• https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-health-insurance-market
    Health Insurance Market Size, Share Analysis & Statistics By 2031
    Health Insurance Market is expected to reach USD 3,723,048.30 million by 2031 from USD 2,035,166.07 million in 2023, growing with a CAGR of 7.9% in the forecast period
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 56 Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-third-party-cyber-insurance-market
    Third Party Cyber Insurance Market Scope, Segmentation, Key Players, Trends, & Analysis By 2030
    The Third Party Cyber Insurance Market boost up with a CAGR of 22.60% & surpass USD 39496.49 million by 2030. It is divided into component, insurance type, insurance coverage, organization size and application.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 20 Visualizzazioni

    C’è qualcosa di anomalo nell’omicidio di Brian Thompson, il superboss delle assicurazioni sanitarie che è stato ucciso la scorsa settimana da un attentatore incappucciato su un marciapiede di Manhattan.

    L’anomalia sta nel fatto che si fatica a trovare, in rete, una sincera compassione per la vittima, mentre si sente circolare silenziosamente una specie di tacita approvazione verso l’assassino che ha commesso quel gesto.

    Il motivo è molto semplice: Brian Thompson rappresentava, sintetizzato nella sua persona, tutto il male dell’America delle grandi corporation, quelle che si approfittano sistematicamente della debolezza del singolo cittadino, incapace di far valere i propri diritti di fronte alla potenza economica di queste corporation.

    Mister Smith contro Big Money. Perde sempre lui.

    Il caso delle compagnie di assicurazione, negli Stati Uniti, è uno dei più eclatanti in assoluto: da una parte hai uno Stato che non offre alcuna protezione sanitaria ai cittadini, obbligandoli a stipulare contratti assicurativi particolarmente esosi per proteggere la propria salute. E dall’altra hai, appunto, le compagnie di assicurazione che si approfittano di questa situazione, ingurgitano miliardi di dollari ogni anno da parte dei cittadini, ma poi quando si tratta di rimborsarli per un intervento medico ricorrono a mille “trucchetti del mestiere” per ritardare i pagamenti, dimezzarli o non effettuarli del tutto.

    Talmente diffusa è questa pratica, che è addirittura uscito un libro intitolato “Delay, Deny, Defend” che denuncia proprio questa frode sistematica (“Ritardare, negare, difendere”) da parte delle compagnie assicurative.

    E proprio le parole “Deny” “Defend” e “Depose” sono state trovate scitte sui bossoli dei proiettili che l’assassino, Luigi Mangione, ha utilizzato per uccidere Brian Thompson. (Per “depose” si intende “portare in tribunale”, altra tattica favorita delle assicurazioni).

    L’omicidio ha quindi tutto il sapore di un episodio di giustizia popolare, nel quale il cittadino frustrato e stufo di essere preso in giro da un sistema che protegge i ladri invece di punirli, si è fatto giustizia da solo.

    Non a caso, stanno già nascendo in rete poesie e canzoni che lo celebrano, mentre iniziano a circolare gadget come tazze, magliette e sticker che portano il motto “Deny, Defend and Depose”. Fra i mille post su X, ne è comparso uno che diceva: “ Ho tanta compassione per la famiglia di Thompson quanta ne hanno avuta le compagnie di assicurazioni per la mia”. Cioè, zero.

    Se voi foste il giudice, condannereste all’ergastolo Luigi Mangione?

    Massimo Mazzucco


    There is something anomalous about the murder of Brian Thompson, the health insurance superboss who was killed last week by a hooded attacker on a Manhattan sidewalk.

    The anomaly lies in the fact that it is difficult to find, online, sincere compassion for the victim, while a sort of tacit approval for the murderer who committed that act is silently circulating.

    The reason is very simple: Brian Thompson represented, summed up in his person, all the evil of America's big corporations, those that systematically take advantage of the weakness of the individual citizen, incapable of asserting his rights in the face of the economic power of these corporations.

    Mister Smith against Big Money. He always loses.

    The case of insurance companies, in the United States, is one of the most striking ever: on one hand, you have a State that offers no health protection to its citizens, forcing them to take out particularly expensive insurance contracts to protect their health. And on the other hand, you have the insurance companies that take advantage of this situation, they gobble up billions of dollars every year from citizens, but then when it comes to reimbursing them for a medical procedure they resort to a thousand "tricks of the trade" to delay payments, halve them or not make them at all.

    This practice is so widespread that a book called "Delay, Deny, Defend" has even been published, denouncing this systematic fraud ("Delay, deny, defend") by insurance companies.

    And the words "Deny" "Defend" and "Depose" were found written on the cartridge cases of the bullets that the killer, Luigi Mangione, used to kill Brian Thompson. ("Depose" means "to take to court", another favorite tactic of insurance companies).

    The murder therefore has all the flavor of an episode of popular justice, in which the citizen, frustrated and tired of being made fun of by a system that protects thieves instead of punishing them, took justice into his own hands.

    It is no coincidence that poems and songs celebrating him are already appearing online, while gadgets such as mugs, t-shirts and stickers bearing the motto “Deny, Defend and Depose” are starting to circulate. Among the thousand posts on X, one appeared that said: “I have as much compassion for Thompson’s family as the insurance companies had for mine.” That is, zero.

    If you were the judge, would you sentence Luigi Mangione to life in prison?

    Massimo Mazzucco

    LA VENDETTA DI MR. SMITH C’è qualcosa di anomalo nell’omicidio di Brian Thompson, il superboss delle assicurazioni sanitarie che è stato ucciso la scorsa settimana da un attentatore incappucciato su un marciapiede di Manhattan. L’anomalia sta nel fatto che si fatica a trovare, in rete, una sincera compassione per la vittima, mentre si sente circolare silenziosamente una specie di tacita approvazione verso l’assassino che ha commesso quel gesto. Il motivo è molto semplice: Brian Thompson rappresentava, sintetizzato nella sua persona, tutto il male dell’America delle grandi corporation, quelle che si approfittano sistematicamente della debolezza del singolo cittadino, incapace di far valere i propri diritti di fronte alla potenza economica di queste corporation. Mister Smith contro Big Money. Perde sempre lui. Il caso delle compagnie di assicurazione, negli Stati Uniti, è uno dei più eclatanti in assoluto: da una parte hai uno Stato che non offre alcuna protezione sanitaria ai cittadini, obbligandoli a stipulare contratti assicurativi particolarmente esosi per proteggere la propria salute. E dall’altra hai, appunto, le compagnie di assicurazione che si approfittano di questa situazione, ingurgitano miliardi di dollari ogni anno da parte dei cittadini, ma poi quando si tratta di rimborsarli per un intervento medico ricorrono a mille “trucchetti del mestiere” per ritardare i pagamenti, dimezzarli o non effettuarli del tutto. Talmente diffusa è questa pratica, che è addirittura uscito un libro intitolato “Delay, Deny, Defend” che denuncia proprio questa frode sistematica (“Ritardare, negare, difendere”) da parte delle compagnie assicurative. E proprio le parole “Deny” “Defend” e “Depose” sono state trovate scitte sui bossoli dei proiettili che l’assassino, Luigi Mangione, ha utilizzato per uccidere Brian Thompson. (Per “depose” si intende “portare in tribunale”, altra tattica favorita delle assicurazioni). L’omicidio ha quindi tutto il sapore di un episodio di giustizia popolare, nel quale il cittadino frustrato e stufo di essere preso in giro da un sistema che protegge i ladri invece di punirli, si è fatto giustizia da solo. Non a caso, stanno già nascendo in rete poesie e canzoni che lo celebrano, mentre iniziano a circolare gadget come tazze, magliette e sticker che portano il motto “Deny, Defend and Depose”. Fra i mille post su X, ne è comparso uno che diceva: “ Ho tanta compassione per la famiglia di Thompson quanta ne hanno avuta le compagnie di assicurazioni per la mia”. Cioè, zero. Se voi foste il giudice, condannereste all’ergastolo Luigi Mangione? Massimo Mazzucco MR. SMITH'S REVENGE There is something anomalous about the murder of Brian Thompson, the health insurance superboss who was killed last week by a hooded attacker on a Manhattan sidewalk. The anomaly lies in the fact that it is difficult to find, online, sincere compassion for the victim, while a sort of tacit approval for the murderer who committed that act is silently circulating. The reason is very simple: Brian Thompson represented, summed up in his person, all the evil of America's big corporations, those that systematically take advantage of the weakness of the individual citizen, incapable of asserting his rights in the face of the economic power of these corporations. Mister Smith against Big Money. He always loses. The case of insurance companies, in the United States, is one of the most striking ever: on one hand, you have a State that offers no health protection to its citizens, forcing them to take out particularly expensive insurance contracts to protect their health. And on the other hand, you have the insurance companies that take advantage of this situation, they gobble up billions of dollars every year from citizens, but then when it comes to reimbursing them for a medical procedure they resort to a thousand "tricks of the trade" to delay payments, halve them or not make them at all. This practice is so widespread that a book called "Delay, Deny, Defend" has even been published, denouncing this systematic fraud ("Delay, deny, defend") by insurance companies. And the words "Deny" "Defend" and "Depose" were found written on the cartridge cases of the bullets that the killer, Luigi Mangione, used to kill Brian Thompson. ("Depose" means "to take to court", another favorite tactic of insurance companies). The murder therefore has all the flavor of an episode of popular justice, in which the citizen, frustrated and tired of being made fun of by a system that protects thieves instead of punishing them, took justice into his own hands. It is no coincidence that poems and songs celebrating him are already appearing online, while gadgets such as mugs, t-shirts and stickers bearing the motto “Deny, Defend and Depose” are starting to circulate. Among the thousand posts on X, one appeared that said: “I have as much compassion for Thompson’s family as the insurance companies had for mine.” That is, zero. If you were the judge, would you sentence Luigi Mangione to life in prison? Massimo Mazzucco Source: https://www.facebook.com/share/15hg1JxfyZ/
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1K Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-cyber-insurance-market
    Cyber Insurance Market Size, Trends & Overview By 2031
    The Cyber Insurance Market was valued at USD 15.05 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 92.00 billion, with a CAGR of 25.40% by 2031
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    Marine Insurance Market Opportunities, Drivers, Challenges, Scope, Share, & Global Analysis By 2029
    The Marine Insurance Market growth at a CAGR of 4.50% & expected USD 39.87 billion by 2029. It is analyzed on the basis of type, insurance, end-user and policy type.
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  • Insurance and Managed Care Market Innovation, Size, Share, Growth and Trend Analysis By 2031 https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/de/reports/global-insurance-and-managed-care-market
    Insurance and Managed Care Market Innovation, Size, Share, Growth and Trend Analysis By 2031 https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/de/reports/global-insurance-and-managed-care-market
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  • ARRESTATO IL PRESIDENTE DI ASTRAZENECA IN CINA Ieri, mercoledì 7 novembre è stato arrestato il Presidente della multinazionale farmaceutica anglosvedese AstraZeneca, Leon Wang. Al momento è ancora in custodia cautelare (Fonte Reuters). L'indagine riguarda almeno due farmaci AstraZeneca molto diffusi anche in Italia, il Tagrisso somministrato ai malati di cancro ai polmoni e l'immunoterapico Imjudo. L'agenzia di stampa cinese Caixin ha affermato che alcuni dipendenti AstraZeneca hanno confessato di aver manomesso i referti medici dei pazienti perché erano sottoposti a un'enorme pressione per vendere i farmaci e raggiungere gli obiettivi.


    https://reuters.com/business/healt hcare-pharmaceuticals/ astrazeneca -chinas-investigation-into-exec-separate-medical-insurance-probe-2024-11-06/

    https:// amp.scmp.com/ news/cina/pol itica/articolo/3285128/report-finds-china-targeted-astrazeneca-fraud-probe-over-cancer-treatment
    ARRESTATO IL PRESIDENTE DI ASTRAZENECA IN CINA Ieri, mercoledì 7 novembre è stato arrestato il Presidente della multinazionale farmaceutica anglosvedese AstraZeneca, Leon Wang. Al momento è ancora in custodia cautelare (Fonte Reuters). L'indagine riguarda almeno due farmaci AstraZeneca molto diffusi anche in Italia, il Tagrisso somministrato ai malati di cancro ai polmoni e l'immunoterapico Imjudo. L'agenzia di stampa cinese Caixin ha affermato che alcuni dipendenti AstraZeneca hanno confessato di aver manomesso i referti medici dei pazienti perché erano sottoposti a un'enorme pressione per vendere i farmaci e raggiungere gli obiettivi. https://www.lavocedibolzano.it/modificati-i-risultati-dei-test-in-cina-arrestato-il-presidente-di-astrazeneca/ https://reuters.com/business/healt hcare-pharmaceuticals/ astrazeneca -chinas-investigation-into-exec-separate-medical-insurance-probe-2024-11-06/ https:// amp.scmp.com/ news/cina/pol itica/articolo/3285128/report-finds-china-targeted-astrazeneca-fraud-probe-over-cancer-treatment
    Modificati i risultati dei test: in Cina arrestato il presidente di Astrazeneca
    Condividi questo articolo Mercoledì 6 novembre è stato arrestato il Presidente Cina della multinazionale farmaceutica anglosvedese AstraZeneca, Leon Wang. Al momento è ancora in custodia cautelare (Fonte Reuters). L’indagine riguarderebbe almeno due farmaci AstraZeneca molto diffusi anche in Italia, il Tagrisso somministrato ai malati di cancro ai polmoni e l’immunoterapico Imjudo.Pubblicità - La Voce […]
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 3K Visualizzazioni
  • L'Uragano Helen negli USA, colpiti 6 stati 93 morti.
    Sleepy Joe Biden informa che non ci sono piu' risorse da fornire alle aree colpite.
    abbondano per la guerra in Ucraina, zero per gli americani.
    Stessa politica in Italia con gli alluvionati, conclusasi con il fatevi l' assicurazione.

    Hurricane Helen in the USA, 6 states hit, 93 dead.
    Sleepy Joe Biden informs that there are no more resources to provide to the affected areas.
    abundant for the war in Ukraine, zero for the Americans.
    Same policy in Italy with the flood victims, concluded with the get insurance.
    L'Uragano Helen negli USA, colpiti 6 stati 93 morti. Sleepy Joe Biden informa che non ci sono piu' risorse da fornire alle aree colpite. abbondano per la guerra in Ucraina, zero per gli americani. Stessa politica in Italia con gli alluvionati, conclusasi con il fatevi l' assicurazione. Hurricane Helen in the USA, 6 states hit, 93 dead. Sleepy Joe Biden informs that there are no more resources to provide to the affected areas. abundant for the war in Ukraine, zero for the Americans. Same policy in Italy with the flood victims, concluded with the get insurance.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 3K Visualizzazioni 6
  • http://www.industrialfanchina.com/of large air volume, low power consumption, low noise, safety and reliability, and are deeply trusted by users in automobile manufacturing, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery, and motor industries. The industrial fan motor has passed the National Compulsory Safety Certification (CCC), and all products are underwritten by China Insurance Company for product liability insurance. Our Product Industrial wall fans, industrial floor fans, axial fans, low noise fans, forced pressure fans, and various centrifugal fans. Production Equipment Various punching machines, CNC lathes, drilling machines, painting equipment, dipping equipment, wire cutting machines, winding machines, shaping machines, etc. Product Application Workshops of major enterprises and institutions. Our Certificate 3C certificate, explosion-proof certificate, ISO9000. Production Market Customers include Beijing Benz, BMW Brilliance, Yutong Bus, FAW-Volkswagen, Dongfeng Nissan, etc.Wholesale Industrial Stand Fan website:http://www.industrialfanchina.com/
    http://www.industrialfanchina.com/of large air volume, low power consumption, low noise, safety and reliability, and are deeply trusted by users in automobile manufacturing, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery, and motor industries. The industrial fan motor has passed the National Compulsory Safety Certification (CCC), and all products are underwritten by China Insurance Company for product liability insurance. Our Product Industrial wall fans, industrial floor fans, axial fans, low noise fans, forced pressure fans, and various centrifugal fans. Production Equipment Various punching machines, CNC lathes, drilling machines, painting equipment, dipping equipment, wire cutting machines, winding machines, shaping machines, etc. Product Application Workshops of major enterprises and institutions. Our Certificate 3C certificate, explosion-proof certificate, ISO9000. Production Market Customers include Beijing Benz, BMW Brilliance, Yutong Bus, FAW-Volkswagen, Dongfeng Nissan, etc.Wholesale Industrial Stand Fan website:http://www.industrialfanchina.com/
    China Industrial Fan Manufacturers, Axial Fan Suppliers, Centrifugal Fan Factory - XIQUE
    Wuxi Xique Fan Co., Ltd: Welcome to wholesale industrial fan, axial fan, centrifugal fan, wall powerful fan, industrial axial fans for sale here from professional manufacturers and suppliers in China. Our factory offers high quality products made in China with competitive price. Contact us for custom service and OEM service.
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  • Our History
    Founded in 2005, it focuses on building an international logistics supply chain. The international shipping network business covers all major ports and cities in the world. It has established partnerships with more than 200 overseas agents and has become one of a leading global logistics service providers.
    Our Company
    SHT Global Professional Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd was initially founded as a logistics company for shoes product exportation to USA /Europe and Japan market, due to the shoes/Materials logistics business trend development more than fifteen years experience in China, we have been expanding our business from a international logistics to one multi-service supply chain company in south part of China. And also have full experience for import and export logistics service in Cambodia. We combined the offer and and supply chain services together in order to provide full way service to customers.
    "Provide customers with the best logistics solutions and minimize logistics costs for customers" is our company's mission!
    Our Products
    After 15 years of experiences, The SHT Group offers solutions for a wide range of industries along the entire supply chain, including multimodal transport, warehousing, customs clearance and innovative value-added services of supply chain.
    1. Export / Import logistics service for sea / air / rail / express shipment, from to all the port of China / Cambodia or over the world
    2. Customs declaration
    3. Inland transportation
    4. Warehouse service
    5. All kinds of Certificate of origin
    6. Cargo Insurance
    7. Fumigate service
    8. FBA Amazon Logistics
    Product Application
    Import and export logistics service used in all kinds of factories and trading company. Not only from the main port of China, But also for main port over the world. Especially for Cambodia / Vietnam / Myanmar / Bangladesh / Japan / USA / Europe....
    No matter for general cargo just like shoes / garments / furniture..., But also for DG cargo / Engineering cargo...
    Whatever cargo you might have to move, from any of the industry sector, we move it without any difference from any ordinary cargo due to our strong expertise and commitment to excel always.
    Our Certificate
    Production Equipment
    SHT Group have a professional team after many years of experience in logistics industry.
    Since its establishment, SHT has always followed the management philosophy of "cooperation, win-win, and continuous innovation", and dedicated itself to the development of the logistics field.
    At present, a professional and scientific customer service system and company operation model have been formed, and a group of experienced professional logistics personnel are familiar with every aspect of the shipping process.
    With strong transportation resources and a team with rich experience in logistics operations, we fully cooperate with customers' requirements for logistics services.
    Production Market
    SHT Group have 4 companies in China, And also a branch in Sihanoukville of Cambodia. The headquarters is located in Dongguan, Guangdong province, China, Other branches located in Shenzhen / Huizhou / Fujian of China, Also there are four warehouse: Dongguan / Shenzhen / Xiamen and Shanghai. It has established a strong relationship of more than 200 agents over the world after 15 years of development.
    Our Service
    SHT is extremely diversified: In order to be able to focus as much as possible on customer requirements, the SHT Logistics group operates in 5 different business department. At the same time, we use the strengths and experience of the entire company to support our customers.
    It is also as decentralised as possible and as centrally organised as necessary. Due to most of employees both have more 10 years of experience in this logistics industry, Consequently, this ensures that one member bears responsibility for each individual business unit. This mixture of shared responsibility, clear leadership and extensive experience is what makes us stand out. And that鈥檚 something we can be proud of.china to bangladesh air cargo service manufacturers
    Our History Founded in 2005, it focuses on building an international logistics supply chain. The international shipping network business covers all major ports and cities in the world. It has established partnerships with more than 200 overseas agents and has become one of a leading global logistics service providers. Our Company SHT Global Professional Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd was initially founded as a logistics company for shoes product exportation to USA /Europe and Japan market, due to the shoes/Materials logistics business trend development more than fifteen years experience in China, we have been expanding our business from a international logistics to one multi-service supply chain company in south part of China. And also have full experience for import and export logistics service in Cambodia. We combined the offer and and supply chain services together in order to provide full way service to customers. "Provide customers with the best logistics solutions and minimize logistics costs for customers" is our company's mission! Our Products After 15 years of experiences, The SHT Group offers solutions for a wide range of industries along the entire supply chain, including multimodal transport, warehousing, customs clearance and innovative value-added services of supply chain. 1. Export / Import logistics service for sea / air / rail / express shipment, from to all the port of China / Cambodia or over the world 2. Customs declaration 3. Inland transportation 4. Warehouse service 5. All kinds of Certificate of origin 6. Cargo Insurance 7. Fumigate service 8. FBA Amazon Logistics Product Application Import and export logistics service used in all kinds of factories and trading company. Not only from the main port of China, But also for main port over the world. Especially for Cambodia / Vietnam / Myanmar / Bangladesh / Japan / USA / Europe.... No matter for general cargo just like shoes / garments / furniture..., But also for DG cargo / Engineering cargo... Whatever cargo you might have to move, from any of the industry sector, we move it without any difference from any ordinary cargo due to our strong expertise and commitment to excel always. Our Certificate NVOCC Production Equipment SHT Group have a professional team after many years of experience in logistics industry. Since its establishment, SHT has always followed the management philosophy of "cooperation, win-win, and continuous innovation", and dedicated itself to the development of the logistics field. At present, a professional and scientific customer service system and company operation model have been formed, and a group of experienced professional logistics personnel are familiar with every aspect of the shipping process. With strong transportation resources and a team with rich experience in logistics operations, we fully cooperate with customers' requirements for logistics services. Production Market SHT Group have 4 companies in China, And also a branch in Sihanoukville of Cambodia. The headquarters is located in Dongguan, Guangdong province, China, Other branches located in Shenzhen / Huizhou / Fujian of China, Also there are four warehouse: Dongguan / Shenzhen / Xiamen and Shanghai. It has established a strong relationship of more than 200 agents over the world after 15 years of development. Our Service SHT is extremely diversified: In order to be able to focus as much as possible on customer requirements, the SHT Logistics group operates in 5 different business department. At the same time, we use the strengths and experience of the entire company to support our customers. It is also as decentralised as possible and as centrally organised as necessary. Due to most of employees both have more 10 years of experience in this logistics industry, Consequently, this ensures that one member bears responsibility for each individual business unit. This mixture of shared responsibility, clear leadership and extensive experience is what makes us stand out. And that鈥檚 something we can be proud of.china to bangladesh air cargo service manufacturers website:http://www.shtglobal.com/
    Sea Freight Service, Rail Freight Service, Express Service Company - SHT
    SHT Global Professional Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd: We're known as a international freight forwarders company. With abundant experience, we provide sea freight service, rail freight service, express service, supply chain services, customs clearance service and one stop logistics solution with cost price for customers around the world. Please feel free to contact us for quote.
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