• https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-kids-travel-bags-market
    Kids Travel Bags Market Size, Demand Insights & Forecast By 2031
    The Kids Travel Bags Market was valued at USD 293.36 million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 610.77 million, with a CAGR of 9.60% by 2031
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 63 Visualizzazioni
    Nel cuore della Puglia, una mostra itinerante si sta diffondendo come un virus contagioso tra le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, intitolata “Fammi capire. Alla scoperta dei corpi e della sessualità”. Questa iniziativa, finanziata da fondi pubblici, non è solo una deviazione dalla realtà, ma è un attacco diretto all’innocenza dei nostri bambini. Tra i materiali esposti, troviamo libri come “Bruno l’Astronauta”, mirati a bambini a partire dai 4 anni, che promuovono l’idea che un maschio possa avere una vagina o una femmina un pene. È un’educazione sessuale che sconvolge, che mina alla base la comprensione del proprio corpo e che confonde le menti più giovani con concetti che non appartengono alla loro età. Ma non finisce qui. La mostra vede la presenza di attivisti come Egon Botteghi, considerato un esperto di genitorialità trans, e Gabriele Torchetti, che insieme organizzano gruppi di lettura sotto il nome “Se stasera siamo Queer”. Questi incontri, sotto l’egida di associazioni come “Scosse”, non solo promuovono una visione distorta dell’identità di genere, ma lo fanno con la pretesa di essere educativi, ignorando completamente le implicazioni psicologiche e sociali su bambini e adolescenti. È intollerabile che scuole, finanziate dai contribuenti, diventino terreno di coltura per un’ideologia che nega la biologia e la realtà oggettiva per abbracciare teorie che non hanno alcuna base scientifica riconosciuta. Questo è uno sfruttamento puro e semplice, dove la mente dei più piccoli viene manipolata con la scusa dell’apertura mentale e dell’inclusione. Chiediamo a gran voce che l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Puglia e il Ministro dell’Istruzione Giuseppe Valditara intervengano immediatamente. Non possiamo permettere che la nostra gioventù venga esposta a contenuti che non solo sono inappropriati per la loro età, ma che potrebbero avere conseguenze profonde e durature sulla loro percezione di sé e del mondo. Questo non è progresso. Questo è un’offesa all’infanzia, un furto della loro innocenza, una manipolazione delle loro menti in formazione. È ora che le istituzioni che dovrebbero proteggere e educare i nostri figli si sveglino e agiscano per fermare questa pericolosa deriva ideologica nelle nostre scuole.

    - Sandro Greco

    In the heart of Puglia, a traveling exhibition is spreading like a contagious virus among schools of all levels, entitled “Fammi comprende. Alla scoperta dei corpi e della sesso” (Let me understand. Discovering bodies and sexuality). This initiative, financed by public funds, is not only a deviation from reality, but is a direct attack on the innocence of our children. Among the materials on display, we find books such as “Bruno the Astronaut”, aimed at children from 4 years old, which promote the idea that a male can have a vagina or a female a penis. It is a sexual education that is shocking, that undermines the foundation of understanding one's body and that confuses the youngest minds with concepts that do not belong to their age. But it does not end there. The exhibition features activists such as Egon Botteghi, considered an expert on trans parenting, and Gabriele Torchetti, who together organize reading groups under the name “Se stasera siamo Queer”. These meetings, under the aegis of associations such as “Scosse”, not only promote a distorted vision of gender identity, but do so under the pretense of being educational, completely ignoring the psychological and social implications on children and adolescents. It is intolerable that schools, funded by taxpayers, become breeding grounds for an ideology that denies biology and objective reality to embrace theories that have no recognized scientific basis. This is pure and simple exploitation, where the minds of the little ones are manipulated under the guise of open-mindedness and inclusion. We loudly demand that the Regional School Office of Puglia and the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara intervene immediately. We cannot allow our youth to be exposed to content that is not only inappropriate for their age, but that could have profound and lasting consequences on their perception of themselves and the world. This is not progress. This is an offense to childhood, a theft of their innocence, a manipulation of their developing minds. It is time for the institutions that should protect and educate our children to wake up and act to stop this dangerous ideological drift in our schools.

    - Sandro Greco

    Source: https://x.com/itsmeback_/status/1864942529298272495?t=pFZM97tiHFMOL5IMqnj3Zg&s=19
    🔴 MASCHI CON LA VAGINA – MOSTRA SHOCK NELLE SCUOLE FINANZIATA COI VOSTRI SOLDI... 🔴 Nel cuore della Puglia, una mostra itinerante si sta diffondendo come un virus contagioso tra le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, intitolata “Fammi capire. Alla scoperta dei corpi e della sessualità”. Questa iniziativa, finanziata da fondi pubblici, non è solo una deviazione dalla realtà, ma è un attacco diretto all’innocenza dei nostri bambini. Tra i materiali esposti, troviamo libri come “Bruno l’Astronauta”, mirati a bambini a partire dai 4 anni, che promuovono l’idea che un maschio possa avere una vagina o una femmina un pene. È un’educazione sessuale che sconvolge, che mina alla base la comprensione del proprio corpo e che confonde le menti più giovani con concetti che non appartengono alla loro età. Ma non finisce qui. La mostra vede la presenza di attivisti come Egon Botteghi, considerato un esperto di genitorialità trans, e Gabriele Torchetti, che insieme organizzano gruppi di lettura sotto il nome “Se stasera siamo Queer”. Questi incontri, sotto l’egida di associazioni come “Scosse”, non solo promuovono una visione distorta dell’identità di genere, ma lo fanno con la pretesa di essere educativi, ignorando completamente le implicazioni psicologiche e sociali su bambini e adolescenti. È intollerabile che scuole, finanziate dai contribuenti, diventino terreno di coltura per un’ideologia che nega la biologia e la realtà oggettiva per abbracciare teorie che non hanno alcuna base scientifica riconosciuta. Questo è uno sfruttamento puro e semplice, dove la mente dei più piccoli viene manipolata con la scusa dell’apertura mentale e dell’inclusione. Chiediamo a gran voce che l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Puglia e il Ministro dell’Istruzione Giuseppe Valditara intervengano immediatamente. Non possiamo permettere che la nostra gioventù venga esposta a contenuti che non solo sono inappropriati per la loro età, ma che potrebbero avere conseguenze profonde e durature sulla loro percezione di sé e del mondo. Questo non è progresso. Questo è un’offesa all’infanzia, un furto della loro innocenza, una manipolazione delle loro menti in formazione. È ora che le istituzioni che dovrebbero proteggere e educare i nostri figli si sveglino e agiscano per fermare questa pericolosa deriva ideologica nelle nostre scuole. - Sandro Greco 👇👇👇 🔴 MALES WITH VAGINAS – SHOCKING EXHIBITION IN SCHOOLS FINANCED WITH YOUR MONEY... 🔴 In the heart of Puglia, a traveling exhibition is spreading like a contagious virus among schools of all levels, entitled “Fammi comprende. Alla scoperta dei corpi e della sesso” (Let me understand. Discovering bodies and sexuality). This initiative, financed by public funds, is not only a deviation from reality, but is a direct attack on the innocence of our children. Among the materials on display, we find books such as “Bruno the Astronaut”, aimed at children from 4 years old, which promote the idea that a male can have a vagina or a female a penis. It is a sexual education that is shocking, that undermines the foundation of understanding one's body and that confuses the youngest minds with concepts that do not belong to their age. But it does not end there. The exhibition features activists such as Egon Botteghi, considered an expert on trans parenting, and Gabriele Torchetti, who together organize reading groups under the name “Se stasera siamo Queer”. These meetings, under the aegis of associations such as “Scosse”, not only promote a distorted vision of gender identity, but do so under the pretense of being educational, completely ignoring the psychological and social implications on children and adolescents. It is intolerable that schools, funded by taxpayers, become breeding grounds for an ideology that denies biology and objective reality to embrace theories that have no recognized scientific basis. This is pure and simple exploitation, where the minds of the little ones are manipulated under the guise of open-mindedness and inclusion. We loudly demand that the Regional School Office of Puglia and the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara intervene immediately. We cannot allow our youth to be exposed to content that is not only inappropriate for their age, but that could have profound and lasting consequences on their perception of themselves and the world. This is not progress. This is an offense to childhood, a theft of their innocence, a manipulation of their developing minds. It is time for the institutions that should protect and educate our children to wake up and act to stop this dangerous ideological drift in our schools. - Sandro Greco 👇👇👇 Source: https://x.com/itsmeback_/status/1864942529298272495?t=pFZM97tiHFMOL5IMqnj3Zg&s=19
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni
  • Siamo stati ingannati, repressi e ingannati dalle ricche élite globaliste affamate di denaro.

    Auto d'acqua nel 1974:
    - Guida a 70 mph
    - Percorre oltre 1000 miglia con un serbatoio.
    - Rilascia zero inquinamento
    Potremmo guidare automobili alimentate ad acqua, ma le forze che manipolano l’umanità non lo permetterebbero mai.
    Man mano che la coscienza umana cresce e il sistema di controllo scompare, vedremo la rinascita di tali grandi tecnologie.

    We have been duped, repressed and deceived by the money-hungry globalist elites.

    Water cars in 1974:
    - Drive at 70 mph
    - Travels over 1000 miles on one tank.
    - Releases zero pollution
    We could drive water-powered cars, but the forces manipulating humanity would never allow it.
    As human consciousness grows and the control system disappears, we will see the rebirth of such great technologies.

    Fomos enganados, reprimidos e iludidos pelas elites globalistas ávidas por dinheiro.

    Carros aquáticos em 1974:
    - Dirigem a 70 mph
    - Viaja mais de 1.000 milhas em um tanque.
    - Não emite poluição alguma
    Poderíamos dirigir carros movidos a água, mas as forças que manipulam a humanidade nunca permitiriam isso.
    À medida que a consciência humana crescer e o sistema de controle desaparecer, veremos o renascimento dessas grandes tecnologias.

    Nous avons été dupés, réprimés et trompés par les élites mondialistes avides d'argent.

    Voitures à eau en 1974 :
    - Roulent à 70 mph
    - Parcourt plus de 1000 miles avec un seul réservoir.
    - Ne rejettent aucune pollution
    Nous pourrions conduire des voitures à eau, mais les forces qui manipulent l'humanité ne le permettront jamais.
    À mesure que la conscience humaine grandira et que le système de contrôle disparaîtra, nous assisterons à la renaissance de ces grandes technologies.

    Fonte: https://t.me/ioanima
    🇮🇹 Siamo stati ingannati, repressi e ingannati dalle ricche élite globaliste affamate di denaro. Auto d'acqua nel 1974: - Guida a 70 mph - Percorre oltre 1000 miglia con un serbatoio. - Rilascia zero inquinamento Potremmo guidare automobili alimentate ad acqua, ma le forze che manipolano l’umanità non lo permetterebbero mai. Man mano che la coscienza umana cresce e il sistema di controllo scompare, vedremo la rinascita di tali grandi tecnologie. 🇦🇺 We have been duped, repressed and deceived by the money-hungry globalist elites. Water cars in 1974: - Drive at 70 mph - Travels over 1000 miles on one tank. - Releases zero pollution We could drive water-powered cars, but the forces manipulating humanity would never allow it. As human consciousness grows and the control system disappears, we will see the rebirth of such great technologies. 🇧🇷 Fomos enganados, reprimidos e iludidos pelas elites globalistas ávidas por dinheiro. Carros aquáticos em 1974: - Dirigem a 70 mph - Viaja mais de 1.000 milhas em um tanque. - Não emite poluição alguma Poderíamos dirigir carros movidos a água, mas as forças que manipulam a humanidade nunca permitiriam isso. À medida que a consciência humana crescer e o sistema de controle desaparecer, veremos o renascimento dessas grandes tecnologias. 🇫🇷 Nous avons été dupés, réprimés et trompés par les élites mondialistes avides d'argent. Voitures à eau en 1974 : - Roulent à 70 mph - Parcourt plus de 1000 miles avec un seul réservoir. - Ne rejettent aucune pollution Nous pourrions conduire des voitures à eau, mais les forces qui manipulent l'humanité ne le permettront jamais. À mesure que la conscience humaine grandira et que le système de contrôle disparaîtra, nous assisterons à la renaissance de ces grandes technologies. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨ Fonte: https://t.me/ioanima
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni 18
  • Europe Tour Packages From Dubai
    Europe Tour Packages From Dubai https://thetravelmakers.ae/holidays/international-tour-packages/europe-tour-packages.php
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  • http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/ ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier Designed with a flexible silicone base, T&D has many radiation shielding materials and product options. We design custom solutions to help customers achieve their ALARA goals. Tungsten silicone shielding is designed for maximum radiation dose reduction during operation and installation to protect personnel and equipment. Sheets Tungsten polymer sheets are the non-toxic and non-hazardous alternative to lead products in radiation protection for gamma and neutron shielding. They decontaminate easily and eliminate the possibility of mixed waste contamination costs. Tungsten silicone sheets come in various sizes and thicknesses, starting at 1/8鈥?thick up to several inches. As with all of our sheets can be customized to your requirements. Standard sheets come with the option of grommets and are available with or without our slick yellow decontamination layer. Pipe Wraps A convenient and quick solution for shielding pipes, elbows, tees and valves. No more wrapping or hanging lead blankets to shield pipes. These pipe wraps are custom made to wrap around the diameter and height of the pipe being shielded. Tungsten silicone and Bismuth pipe wrap around can be engineered to meet weight and size restrictions, while meeting or exceeding attenuation goals. This innovative design and technology have allowed plants to shield areas they previously could not and is one of the easiest custom applications to install Flooring Tiles T&D flooring tiles come in interlocking and straight configurations. Interlocking tiles are designed to stay together with pedestrian traffic and prevent radiation streaming. Interlocking flooring comes in 20"x20"x1.1" tiles and is designed for quick installation. The platform shielding is a great product for shielding solid or grated platforms. Not only provides a quick installation for an excellent radiation shield, it also provides workers with a cushioned work surface for kneeling. We have also had our flooring tiles engineered for equipment travel over solid and grated platforms. Curtains Our newly designed radiation shielding curtains are the competitively priced replacement for lead curtains within the nuclear and NDT industries. T&D radiation shielding curtains can be designed as strips or panels with panels in dimensions suited for the application. Unlike lead curtains which are designed in heavy panels, these strips and panels allow for a significantly improved ease of movement. These radiation shielding curtains are designed for nuclear shielding. T&D lead free tungsten shielding products are a great solution for all your shielding needs. Tungsten, Bismuth and Iron-based attenuating materials are available. They can be molded into any shape, allowing the application of localized shielding directly at the source. Isolated hot spots can be shielded using them, eliminating the need to shield larger areas surrounding the hot spot. They can be engineered to meet weight, size, and radiation attenuation specifications. These products have saved power plants time and money during maintenance shutdowns. All These products are non-toxic and free of hazardous materials. T&D shielding materials allow us the ability to create light weight, easy-to-use, customizable products. Customer feedback indicates this is a user friendly and effective means of reducing radiation fields. The weights and sizes available make them easy to handle, with improved ergonomics, reducing the prospect of lifting and handling injuries. They can provide attenuation properties similar to lead products, but at half the weight. T&D lead free products maximize shielding effectiveness while keeping weight to a minimum. It is ideal for applications that require custom moldable shapes along with flexibility; such as small-bore pipes, elbows and valves. These products are available as blankets, ribbon wrap, pipe shields, floor tiles, magnetic tiles, and molded shapes 鈥?flexible or rigid. Fasteners and securing methods are also available, including magnets, grommets and locking devices.ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier website:http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/
    http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/ ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier Designed with a flexible silicone base, T&D has many radiation shielding materials and product options. We design custom solutions to help customers achieve their ALARA goals. Tungsten silicone shielding is designed for maximum radiation dose reduction during operation and installation to protect personnel and equipment. Sheets Tungsten polymer sheets are the non-toxic and non-hazardous alternative to lead products in radiation protection for gamma and neutron shielding. They decontaminate easily and eliminate the possibility of mixed waste contamination costs. Tungsten silicone sheets come in various sizes and thicknesses, starting at 1/8鈥?thick up to several inches. As with all of our sheets can be customized to your requirements. Standard sheets come with the option of grommets and are available with or without our slick yellow decontamination layer. Pipe Wraps A convenient and quick solution for shielding pipes, elbows, tees and valves. No more wrapping or hanging lead blankets to shield pipes. These pipe wraps are custom made to wrap around the diameter and height of the pipe being shielded. Tungsten silicone and Bismuth pipe wrap around can be engineered to meet weight and size restrictions, while meeting or exceeding attenuation goals. This innovative design and technology have allowed plants to shield areas they previously could not and is one of the easiest custom applications to install Flooring Tiles T&D flooring tiles come in interlocking and straight configurations. Interlocking tiles are designed to stay together with pedestrian traffic and prevent radiation streaming. Interlocking flooring comes in 20"x20"x1.1" tiles and is designed for quick installation. The platform shielding is a great product for shielding solid or grated platforms. Not only provides a quick installation for an excellent radiation shield, it also provides workers with a cushioned work surface for kneeling. We have also had our flooring tiles engineered for equipment travel over solid and grated platforms. Curtains Our newly designed radiation shielding curtains are the competitively priced replacement for lead curtains within the nuclear and NDT industries. T&D radiation shielding curtains can be designed as strips or panels with panels in dimensions suited for the application. Unlike lead curtains which are designed in heavy panels, these strips and panels allow for a significantly improved ease of movement. These radiation shielding curtains are designed for nuclear shielding. T&D lead free tungsten shielding products are a great solution for all your shielding needs. Tungsten, Bismuth and Iron-based attenuating materials are available. They can be molded into any shape, allowing the application of localized shielding directly at the source. Isolated hot spots can be shielded using them, eliminating the need to shield larger areas surrounding the hot spot. They can be engineered to meet weight, size, and radiation attenuation specifications. These products have saved power plants time and money during maintenance shutdowns. All These products are non-toxic and free of hazardous materials. T&D shielding materials allow us the ability to create light weight, easy-to-use, customizable products. Customer feedback indicates this is a user friendly and effective means of reducing radiation fields. The weights and sizes available make them easy to handle, with improved ergonomics, reducing the prospect of lifting and handling injuries. They can provide attenuation properties similar to lead products, but at half the weight. T&D lead free products maximize shielding effectiveness while keeping weight to a minimum. It is ideal for applications that require custom moldable shapes along with flexibility; such as small-bore pipes, elbows and valves. These products are available as blankets, ribbon wrap, pipe shields, floor tiles, magnetic tiles, and molded shapes 鈥?flexible or rigid. Fasteners and securing methods are also available, including magnets, grommets and locking devices.ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier website:http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/
    ASTM Tungsten Alloy Suppliers Manufacturers Factory - T&D
    T&D is one of the most professional astm tungsten alloy manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to buy customized astm tungsten alloy at competitive price from our factory. For free sample, contact us now.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 5K Visualizzazioni
  • Dual Band Wireless Router made in China Beijing Esound Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise and a Beijing-based specialized and new small giant enterprise. The company focuses on the R&D and sales of 4G/5G mobile communication products and intelligent terminal devices. It has an IoT software R&D center in Beijing and a smart hardware product R&D center in Shenzhen, as well as a customer service and cloud data center in Huhehot. It is dedicated to providing simple, flexible, intelligent, and reliable internet services to billions of people and machines around the world. Working with several Fortune 500 companies, it is building a consumer IoT ecosystem together. Our History Beijing Esound Technology Co., Ltd. was established in the year 2008 in Beijing, has strategic partnerships with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom in China. As a certified High-Tech company with global operations, we have head office in Beijing, and branches in Shenzhen and Huhehot China. Our Product 4G USB WIFI Dongle, 4G UFI,4G MIFI, 4G WIFI Router, 4G CPE, 5G MIFI, 5G CPE Product Application Home and office, travelling,soho, party Dual Band Wireless Router made in China website:http://www.flymodem.net/
    Dual Band Wireless Router made in China Beijing Esound Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise and a Beijing-based specialized and new small giant enterprise. The company focuses on the R&D and sales of 4G/5G mobile communication products and intelligent terminal devices. It has an IoT software R&D center in Beijing and a smart hardware product R&D center in Shenzhen, as well as a customer service and cloud data center in Huhehot. It is dedicated to providing simple, flexible, intelligent, and reliable internet services to billions of people and machines around the world. Working with several Fortune 500 companies, it is building a consumer IoT ecosystem together. Our History Beijing Esound Technology Co., Ltd. was established in the year 2008 in Beijing, has strategic partnerships with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom in China. As a certified High-Tech company with global operations, we have head office in Beijing, and branches in Shenzhen and Huhehot China. Our Product 4G USB WIFI Dongle, 4G UFI,4G MIFI, 4G WIFI Router, 4G CPE, 5G MIFI, 5G CPE Product Application Home and office, travelling,soho, party Dual Band Wireless Router made in China website:http://www.flymodem.net/
    China 4G Router, 4G CPE, 5G Router Suppliers, Factory - FLYMODEM
    Flymodem (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd: Welcome to wholesale or buy discount 4G router, 4G CPE, 5G router, USB modem, 4G power bank router from professional suppliers in China. Our factory offers high quality products made in China with low price. For customized service, contact us now.
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  • CheapinAir is a premier ticket booking agency that provides a comprehensive range of travel services to individuals and businesses around the world. The agency serves as a one-stop-shop for all travel-related needs, including Aeromexico Cheap Flight Tickets, booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and holiday packages.
    CheapinAir is a premier ticket booking agency that provides a comprehensive range of travel services to individuals and businesses around the world. The agency serves as a one-stop-shop for all travel-related needs, including Aeromexico Cheap Flight Tickets, booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and holiday packages. https://www.cheapinair.com/flights/aeromexico-am
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 4K Visualizzazioni
  • Rubber tired gantry crane Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturers is mainly used for handling, loading and unloading international standard containers in port container yards and railway container transfer stations.
    It is usually driven by diesel generators, and can also be powered by cable reels or lithium batteries. It鈥檚 mainly composed by main frame, crane traveling mechanism, hoist trolley, power system and special spreader for container, etc.
    The design, manufacture and inspection of rubber tired gantry crane implement a number of domestic and foreign standards like FEM, DIN, IEC, AWS, GB and so on. It has advantages like diverse functions, high efficiency, good stability, wide operating range, good mobility, convenient maintenance and low sensitive of ground unevenness.
    We are one of the main Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturers in China.
    Characteristics of rubber tired gantry crane1, It can travel straight and laterally, turn 0 to 90 degrees and spin turn.
    2, Adopting all-digital AC frequency conversion and special technology of PLC control speed regulation, flexible control and high precision.
    3, Standard configuration two-way flexible resistance anti-sway system, optional multi-function frequency conversion anti-sway micro-motion system or electronic anti-sway system.
    4, CMS intelligent service management system to monitor crane operation status in real time.
    5, Electric energy feedback technology, flexible smart box and lock pin technology, energy saving and environmental protection, convenient and efficient.
    6, Gale alarm, safety dynamic scanning, overload protection and other safety instructions and devices, effectively ensuring the safety of operators and goods.
    Data sheet Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturersLifting Capacity Under Spreadert354170
    Base Distancem7/7.5
    Lifting Heightm15.5/18.5
    Work Duty
    Stack Layer
    Container Specification
    20', 40' 45'
    SpeedLifting (Full load/Empty Load)m/min20/4025/50
    Crane Traveling (Full load/Empty Load)30/130
    Trolley Traveling707070
    Number of Wheels
    Max Wheel LoadkN300320/180200
    Power Supply
    Diesel Generator Sets or 3 Phase 380V 50Hz
    Tips: These parameters above can be designed to meet your actual needs.Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes suppliers
    Rubber tired gantry crane Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturers is mainly used for handling, loading and unloading international standard containers in port container yards and railway container transfer stations. It is usually driven by diesel generators, and can also be powered by cable reels or lithium batteries. It鈥檚 mainly composed by main frame, crane traveling mechanism, hoist trolley, power system and special spreader for container, etc. The design, manufacture and inspection of rubber tired gantry crane implement a number of domestic and foreign standards like FEM, DIN, IEC, AWS, GB and so on. It has advantages like diverse functions, high efficiency, good stability, wide operating range, good mobility, convenient maintenance and low sensitive of ground unevenness. We are one of the main Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturers in China. Characteristics of rubber tired gantry crane1, It can travel straight and laterally, turn 0 to 90 degrees and spin turn. 2, Adopting all-digital AC frequency conversion and special technology of PLC control speed regulation, flexible control and high precision. 3, Standard configuration two-way flexible resistance anti-sway system, optional multi-function frequency conversion anti-sway micro-motion system or electronic anti-sway system. 4, CMS intelligent service management system to monitor crane operation status in real time. 5, Electric energy feedback technology, flexible smart box and lock pin technology, energy saving and environmental protection, convenient and efficient. 6, Gale alarm, safety dynamic scanning, overload protection and other safety instructions and devices, effectively ensuring the safety of operators and goods. Data sheet Rubber tired gantry crane manufacturersLifting Capacity Under Spreadert354170 Base Distancem7/7.5 Spanm23.47/26 Lifting Heightm15.5/18.5 Work Duty A5-A8 Stack Layer 4/5 Container Specification 20', 40' 45' SpeedLifting (Full load/Empty Load)m/min20/4025/50 Crane Traveling (Full load/Empty Load)30/130 Trolley Traveling707070 Number of Wheels 88/16 Max Wheel LoadkN300320/180200 Power Supply Diesel Generator Sets or 3 Phase 380V 50Hz Tips: These parameters above can be designed to meet your actual needs.Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes suppliers website:http://www.mhi-crane.com/rubber-tired-gantry-cranes/
    Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes Factory Manufacturers - MHI CRANE
    MHI CRANE is one of the most professional rubber tired gantry cranes manufacturers and suppliers in China for over 15 years. Please rest assured to buy high quality rubber tired gantry cranes at low price from our factory. Good service and punctual delivery are available.
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  • China vacuum sealed travel mug manufacturers Company Profile Yongkang Lvteng Household Products Co., Ltd. is a young company established in 2021. It was founded in Yongkang City by Jeffrey Zuo, who has more than 15 years of experience in trade and stainless steel thermos bottles and flasks. Yongkang city is the world's largest manufacturer of stainless steel bottles and flasks. Manufacturing and OEM base, there are more than 1,000 bottles and flasks OEM factories, but more than 80% of them have no professional trade experience, do not understand the needs of overseas customers, or are in charge of some inexperienced international trade personnel, and there are a few products or The quality of factories is uneven, causing confusion or loss of time and money for overseas customers to purchase. Therefore, Jeffrey Zuo decided to resign and start a business, using his more than 15 years of experience in managing international trade and OEM experience in world-class vacuum flasks, as well as his familiarity with local contacts and factories, to provide overseas buyers of vacuum flasks with one-stop service, from Product procurement, design, customization, logistics, quality management, factory inspection, etc. to provide customers with high-quality and price-competitive products, especially for some small and medium-sized buyers and start-ups, Jeffrey Zuo has cultivated a lot of development from small to large bottles brands in this regard. For some international brands, they only purchased dozens to hundreds at the beginning, but under the leadership of Jeffrey Zuo, they can purchase tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands every month, and the scale of development has exceeded hundreds of times. Hope we have the opportunity to cooperate with you, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Team Introduced Jeffrey Zuo Founder and CEO, responsible for overseas customers Caroline Xie assists Jeffrey Zuo in tracking and following up on client projects, supplier management and more Tom Wang Engineer, mainly customer product development and technical support Mr Qiu is mainly responsible for product appearance design and customer customization requirements to provide assistance Lily Zuo is mainly responsible for customer finance and logistics customs declaration and supplier management, etc. Company Certificate LFGB,BSCI,SEDEX and so on. Working Environment The company is located in the headquarters economic center of China's hardware capital, with beautiful environment, superior office conditions, convenient transportation and convenient supply chain management. Competitive Advantage 1. Talent advantage: The founder of the company is a graduate of a professional international trade university. He has been engaged in international trade for 15 years. He has successively engaged in international trade business and management in leading local manufacturing companies. He has a strong manufacturing background and is familiar with the whole process of cup and pot trade. Help many buyers of small and medium-sized cups and pots to develop into local leading brands; 2. The engineers, design and logistics management personnel in the team have more than 10 years of work experience, are capable and shrewd, and have first-class service awareness; 3. The company is located in the small and medium-sized world cup pot manufacturing, surrounded by more than 1,000 various foundries and rich human resources, which can provide customers with high-quality and cost-effective cup and pot products R&D Capability The founder of the company has more than 10 years of management experience in world-class vacuum bottles and flasks brands, and the team engineers have more than 15 years of experience in vacuum bottles and flasks development and design. There are more than 100 mold processing factories and more than 1,000 vacuum bottles and flasks OEM factories within 20 kilometers of the company. relying on strong supply chain management capabilities, LVTENG can provide strong development and design support for the majority of cups and pots procurement. Corporate Vision Provide overseas small and medium-sized buyers with one-stop high-quality services for cups and pots, and grow and win together with customers. Company Values Honest, professionalism, first-class service.China vacuum sealed travel mug manufacturers website:http://www.lvtengbottle.com/
    China vacuum sealed travel mug manufacturers Company Profile Yongkang Lvteng Household Products Co., Ltd. is a young company established in 2021. It was founded in Yongkang City by Jeffrey Zuo, who has more than 15 years of experience in trade and stainless steel thermos bottles and flasks. Yongkang city is the world's largest manufacturer of stainless steel bottles and flasks. Manufacturing and OEM base, there are more than 1,000 bottles and flasks OEM factories, but more than 80% of them have no professional trade experience, do not understand the needs of overseas customers, or are in charge of some inexperienced international trade personnel, and there are a few products or The quality of factories is uneven, causing confusion or loss of time and money for overseas customers to purchase. Therefore, Jeffrey Zuo decided to resign and start a business, using his more than 15 years of experience in managing international trade and OEM experience in world-class vacuum flasks, as well as his familiarity with local contacts and factories, to provide overseas buyers of vacuum flasks with one-stop service, from Product procurement, design, customization, logistics, quality management, factory inspection, etc. to provide customers with high-quality and price-competitive products, especially for some small and medium-sized buyers and start-ups, Jeffrey Zuo has cultivated a lot of development from small to large bottles brands in this regard. For some international brands, they only purchased dozens to hundreds at the beginning, but under the leadership of Jeffrey Zuo, they can purchase tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands every month, and the scale of development has exceeded hundreds of times. Hope we have the opportunity to cooperate with you, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Team Introduced Jeffrey Zuo Founder and CEO, responsible for overseas customers Caroline Xie assists Jeffrey Zuo in tracking and following up on client projects, supplier management and more Tom Wang Engineer, mainly customer product development and technical support Mr Qiu is mainly responsible for product appearance design and customer customization requirements to provide assistance Lily Zuo is mainly responsible for customer finance and logistics customs declaration and supplier management, etc. Company Certificate LFGB,BSCI,SEDEX and so on. Working Environment The company is located in the headquarters economic center of China's hardware capital, with beautiful environment, superior office conditions, convenient transportation and convenient supply chain management. Competitive Advantage 1. Talent advantage: The founder of the company is a graduate of a professional international trade university. He has been engaged in international trade for 15 years. He has successively engaged in international trade business and management in leading local manufacturing companies. He has a strong manufacturing background and is familiar with the whole process of cup and pot trade. Help many buyers of small and medium-sized cups and pots to develop into local leading brands; 2. The engineers, design and logistics management personnel in the team have more than 10 years of work experience, are capable and shrewd, and have first-class service awareness; 3. The company is located in the small and medium-sized world cup pot manufacturing, surrounded by more than 1,000 various foundries and rich human resources, which can provide customers with high-quality and cost-effective cup and pot products R&D Capability The founder of the company has more than 10 years of management experience in world-class vacuum bottles and flasks brands, and the team engineers have more than 15 years of experience in vacuum bottles and flasks development and design. There are more than 100 mold processing factories and more than 1,000 vacuum bottles and flasks OEM factories within 20 kilometers of the company. relying on strong supply chain management capabilities, LVTENG can provide strong development and design support for the majority of cups and pots procurement. Corporate Vision Provide overseas small and medium-sized buyers with one-stop high-quality services for cups and pots, and grow and win together with customers. Company Values Honest, professionalism, first-class service.China vacuum sealed travel mug manufacturers website:http://www.lvtengbottle.com/
    China Water Bottle, Mug And Tumbler Manufacturers, Vacuum Flask Suppliers - LVTENG
    Yongkang Lvteng Houseware Co.,Ltd: Welcome to buy or wholesale cheap water bottle, mug and tumbler, vacuum flask, food jar, accessories from professional manufacturers and suppliers in China. Our factory offers high quality customized bottles for customers. Contact us for quotation and free sample.
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  • What makes disposable vapes so popular? Plenty of reasons. For one thing, they are very portable and are smart for going anywhere or travelling.http://www.gifbarvapes.com/disposable-vape/
    What makes disposable vapes so popular? Plenty of reasons. For one thing, they are very portable and are smart for going anywhere or travelling.http://www.gifbarvapes.com/disposable-vape/
    China Disposable Vape Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - Wholesale Disposable Vape for Sale - YISHA
    YISHA is one of the most professional disposable vape manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to wholesale high quality disposable vape made in China here from our factory. Good service and competitive price are available.
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