. AI video makers make sure that all the colors, fonts, messaging, and tones are aligned with the brand identity. This will enhance the building brands of people or products, and their brands will be known as safe and trustworthy.Additionally, such instruments' metrics can count video performances produced from other sources of different kinds of campaigns or platforms. Thus, by utilizing this, brands may perfect their video strategy to create content aligned with their more significant objectives and resonate well among the targeted audience.ConclusionWith the help of AI, video generators have brought numerous benefits to online business brands as they give them a better opportunity to grow and flourish in their market. AI video tools are changing the game of video marketing for brands. It ranges from cost-effective video production and rapid content creation and personalisation to scalability, improved engagement, and better engagement. And so, as AI technology continues, this is a future when these tools will be even stronger to help e-commerce businesses produce even more impactful and effective video content. It is no longer a luxury but an essential strategy embracing AI video generation as every e-commerce brand fights for space in this digital age.
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  • https://couponzatps.com/store/thespanishgroup.org-coupons
    Using The Spanish Group Coupons Code for your translation needs offers numerous benefits that can enhance your experience while saving you money. The Spanish Group is a reputable translation agency known for its high-quality services across multiple languages. By utilizing their coupon codes, you can access professional translation services at a more affordable price, making it easier to communicate effectively in a globalized world. These discounts not only reduce costs but also allow you to take advantage of specialized services, such as legal or medical translations, without exceeding your budget. Additionally, the user-friendly online platform simplifies the ordering process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. For even more savings on various products and services, consider visiting Couponzatps store (E-commerce), where you can find a wide range of discount codes to maximize your budget.
    https://couponzatps.com/store/thespanishgroup.org-coupons Using The Spanish Group Coupons Code for your translation needs offers numerous benefits that can enhance your experience while saving you money. The Spanish Group is a reputable translation agency known for its high-quality services across multiple languages. By utilizing their coupon codes, you can access professional translation services at a more affordable price, making it easier to communicate effectively in a globalized world. These discounts not only reduce costs but also allow you to take advantage of specialized services, such as legal or medical translations, without exceeding your budget. Additionally, the user-friendly online platform simplifies the ordering process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. For even more savings on various products and services, consider visiting Couponzatps store (E-commerce), where you can find a wide range of discount codes to maximize your budget.
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    Progetto pilota che confluirà nel wallet europeo, molto più di un portafoglio digitale, potrà essere usato anche per registrarsi sui siti e pone una gravissima minaccia alla privacy.


    Come ho già spiegato qui, il fine di IT wallet è arrivare ad un'identità digitale europea unica. La fase iniziale di Ottobre sarà aperta a 50mila persone scelte a campione, e poi sarà estesa a tutti gli italiani.
    A differenza dell'identità digitale che è un sistema di riconoscimento che contiene bene o male le stesse informazioni di una carta di identità, e che è necessaria per accedere all'app IO che conterrà il portafoglio digitale, nel wallet confluiranno tutti i documenti della persona, anche la patente e la tessera sanitaria. Ma a quanto pare, secondo le ultime notizie (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), anche la tessera elettorale sarà digitalizzata e presente su IT wallet, e progressivamente vi si potrà caricare il modello ISEE e qualsiasi tipo di documento e attestato, infine potrà anche essere utilizzato per caricare gli abbonamenti ai mezzi pubblici, ai concerti, di qualsiasi altro servizio. IT wallet sarà un modello di portafoglio digitale, ed oltre alla versione pubblica saranno previste anche versioni gestite da privati che potranno avere altre funzionalità. L'Italia, come ci tengono a rimarcare, è il primo paese nell'UE che adotterà un sistema di portafoglio digitale, ed è stato selezionato come paese pilota anche per questa sperimentazione di massa. IT wallet sarà sostituito nel 2026 da EUDI, l'identità digitale europea.


    Sul sito dell'UE dedicato al portafoglio digitale viene scritto che potrà essere utilizzato per iscriversi all'università, aprire un conto in banca e persino per fare domanda di lavoro. Sulla pagina specifica dedicata agli usi, oltre alla patente digitale, si potrà usare per autorizzare pagamenti, per le prescrizioni mediche, per registrare una nuova SIM, documenti di viaggio, per applicare la firma digitale ai documenti, attestare di lavorare per una determinata azienda e persino firmare contratti. In base al tutorial contenuto su questa pagina il wallet potrà essere utilizzato per registrarsi agli eventi e ai siti in generale. Assomiglia al progetto del WEF dell'identità digitale unica (1, 2, 3) il cui scopo è associare ad un unico individuo tutta l'attività che ognuno di noi ha su internet. Infatti attualmente ogni volta che ci registriamo su un sito dobbiamo inventare delle nostre credenziali e l'account che una persona ha su un sito di e-commerce è totalmente indipendente dall'account che si utilizza per commentare su un altro sito. Registrarsi sui siti col wallet consentirà circoscrivere in un'unica identità virtuale tutte le attività che facciamo su internet consentendo alle autorità un totale controllo sulle nostre attività e agli speculatori una profilazione ancora più puntuale.


    Sul sito dell'UE si legge che viene garantita l'assoluta privacy a chi utilizza il wallet. Per occultare l'assenza totale di tutela in rete hanno coniato un nuovo termine in neolingua chiamato inosservabilità, che secondo loro va a sostituire la parola anonimato. Le proprie azioni rimangono private e invisibili online agli altri utenti, ma non alle autorità, cosa che invece l'anonimato garantisce. Sostengono che i privati non possono combinare i dati degli utilizzi del wallet su siti diversi, così ad esempio il gestore del sito A non sa se sei iscritto anche al sito B. Questo è falso, perché basterà combinare il wallet con l'account Google o usare dei semplici cookie e sarà facilmente possibile risalire tramite algoritmi a tutte le attività degli utenti.


    IT wallet è l'inizio di un progetto pen peggiore del semplice avere un portafoglio di documenti digitali, e già questo è grave di per sé. L'autenticazione unica, estesa potenzialmente a tutti i siti internet, rende questo strumento un panopticon digitale.

    (fonte: Der Einzige - Il fronte intellettuale)
    IT WALLET PARTE DAL 23 OTTOBRE Progetto pilota che confluirà nel wallet europeo, molto più di un portafoglio digitale, potrà essere usato anche per registrarsi sui siti e pone una gravissima minaccia alla privacy. 1) LA TESSERA ELETTORALE SARÀ IN IT WALLET Come ho già spiegato qui, il fine di IT wallet è arrivare ad un'identità digitale europea unica. La fase iniziale di Ottobre sarà aperta a 50mila persone scelte a campione, e poi sarà estesa a tutti gli italiani. A differenza dell'identità digitale che è un sistema di riconoscimento che contiene bene o male le stesse informazioni di una carta di identità, e che è necessaria per accedere all'app IO che conterrà il portafoglio digitale, nel wallet confluiranno tutti i documenti della persona, anche la patente e la tessera sanitaria. Ma a quanto pare, secondo le ultime notizie (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), anche la tessera elettorale sarà digitalizzata e presente su IT wallet, e progressivamente vi si potrà caricare il modello ISEE e qualsiasi tipo di documento e attestato, infine potrà anche essere utilizzato per caricare gli abbonamenti ai mezzi pubblici, ai concerti, di qualsiasi altro servizio. IT wallet sarà un modello di portafoglio digitale, ed oltre alla versione pubblica saranno previste anche versioni gestite da privati che potranno avere altre funzionalità. L'Italia, come ci tengono a rimarcare, è il primo paese nell'UE che adotterà un sistema di portafoglio digitale, ed è stato selezionato come paese pilota anche per questa sperimentazione di massa. IT wallet sarà sostituito nel 2026 da EUDI, l'identità digitale europea. 2) L'EU WALLET È L'IDENTITÀ DIGITALE UNICA DEL WEF Sul sito dell'UE dedicato al portafoglio digitale viene scritto che potrà essere utilizzato per iscriversi all'università, aprire un conto in banca e persino per fare domanda di lavoro. Sulla pagina specifica dedicata agli usi, oltre alla patente digitale, si potrà usare per autorizzare pagamenti, per le prescrizioni mediche, per registrare una nuova SIM, documenti di viaggio, per applicare la firma digitale ai documenti, attestare di lavorare per una determinata azienda e persino firmare contratti. In base al tutorial contenuto su questa pagina il wallet potrà essere utilizzato per registrarsi agli eventi e ai siti in generale. Assomiglia al progetto del WEF dell'identità digitale unica (1, 2, 3) il cui scopo è associare ad un unico individuo tutta l'attività che ognuno di noi ha su internet. Infatti attualmente ogni volta che ci registriamo su un sito dobbiamo inventare delle nostre credenziali e l'account che una persona ha su un sito di e-commerce è totalmente indipendente dall'account che si utilizza per commentare su un altro sito. Registrarsi sui siti col wallet consentirà circoscrivere in un'unica identità virtuale tutte le attività che facciamo su internet consentendo alle autorità un totale controllo sulle nostre attività e agli speculatori una profilazione ancora più puntuale. 3) LE MENZOGNE DELL'UE SULLA PRIVACY Sul sito dell'UE si legge che viene garantita l'assoluta privacy a chi utilizza il wallet. Per occultare l'assenza totale di tutela in rete hanno coniato un nuovo termine in neolingua chiamato inosservabilità, che secondo loro va a sostituire la parola anonimato. Le proprie azioni rimangono private e invisibili online agli altri utenti, ma non alle autorità, cosa che invece l'anonimato garantisce. Sostengono che i privati non possono combinare i dati degli utilizzi del wallet su siti diversi, così ad esempio il gestore del sito A non sa se sei iscritto anche al sito B. Questo è falso, perché basterà combinare il wallet con l'account Google o usare dei semplici cookie e sarà facilmente possibile risalire tramite algoritmi a tutte le attività degli utenti. CONCLUSIONI IT wallet è l'inizio di un progetto pen peggiore del semplice avere un portafoglio di documenti digitali, e già questo è grave di per sé. L'autenticazione unica, estesa potenzialmente a tutti i siti internet, rende questo strumento un panopticon digitale. (fonte: Der Einzige - Il fronte intellettuale)
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 9K Views
  • Rising Number of DIY Customers Is a Key Driver for U.A.E. E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket

    The U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket is witnessing growth. This growth can be credited to the growing purchaser knowledge and suitability, rising count of do-it-yourself customers, growing count of road accidents, and increasing vehicle sales, in the nation.

    U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket Research Report@ https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/uae-e-commerce-automotive-aftermarket

    On the basis of type, the product category leading the industry, in terms of revenue. This dominance of the category is credited to the arrival of DIY culture in car customization among clientele and enthusiasts, doing the car modification tasks by themselves. Along with this, the other reasons that have an optimistic effect on the industry comprise a huge count of road accidents and a surge in car sales.

    Based on components in the product type, the lubricant category is projected to experience the highest CAGR during the projection period in the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket. This growth of the category can be credited to the increasing requirement to advance the performance of automobiles, and therefore, it is essential for possessors to get the vehicles checked at regular intervals for swift working of the cars.
    As per the WHO, nearly 2 individuals die every day on the U.A.E. roads in accidents. The growing count of accidents in the nation is directing to the increasing need for aftermarket components, in case of common wear & tear or road accident.

    Additionally, as per the WHO, safe vehicles play an essential role in preventing crashes and decreasing the count of accidents. Therefore, it is recommended to often check the vehicle’s general health and do the essential replacements for the stoppage of accidents. Oil and transmission solutions and tires, filters, lighting, brake parts, and suspension systems must be checked and substituted frequently.

    Additionally, increasing knowledge regarding vehicle preventive maintenance and consistent check-ups to decrease the count of vehicle failures and road accidents is projected to boost the development of the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket.

    Rising Number of DIY Customers Is a Key Driver for U.A.E. E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket The U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket is witnessing growth. This growth can be credited to the growing purchaser knowledge and suitability, rising count of do-it-yourself customers, growing count of road accidents, and increasing vehicle sales, in the nation. U.A.E E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket Research Report@ https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/uae-e-commerce-automotive-aftermarket On the basis of type, the product category leading the industry, in terms of revenue. This dominance of the category is credited to the arrival of DIY culture in car customization among clientele and enthusiasts, doing the car modification tasks by themselves. Along with this, the other reasons that have an optimistic effect on the industry comprise a huge count of road accidents and a surge in car sales. Based on components in the product type, the lubricant category is projected to experience the highest CAGR during the projection period in the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket. This growth of the category can be credited to the increasing requirement to advance the performance of automobiles, and therefore, it is essential for possessors to get the vehicles checked at regular intervals for swift working of the cars. As per the WHO, nearly 2 individuals die every day on the U.A.E. roads in accidents. The growing count of accidents in the nation is directing to the increasing need for aftermarket components, in case of common wear & tear or road accident. Additionally, as per the WHO, safe vehicles play an essential role in preventing crashes and decreasing the count of accidents. Therefore, it is recommended to often check the vehicle’s general health and do the essential replacements for the stoppage of accidents. Oil and transmission solutions and tires, filters, lighting, brake parts, and suspension systems must be checked and substituted frequently. Additionally, increasing knowledge regarding vehicle preventive maintenance and consistent check-ups to decrease the count of vehicle failures and road accidents is projected to boost the development of the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket.
    U.A.E. E-Commerce Automotive Aftermarket Outlook, 2025
    The U.A.E e-commerce automotive aftermarket was valued at $227.8 million in 2019, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% during 2020–2025. Increased customer awareness and better convenience act as a major driver for the U.A.E. e-commerce automotive aftermarket.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 8K Views
  • Cloud Category Has Larger Share in Marketing Automation Market

    The size of the marketing automation market was USD 5,332.6 million in 2022, and it will grow at a rate of 12.8% in the years to come, to reach USD 13,974.8 million by 2030, according to a report by P&S Intelligence

    The requirement for automated marketing solutions and services is growing significantly with organizations becoming more digitally integrated and an increasing number of people using the internet and mobile devices for shopping.

    The rising acceptance of digital marketing is one of the main reasons for the growth of the industry. Both SMEs and large enterprises are progressively accepting automation tools for advertising themselves on manifold channels, such as social media, email, and the web, and advancing the procedure of lead nurturing.

    The development in digital campaigning is chiefly because of the increasing use of the internet in India, Japan, the U.S., China, Germany, the U.K., and other nations. Furthermore, most businesses are utilizing the automation software for making their digital promotion activities, including lead generation, relationship management, targeted segmentation, lead scoring, cross-selling and upselling, more fruitful. Furthermore, such software supports organizations in connecting with their likely customers, by analyzing their online activities.

    Marketing automation software lets businesses produce leads by tracking and examining the activities and preferences of users, by means of the info users leave behind when browsing the internet. Moreover, with the assistance of such software, businesses can provide pertinent content to the potential customers, on the basis of their clicks and interactions on numerous social media platforms.

    The increasing social media usage is also playing a vital role in the development of the industry. At present, social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, are driving novel forms of social interaction, giving businesses the aptitude to effortlessly reach a large count of potential customers.

    SMEs will register the higher growth rate of, about 14%, in the marketing automation market, in the years to come. This is due to the increasing need for lessening burden of monotonous tasks, shift toward cloud computing, IoT, and other advanced technologies, and growing necessity for efficient business operations, ascertain the requirements of customers by analyzing their behavior on various online channels, and reducing operational expenditure.

    Furthermore, these solutions provide cross-selling prospects, enhanced client engagement, reduced communication time, and augmented sales to smaller enterprises.

    The cloud category had the larger market share, of over 70%, in the recent past. This has a lot to do with the vast implementation of the cloud computing technology amongst enterprises as it offers improved data access flexibility, high data storage, and reduced IT expenditure.

    Hence, because of the increasing focus on business on promoting their product and services online, encouraged by the continuous growth of the e-commerce sector, the marketing automation industry is making giant leaps.

    Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/marketing-automation-software-market
    Cloud Category Has Larger Share in Marketing Automation Market The size of the marketing automation market was USD 5,332.6 million in 2022, and it will grow at a rate of 12.8% in the years to come, to reach USD 13,974.8 million by 2030, according to a report by P&S Intelligence The requirement for automated marketing solutions and services is growing significantly with organizations becoming more digitally integrated and an increasing number of people using the internet and mobile devices for shopping. The rising acceptance of digital marketing is one of the main reasons for the growth of the industry. Both SMEs and large enterprises are progressively accepting automation tools for advertising themselves on manifold channels, such as social media, email, and the web, and advancing the procedure of lead nurturing. The development in digital campaigning is chiefly because of the increasing use of the internet in India, Japan, the U.S., China, Germany, the U.K., and other nations. Furthermore, most businesses are utilizing the automation software for making their digital promotion activities, including lead generation, relationship management, targeted segmentation, lead scoring, cross-selling and upselling, more fruitful. Furthermore, such software supports organizations in connecting with their likely customers, by analyzing their online activities. Marketing automation software lets businesses produce leads by tracking and examining the activities and preferences of users, by means of the info users leave behind when browsing the internet. Moreover, with the assistance of such software, businesses can provide pertinent content to the potential customers, on the basis of their clicks and interactions on numerous social media platforms. The increasing social media usage is also playing a vital role in the development of the industry. At present, social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, are driving novel forms of social interaction, giving businesses the aptitude to effortlessly reach a large count of potential customers. SMEs will register the higher growth rate of, about 14%, in the marketing automation market, in the years to come. This is due to the increasing need for lessening burden of monotonous tasks, shift toward cloud computing, IoT, and other advanced technologies, and growing necessity for efficient business operations, ascertain the requirements of customers by analyzing their behavior on various online channels, and reducing operational expenditure. Furthermore, these solutions provide cross-selling prospects, enhanced client engagement, reduced communication time, and augmented sales to smaller enterprises. The cloud category had the larger market share, of over 70%, in the recent past. This has a lot to do with the vast implementation of the cloud computing technology amongst enterprises as it offers improved data access flexibility, high data storage, and reduced IT expenditure. Hence, because of the increasing focus on business on promoting their product and services online, encouraged by the continuous growth of the e-commerce sector, the marketing automation industry is making giant leaps. Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/marketing-automation-software-market
    Marketing Automation Market Size, Share & Forecast Report 2030
    The marketing automation market size stood at $5,332.6 million in 2022, and it is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 12.8% during 2022–2030.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 10K Views
  • Our History
    JISE was established in October 2018, and began to build a factory in 2019, and established its own brand "JISE". It took 500 days to prepare and officially opened in June 2020. Since the company's operation, its performance has maintained a steady increase. In 2020 It has successfully become a regular cooperative supplier of JD.com, Vipshop, and Geek+. During the operation in 2020, it has obtained various qualification certificates and patents, and acquired many high-end equipment. After two years of hard work, the company has more than 100 employees. People, performance gradually develops steadily.
    Our Factory
    Jiangsu JISE Intelligent Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the planning, design, manufacturing, installation, debugging, maintenance, and consulting services of various storage equipment and storage systems. JISE has been focusing on the warehousing industry for many years, and has a group of high-quality design and R&D teams. With professional manufacturing experience, leading production equipment, excellent product quality, and honest business philosophy, we will provide every customer with high-quality products. With a full range of services, it enjoys a high reputation among partners and is the preferred storage equipment manufacturer for many companies.
    JISE factory is located in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of 35,000 square meters. It has various advanced automatic production lines for storage equipment, domestic first-class automatic electrostatic powder coating lines, and an average annual production capacity of 40,000 tons.
    JISE products are widely used in e-commerce, machinery, electronics, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, electric power, clothing, military industry and other industries, with product sales covering the world.
    In line with the enterprise spirit of "pragmatism, professionalism, unity, efficiency and innovation" and the vision of "becoming a global warehousing equipment supplier and service provider trusted by our partners", JISE will continue to forge ahead and move forward steadily!
    "Using high-quality products and services, continue to create value for customers" is the mission of JISE鈥檚 people!
    Product Application
    JISE鈥檚 products are widely used in e-commerce, machinery, electronics, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, electric power, clothing, military industry and other industries, with product sales covering the world
    Production Market
    Our products have been spread all over the country, and we have undertaken more than 100 storage rack projects. Since its establishment, we have signed 20 million sales of JD.com, 26 million sales of Vipshop, and 16 million sales of Geek+.
    Our service
    Pre-sales: When receiving the customer's demand information, reply or quote to the customer within 8 hours; if you need to make a design plan, strive to provide the plan diagram to the customer for confirmation within 2 working days, and make the quotation after the modification is completed to the customer's satisfaction;
    On sale: After receiving the customer's order, we will give the customer a time plan and timely feedback the production process to the customer, so that the customer can understand each process of their project in real time;
    A. Service content:
    1. According to the customer's total construction schedule, propose a time schedule for the entire cycle from design, manufacturing, factory inspection, transportation, on-site installation and acceptance, to delivery.
    2. According to the owner's civil engineering and fire protection design situation, complete the interface design of the equipment, civil engineering and other equipment, and submit a complete overall design plan drawing;
    3. Establish the corresponding organizational structure according to the project situation, allocate fixed personnel, and formulate the project plan, so that the project can be implemented smoothly.
    4. As the chief technical officer of the goods, JISE is responsible for the installation and commissioning of the racks, ensuring that the supplied rack systems meet the requirements of the technical documents and pass the final acceptance confirmed by both parties
    5. According to the provisions of the contract, submit the actual situation and report on the execution of the contract to the client at each stage of the execution of the contract.
    B. The shelf quality guarantee period is 2 years, and the following services are provided during the quality guarantee period.
    1. The overall shelf warranty period is 2 years. During the warranty period, if the product has quality, JISE will bear it, including the parts that need to be replaced in normal use (charged at cost).
    2. In the event of collision damage or other man-made damages or new accessories, we are responsible for supplying them at the contract price.
    3. For the maintenance requirements proposed by the customer, we promise to complete the maintenance work within the agreed maintenance date.
    4. All losses incurred by customers during the use of the products (services) provided by us due to quality problems shall be borne by us.
    5. During the warranty period, the seller will regularly provide technical information and materials on the use and maintenance of the goods.
    6. Response time of after-sales technical services
    (1) The response time for free repair or replacement of goods or parts with quality problems is 24 hours;
    (2) Free repair or replacement of goods or parts with quality problems will be shipped within 20 days.
    C. Terms of after-sales service outside the warranty period:
    1. After the warranty period expires, the seller will still provide high-quality after-sales service; the time limit of after-sales technical service is still according to the time within the warranty period;
    2. After the warranty period expires, the service fee will only charge the cost of materials and labor;
    3. The transportation expenses of maintenance personnel shall be charged according to actual conditions. Timber Racking Systems factory
    Our History JISE was established in October 2018, and began to build a factory in 2019, and established its own brand "JISE". It took 500 days to prepare and officially opened in June 2020. Since the company's operation, its performance has maintained a steady increase. In 2020 It has successfully become a regular cooperative supplier of JD.com, Vipshop, and Geek+. During the operation in 2020, it has obtained various qualification certificates and patents, and acquired many high-end equipment. After two years of hard work, the company has more than 100 employees. People, performance gradually develops steadily. Our Factory Jiangsu JISE Intelligent Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the planning, design, manufacturing, installation, debugging, maintenance, and consulting services of various storage equipment and storage systems. JISE has been focusing on the warehousing industry for many years, and has a group of high-quality design and R&D teams. With professional manufacturing experience, leading production equipment, excellent product quality, and honest business philosophy, we will provide every customer with high-quality products. With a full range of services, it enjoys a high reputation among partners and is the preferred storage equipment manufacturer for many companies. JISE factory is located in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. It covers an area of 35,000 square meters. It has various advanced automatic production lines for storage equipment, domestic first-class automatic electrostatic powder coating lines, and an average annual production capacity of 40,000 tons. JISE products are widely used in e-commerce, machinery, electronics, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, electric power, clothing, military industry and other industries, with product sales covering the world. In line with the enterprise spirit of "pragmatism, professionalism, unity, efficiency and innovation" and the vision of "becoming a global warehousing equipment supplier and service provider trusted by our partners", JISE will continue to forge ahead and move forward steadily! "Using high-quality products and services, continue to create value for customers" is the mission of JISE鈥檚 people! Product Application JISE鈥檚 products are widely used in e-commerce, machinery, electronics, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, electric power, clothing, military industry and other industries, with product sales covering the world Production Market Our products have been spread all over the country, and we have undertaken more than 100 storage rack projects. Since its establishment, we have signed 20 million sales of JD.com, 26 million sales of Vipshop, and 16 million sales of Geek+. Our service Pre-sales: When receiving the customer's demand information, reply or quote to the customer within 8 hours; if you need to make a design plan, strive to provide the plan diagram to the customer for confirmation within 2 working days, and make the quotation after the modification is completed to the customer's satisfaction; On sale: After receiving the customer's order, we will give the customer a time plan and timely feedback the production process to the customer, so that the customer can understand each process of their project in real time; A. Service content: 1. According to the customer's total construction schedule, propose a time schedule for the entire cycle from design, manufacturing, factory inspection, transportation, on-site installation and acceptance, to delivery. 2. According to the owner's civil engineering and fire protection design situation, complete the interface design of the equipment, civil engineering and other equipment, and submit a complete overall design plan drawing; 3. Establish the corresponding organizational structure according to the project situation, allocate fixed personnel, and formulate the project plan, so that the project can be implemented smoothly. 4. As the chief technical officer of the goods, JISE is responsible for the installation and commissioning of the racks, ensuring that the supplied rack systems meet the requirements of the technical documents and pass the final acceptance confirmed by both parties 5. According to the provisions of the contract, submit the actual situation and report on the execution of the contract to the client at each stage of the execution of the contract. B. The shelf quality guarantee period is 2 years, and the following services are provided during the quality guarantee period. 1. The overall shelf warranty period is 2 years. During the warranty period, if the product has quality, JISE will bear it, including the parts that need to be replaced in normal use (charged at cost). 2. In the event of collision damage or other man-made damages or new accessories, we are responsible for supplying them at the contract price. 3. For the maintenance requirements proposed by the customer, we promise to complete the maintenance work within the agreed maintenance date. 4. All losses incurred by customers during the use of the products (services) provided by us due to quality problems shall be borne by us. 5. During the warranty period, the seller will regularly provide technical information and materials on the use and maintenance of the goods. 6. Response time of after-sales technical services (1) The response time for free repair or replacement of goods or parts with quality problems is 24 hours; (2) Free repair or replacement of goods or parts with quality problems will be shipped within 20 days. C. Terms of after-sales service outside the warranty period: 1. After the warranty period expires, the seller will still provide high-quality after-sales service; the time limit of after-sales technical service is still according to the time within the warranty period; 2. After the warranty period expires, the service fee will only charge the cost of materials and labor; 3. The transportation expenses of maintenance personnel shall be charged according to actual conditions. Timber Racking Systems factory website:http://www.jiseracks.com/
    Industrial Warehouse storage racking, storage shelving, warehouse Mezzanine China Factory
    Jiangsu JISE Intelligent Storage Equipment Co., Ltd: We're well-known as one of the leading storage shelves, storage racking, warehouse mezzanine, cantilever rack, rack accessories manufacturers and suppliers in China. If you're going to buy cheap intelligent storage equipment for sale, welcome to get more information from our factory. Quality products and competitive price are available.
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