• Petizione: Per la Pace in Europa: No ai 800 Miliardi di Armamenti di Von der Leyen

    Noi, cittadini europei, esprimiamo la nostra ferma opposizione alle recenti dichiarazioni della Presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, che il 4 marzo 2025 ha proposto un piano da 800 miliardi di euro per il riarmo dell’Europa, chiamato “ReArm Europe”. Questo annuncio è arrivato poche ore dopo che il Presidente USA Donald Trump ha sospeso gli aiuti militari all’Ucraina, intensificando le tensioni transatlantiche. Dopo tre anni di guerra tra Russia e Ucraina, iniziata il 24 febbraio 2022, il conflitto ha causato una tragedia immensa: secondo l’ONU, al febbraio 2025, oltre 10.500 civili sono morti, mentre stime ucraine riportano più di 100.000 militari caduti e la Russia ammette oltre 50.000 perdite, con numeri reali probabilmente più alti. La guerra ha distrutto città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, lasciando milioni di sfollati. La maggioranza dei cittadini europei, come rilevato da sondaggi Eurobarometro del 2024, desidera la pace: il 68% si oppone a ulteriori escalation militari e sostiene negoziati. Invece di investire in armi, come i 150 miliardi di euro in prestiti per droni e missili annunciati da Von der Leyen, chiediamo che l’Europa punti su diplomazia e ricostruzione. Negli ultimi tre anni, il costo del gas e dell’energia è esploso: secondo Eurostat, i prezzi del gas per le famiglie sono passati da 7,8 €/100 kWh nel 2021 a 11,9 €/100 kWh nel 2023 (+52%), mentre l’elettricità è salita da 23,5 €/100 kWh a 28,9 €/100 kWh (+23%); l’inflazione complessiva nell’UE è balzata dal 2,55% nel 2021 al 9,32% nel 2022, per poi scendere al 6,3% nel 2023, restando però ben sopra il target BCE del 2%. Questi aumenti pesano sui bilanci familiari e industriali, rendendo insostenibile un’ulteriore militarizzazione. Il summit UE del 6 marzo 2025 a Bruxelles non deve trasformarsi in un via libera alla militarizzazione, ma in un’occasione per ascoltare la volontà popolare. Rifiutiamo una corsa agli armamenti che rischia di portarci verso una terza guerra mondiale e chiediamo ai leader di fermare le ostilità, destinando risorse a una visione di pace concreta: chiediamo fondi per ricostruire città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, completamente rase al suolo, anziché finanziare nuovi conflitti, risorse per compensare economicamente i familiari delle vittime della guerra e per fornire assistenza medica e riabilitativa alle centinaia di migliaia di feriti, invece di investire in armi, e programmi di assistenza per il reinsediamento delle famiglie sfollate. Firma per dire no alla guerra e sì a un’Europa di dialogo e solidarietà.



    Petition: For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments

    We, European citizens, strongly oppose the recent statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who on March 4, 2025, unveiled an €800 billion “ReArm Europe” plan to bolster Europe’s defenses. This came hours after U.S. President Donald Trump suspended military aid to Ukraine, escalating transatlantic tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war, ongoing since February 24, 2022, has caused immense tragedy: the UN reports over 10,500 civilian deaths by February 2025, while Ukraine estimates over 100,000 soldiers killed and Russia acknowledges 50,000 losses, with true figures likely higher. Cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut lie in ruins, and millions are displaced. Most Europeans, as shown by a 2024 Eurobarometer survey, want peace—68% oppose further military escalation and support negotiations. Instead of pouring €150 billion in loans into drones and missiles, as Von der Leyen proposes, we demand investment in diplomacy and rebuilding. Over the past three years, gas and energy costs have soared: Eurostat data shows household gas prices rose from €7.8/100 kWh in 2021 to €11.9/100 kWh in 2023 (+52%), and electricity from €23.5/100 kWh to €28.9/100 kWh (+23%); EU inflation spiked from 2.55% in 2021 to 9.32% in 2022, then eased to 6.3% in 2023, still far above the ECB’s 2% target. These rises burden households and industries, making further militarization untenable. The EU summit on March 6, 2025, in Brussels must not greenlight militarization but reflect the public’s will. We reject an arms race that could drag us toward a third world war and urge leaders to end hostilities, redirecting funds to a tangible vision of peace: we demand funds to rebuild cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut, completely razed to the ground, rather than funding new conflicts, resources to financially compensate the families of war victims and to provide medical and rehabilitative care to the hundreds of thousands of wounded, instead of investing in weapons, and programs to assist the resettlement of displaced families. Sign to say no to war and yes to a Europe of dialogue and solidarity.


    Petizione: Per la Pace in Europa: No ai 800 Miliardi di Armamenti di Von der Leyen Noi, cittadini europei, esprimiamo la nostra ferma opposizione alle recenti dichiarazioni della Presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, che il 4 marzo 2025 ha proposto un piano da 800 miliardi di euro per il riarmo dell’Europa, chiamato “ReArm Europe”. Questo annuncio è arrivato poche ore dopo che il Presidente USA Donald Trump ha sospeso gli aiuti militari all’Ucraina, intensificando le tensioni transatlantiche. Dopo tre anni di guerra tra Russia e Ucraina, iniziata il 24 febbraio 2022, il conflitto ha causato una tragedia immensa: secondo l’ONU, al febbraio 2025, oltre 10.500 civili sono morti, mentre stime ucraine riportano più di 100.000 militari caduti e la Russia ammette oltre 50.000 perdite, con numeri reali probabilmente più alti. La guerra ha distrutto città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, lasciando milioni di sfollati. La maggioranza dei cittadini europei, come rilevato da sondaggi Eurobarometro del 2024, desidera la pace: il 68% si oppone a ulteriori escalation militari e sostiene negoziati. Invece di investire in armi, come i 150 miliardi di euro in prestiti per droni e missili annunciati da Von der Leyen, chiediamo che l’Europa punti su diplomazia e ricostruzione. Negli ultimi tre anni, il costo del gas e dell’energia è esploso: secondo Eurostat, i prezzi del gas per le famiglie sono passati da 7,8 €/100 kWh nel 2021 a 11,9 €/100 kWh nel 2023 (+52%), mentre l’elettricità è salita da 23,5 €/100 kWh a 28,9 €/100 kWh (+23%); l’inflazione complessiva nell’UE è balzata dal 2,55% nel 2021 al 9,32% nel 2022, per poi scendere al 6,3% nel 2023, restando però ben sopra il target BCE del 2%. Questi aumenti pesano sui bilanci familiari e industriali, rendendo insostenibile un’ulteriore militarizzazione. Il summit UE del 6 marzo 2025 a Bruxelles non deve trasformarsi in un via libera alla militarizzazione, ma in un’occasione per ascoltare la volontà popolare. Rifiutiamo una corsa agli armamenti che rischia di portarci verso una terza guerra mondiale e chiediamo ai leader di fermare le ostilità, destinando risorse a una visione di pace concreta: chiediamo fondi per ricostruire città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, completamente rase al suolo, anziché finanziare nuovi conflitti, risorse per compensare economicamente i familiari delle vittime della guerra e per fornire assistenza medica e riabilitativa alle centinaia di migliaia di feriti, invece di investire in armi, e programmi di assistenza per il reinsediamento delle famiglie sfollate. Firma per dire no alla guerra e sì a un’Europa di dialogo e solidarietà. FIRMA e CONDIVIDI. SIAMO LA GRANDE MAGGIORANZA dei CITTADINI EUROPEI e MONDIALI. DIMOSTRIAMO LA NOSTRA FORZA. GRAZIE a TUTTI! English Petition: For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments We, European citizens, strongly oppose the recent statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who on March 4, 2025, unveiled an €800 billion “ReArm Europe” plan to bolster Europe’s defenses. This came hours after U.S. President Donald Trump suspended military aid to Ukraine, escalating transatlantic tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war, ongoing since February 24, 2022, has caused immense tragedy: the UN reports over 10,500 civilian deaths by February 2025, while Ukraine estimates over 100,000 soldiers killed and Russia acknowledges 50,000 losses, with true figures likely higher. Cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut lie in ruins, and millions are displaced. Most Europeans, as shown by a 2024 Eurobarometer survey, want peace—68% oppose further military escalation and support negotiations. Instead of pouring €150 billion in loans into drones and missiles, as Von der Leyen proposes, we demand investment in diplomacy and rebuilding. Over the past three years, gas and energy costs have soared: Eurostat data shows household gas prices rose from €7.8/100 kWh in 2021 to €11.9/100 kWh in 2023 (+52%), and electricity from €23.5/100 kWh to €28.9/100 kWh (+23%); EU inflation spiked from 2.55% in 2021 to 9.32% in 2022, then eased to 6.3% in 2023, still far above the ECB’s 2% target. These rises burden households and industries, making further militarization untenable. The EU summit on March 6, 2025, in Brussels must not greenlight militarization but reflect the public’s will. We reject an arms race that could drag us toward a third world war and urge leaders to end hostilities, redirecting funds to a tangible vision of peace: we demand funds to rebuild cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut, completely razed to the ground, rather than funding new conflicts, resources to financially compensate the families of war victims and to provide medical and rehabilitative care to the hundreds of thousands of wounded, instead of investing in weapons, and programs to assist the resettlement of displaced families. Sign to say no to war and yes to a Europe of dialogue and solidarity. SIGN and SHARE. WE ARE THE VAST MAJORITY of EUROPEAN and WORLD CITIZENS. LET'S SHOW OUR STRENGTH. THANK YOU ALL! https://www.change.org/for_peace_in_europe
    Sign the Petition
    For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments
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  • High voltage (HV) #cables are an integral part of the power grid that is used to move #electricity across long distances with the least loss of power. These cables are employed in power grids, industrial applications, renewable energy systems, and other fields where high-power transmission is critical.

    Read More: https://f2f6vsu51.ukit.me/blog/a_technical_view_of_high_voltage_cables_and_their_importance
    High voltage (HV) #cables are an integral part of the power grid that is used to move #electricity across long distances with the least loss of power. These cables are employed in power grids, industrial applications, renewable energy systems, and other fields where high-power transmission is critical. Read More: https://f2f6vsu51.ukit.me/blog/a_technical_view_of_high_voltage_cables_and_their_importance
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  • Electricity is a wonderful part of our modern lives, but with such power come huge risks if not well managed. Electrical fires are among the leading causes of property damage globally, and they mostly result in injuries, fatalities, and huge economic losses.

    Read More: https://medium.com/@znergycable01/electrical-fire-hazards-and-safety-tips-c12cc628b4f4
    Electricity is a wonderful part of our modern lives, but with such power come huge risks if not well managed. Electrical fires are among the leading causes of property damage globally, and they mostly result in injuries, fatalities, and huge economic losses. Read More: https://medium.com/@znergycable01/electrical-fire-hazards-and-safety-tips-c12cc628b4f4
    Electrical Fire Hazards and Safety Tips
    Electricity is a wonderful part of our modern lives, but with such power come huge risks if not well managed. Electrical fires are among…
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  • Electrical power #cables are the most important part of any #electrical infrastructure. They transmit electricity from one place to another, making sure power is safely and efficiently delivered.

    Read More: https://znergycable.bravesites.com/entries/general/What-Types-of-Electrical-Power-Cables-Commonly-Used-
    Electrical power #cables are the most important part of any #electrical infrastructure. They transmit electricity from one place to another, making sure power is safely and efficiently delivered. Read More: https://znergycable.bravesites.com/entries/general/What-Types-of-Electrical-Power-Cables-Commonly-Used-
    What Types of Electrical Power Cables Commonly Used?
    Electrical power cables are the most important part of any electrical infrastructure. They transmit electricity from one place to another, making sure power is safely and efficiently delivered. The...
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  • Fire Rated Flexible Cables are the infrastructure of a home or building that brings electricity safely to lights, appliances, and other devices. Like any system, it gets worn out and, at some time, may become a safety hazard, become inefficient, or even completely fail.

    Read More: https://znergycable.gonevis.com/factors-on-how-to-monitor-and-decide-when-to-change-wirings/
    Fire Rated Flexible Cables are the infrastructure of a home or building that brings electricity safely to lights, appliances, and other devices. Like any system, it gets worn out and, at some time, may become a safety hazard, become inefficient, or even completely fail. Read More: https://znergycable.gonevis.com/factors-on-how-to-monitor-and-decide-when-to-change-wirings/
    Factors on How To Monitor And Decide When To Change Wirings - Znergy Cable - Australian Cable Manufacturers
    Here, we outline key factors to look out for and considerations to make before updating your electrical system.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1K Visualizzazioni
  • The modern world survives on electricity and telecommunications for the home, business, and industries running. At its core, electricity and data streams are transmitted on cables.

    Generally, overheads have been popular for power and data transmission traditionally.

    Read More: https://swatilalwani.wordpress.com/2025/01/20/what-are-underground-cables-their-benefits-and-different-types/
    The modern world survives on electricity and telecommunications for the home, business, and industries running. At its core, electricity and data streams are transmitted on cables. Generally, overheads have been popular for power and data transmission traditionally. Read More: https://swatilalwani.wordpress.com/2025/01/20/what-are-underground-cables-their-benefits-and-different-types/
    What are Underground Cables, Their Benefits, and Different Types?
    The modern world survives on electricity and telecommunications for the home, business, and industries running. At its core, electricity and data streams are transmitted on cables. Generally, overh…
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  • #Copper — the most popular electrical #wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial #cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting #electricity.

    But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper #Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel?

    Read More: https://notepd.com/idea/reasons-why-is-copper-used-in-cables-ngzr3
    #Copper — the most popular electrical #wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial #cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting #electricity. But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper #Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel? Read More: https://notepd.com/idea/reasons-why-is-copper-used-in-cables-ngzr3
    Znergy Cable on NotePD: 'Reasons Why is Copper Used in Ca...
    Copper — the most popular electrical wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting electricity. But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel? Through this blog, we aim to explore the major reasons why copper happens to be the metal of choice in electrical cables and touch upon its physical, chemical, and electrical properties that allow copper to conduct electricity perfectly, along with their practical advantages in day-to-day applications.Outstanding Electrical conducting skillsCopper Electric Cables, due to their exceptional electrical conductivity, are used in wires. Electrical conductivity, or the measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current, makes copper a close second to silver.Copper: The very best material for high-conductive wiring, most cable is made out of copper, as it is the best for its high conductivity, which can offer a low-resistance path to electrical current, particularly over long distances. Copper is one of the best conductors of electricity, after all, allowing it to carry an electrical current with minimum energy loss.Practically speaking, they enable power to be transferred more efficiently through copper cables, meaning less energy is lost to heat. This is especially true of low-voltage applications, such as household wiring, and high-voltage applications, like transmission lines.Durability and LongevityBeing highly durable, copper is great for making the cables as they are long-lasting. Copper also does not corrode or degrade easily, unlike some metals, so this also makes it a great wiring option in different conditions, whether the wiring is to be carried out indoors or outdoors.Copper’s anti-corrosion properties guarantee that cables will spring into action for decades, even in challenging conditions like high-humidity locales or outdoor interstitial spaces. The oxidation resistance of copper is especially important because the accumulation of oxidized atoms can form an insulating layer that reduces the conductivity.The durability minimizes the frequency of replacement and saves the company money and time throughout the lifespan of an electrical system.Tensile Strength and FlexibilityMoreover, copper exhibits remarkable tensile strength, the ability of a substance to resist being pulled apart. This makes copper cables mechanically strong and gives them the ability to withstand the tension or strain that may occur during installation or in places where cables come under movement or stress.But tensile strength alone does not make copper the ideal material for cable construction. Copper also presents favourable flexibility, which is essential in bending, coiling, or guiding wires through intricate geometries without fracturing or bristling. The best of both strength and flexibility make copper cables easy to install and durable in the long run.Flexible cables for things like home appliances, mobile devices, and automotive wiring often use copper, which will flex per cycle to some degree (and avoid the discoloration some metals will experience from the stress), which is important for movement and long-term use.Corrosion ResistanceAs we stated above, copper has very good corrosion resistance than most other metals. When exposed to moisture, for example, other metals such as iron or steel corrode, paving the way to a depressive change in the quality and reliability of electrical conductors. In contrast, when exposed to air and moisture, copper forms a protective patina layer (a greenish layer of copper carbonate) that prevents the oxidation of underlying layers of copper.The resistances against corrosion make cables work efficiently in areas such as marine applications, underground applications, or even in places with high humidity.Thermal ConductivityCopper is a good thermal conductor, so it dissipates heat more rapidly. Electrical wires and cables produce heat when powered through them, and hence it is paramount that this heat is dissipated properly to prevent overheating or damaging the wiring.Copper’s thermal conductivity allows it to dissipate heat effectively, enabling it to operate within a safe temperature range. Particularly for power transmission cables, the risk of overheating, which can fail electrical systems or even fire hazards, makes this especially important. In copper, the heat from the electrical current is distributed evenly, reducing the hazards of excessive temperatures.Solderability and Interface ConnectivityCopper has excellent soldering weldability, which makes it easy to connect with other connected elements. Because of copper’s low melting point (relative to other metals), as well as its ability to form strong, conductive bonds, it’s perfect for electrical connections.Copper is a tried and true conductor for all types of connections, when you have to join wires, put on connectors or perform any splicing. It is for this easy connection that copper is preferred for the making of those complex electrical systems and devices, no matter if it is for home appliances or for advanced electronics.ConclusionCopper has excellent electrical conductivity combined with durability and flexibility, along with corrosion resistance, making it a favorite for use in electrical cables. This unique pairing of qualities makes it a versatile and invaluable component in electrical systems, whether in residential settings or within expansive industrial-scale energy transmission and control systems.Copper also has great thermal conductivity, is easy to solder, and is compatible with other materials, making it a versatile option to use in different cable types. Hence, copper continues to be the go-to material in many industries despite the invention of alternatives such as aluminium.Copper remains the industry standard for home, commercial and industrial cable manufacturing, providing safe, efficient and effective solutions for powering and energizing the future of the planet—all without the environmental impact of fossil fuels or toxic enhancing agents that can be found in alternative cable products.Also Read: How Do You Keep Your House Safe from Short Circuits?
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  • Customizable Adjustable Self-Cleaning Bidet Attachment Nuovo
    No. 879, Xiahe Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China
    Our dual nozzle self-cleaning bidet attachment offers adjustable water pressure, a user-friendly design, a variety of colors, and straightforward operation, making it a must-have addition to any bathroom.

    Detail Information
    Upgrade your bathroom experience effortlessly with our innovative bidet attachment for toilets. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional cleaning methods and embrace the convenience and comfort of our non-electric bidet.

    What sets our bidet apart is its user-friendly design and customizable features. Easily adjust the water pressure to your preference for a gentle and refreshing cleanse every time. No more struggling with overly high or low water pressure – just pure relaxation and cleanliness.

    Despite its lack of electricity, our bidet offers endless possibilities for personalization. Choose from a variety of colors and even add your own logo to match your unique style and personality. Transform your bidet from a functional necessity to a fashion statement that reflects your individuality.

    Whether you're a busy professional or someone who values the finer things in life, our non-electric bidet is designed to cater to your needs. Its straightforward operation ensures a seamless experience without the hassle of complex installations.

    Bid farewell to the mundane task of cleaning and embrace the simplicity of our bidet. With its self-cleaning feature and intuitive design, maintaining hygiene has never been easier. It liberates you from the constraints of traditional bathing methods, allowing you to enjoy life's moments with ease and comfort.

    Experience the joy of simplicity and convenience with our non-electric bidet. Let it enhance every aspect of your life, bringing you endless surprises and delights along the way.

    Redefine your cleansing routine with the Dual Nozzle Self-Cleaning Bidet – make it an essential part of your daily life today!
    Our dual nozzle self-cleaning bidet attachment offers adjustable water pressure, a user-friendly design, a variety of colors, and straightforward operation, making it a must-have addition to any bathroom. Detail Information Upgrade your bathroom experience effortlessly with our innovative bidet attachment for toilets. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional cleaning methods and embrace the convenience and comfort of our non-electric bidet. What sets our bidet apart is its user-friendly design and customizable features. Easily adjust the water pressure to your preference for a gentle and refreshing cleanse every time. No more struggling with overly high or low water pressure – just pure relaxation and cleanliness. Despite its lack of electricity, our bidet offers endless possibilities for personalization. Choose from a variety of colors and even add your own logo to match your unique style and personality. Transform your bidet from a functional necessity to a fashion statement that reflects your individuality. Whether you're a busy professional or someone who values the finer things in life, our non-electric bidet is designed to cater to your needs. Its straightforward operation ensures a seamless experience without the hassle of complex installations. Bid farewell to the mundane task of cleaning and embrace the simplicity of our bidet. With its self-cleaning feature and intuitive design, maintaining hygiene has never been easier. It liberates you from the constraints of traditional bathing methods, allowing you to enjoy life's moments with ease and comfort. Experience the joy of simplicity and convenience with our non-electric bidet. Let it enhance every aspect of your life, bringing you endless surprises and delights along the way. Redefine your cleansing routine with the Dual Nozzle Self-Cleaning Bidet – make it an essential part of your daily life today!
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 3K Visualizzazioni
  • High-voltage #cables, therefore, are a fundamental element applied in the transmission and distribution of power. #Electricity supply needs to cover long distances; therefore, it is a concern if you operate within the energy industry or are an industrial facility requiring heavy #electrical solutions.

    Read More: https://znergycable.website2.me/blogs/guide-to-selecting-the-perfect-high-voltage-cable-manufacturers
    High-voltage #cables, therefore, are a fundamental element applied in the transmission and distribution of power. #Electricity supply needs to cover long distances; therefore, it is a concern if you operate within the energy industry or are an industrial facility requiring heavy #electrical solutions. Read More: https://znergycable.website2.me/blogs/guide-to-selecting-the-perfect-high-voltage-cable-manufacturers
    Guide To Selecting The Perfect High Voltage Cable Manufacturers
    High-voltage cables, therefore, are a fundamental element applied in the transmission and distribution of power. Electricity supply needs to cover long distances, and therefore it is a concern if you
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni
  • Prof. Ian Plimer:

    "Siamo stati disinformati al massimo per farci credere di vivere una crisi. Non siamo in una crisi climatica! Parlano di emergenza, ma noi stiamo vivendo nel migliore tempo che la terra abbia mai vissuto.
    Non siamo mai stati così bene. Il punto chiave è che non è stato mai provato che le emissioni umane di CO2 causano il riscaldamento globale. Solo il 3% delle emissioni sono umane, il resto sono naturali. Se dicono che le emissioni umane causano il riscaldamento globale, allora devono provare che le emissioni naturali, 97% del totale, non cambiano il clima.
    Questo non è stato mai affrontato. Abbiamo una politica che provoca un’isteria che non ha niente a che fare con l’ambiente, con il green. Tutto ciò ha a che fare con il denaro: basta guardare alla tua bolletta dell’elettricità.
    Questa è probabilmente la peggiore truffa dal tempo di Gesù Cristo!"

    Prof. Ian Plimer:

    "We have been misinformed to the max to make us believe we are living in a crisis. We are not in a climate crisis! They talk about an emergency, but we are living in the best time the earth has ever seen.
    We have never had it so good. The key point is that it has never been proven that human emissions of CO2 cause global warming. Only 3% of emissions are human, the rest are natural. If they say that human emissions cause global warming, then they have to prove that natural emissions, 97% of the total, do not change the climate.
    This has never been addressed. We have a policy that causes hysteria that has nothing to do with the environment, with green. It all has to do with money: just look at your electricity bill.
    This is probably the worst scam since the time of Jesus Christ.

    Prof. Ian Plimer: "Siamo stati disinformati al massimo per farci credere di vivere una crisi. Non siamo in una crisi climatica! Parlano di emergenza, ma noi stiamo vivendo nel migliore tempo che la terra abbia mai vissuto. Non siamo mai stati così bene. Il punto chiave è che non è stato mai provato che le emissioni umane di CO2 causano il riscaldamento globale. Solo il 3% delle emissioni sono umane, il resto sono naturali. Se dicono che le emissioni umane causano il riscaldamento globale, allora devono provare che le emissioni naturali, 97% del totale, non cambiano il clima. Questo non è stato mai affrontato. Abbiamo una politica che provoca un’isteria che non ha niente a che fare con l’ambiente, con il green. Tutto ciò ha a che fare con il denaro: basta guardare alla tua bolletta dell’elettricità. Questa è probabilmente la peggiore truffa dal tempo di Gesù Cristo!" Prof. Ian Plimer: "We have been misinformed to the max to make us believe we are living in a crisis. We are not in a climate crisis! They talk about an emergency, but we are living in the best time the earth has ever seen. We have never had it so good. The key point is that it has never been proven that human emissions of CO2 cause global warming. Only 3% of emissions are human, the rest are natural. If they say that human emissions cause global warming, then they have to prove that natural emissions, 97% of the total, do not change the climate. This has never been addressed. We have a policy that causes hysteria that has nothing to do with the environment, with green. It all has to do with money: just look at your electricity bill. This is probably the worst scam since the time of Jesus Christ. 👇👇👇
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 4K Visualizzazioni 1
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