• Marcello Foa
    Ecco il rapporto di #Draghi, in estrema sintesi:
    1️⃣Ridurre ulteriormente la già risicata dei singoli paesi, dunque più potere decisionale all’Unione Europea.
    2️⃣ Investire massicciamente nell’industria delle armi.
    3️⃣ Concentrare gli investimenti nei grandi gruppi industriali ed economici.

    Insomma, l’oligarchia europea nella sua essenza, ulteriormente potenziata.
    Quegli oligarchi che ci hanno governato (male) finora, adesso pretendono di indicarci quale sia la via per un futuro radioso. Più per loro che per noi, temo.

    Marcello Foa @MarcelloFoa Ecco il rapporto di #Draghi, in estrema sintesi: 1️⃣Ridurre ulteriormente la già risicata dei singoli paesi, dunque più potere decisionale all’Unione Europea. 2️⃣ Investire massicciamente nell’industria delle armi. 3️⃣ Concentrare gli investimenti nei grandi gruppi industriali ed economici. Insomma, l’oligarchia europea nella sua essenza, ulteriormente potenziata. Quegli oligarchi che ci hanno governato (male) finora, adesso pretendono di indicarci quale sia la via per un futuro radioso. Più per loro che per noi, temo. #draghi #mariodraghi #rapportodraghi
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 596 Visualizzazioni
    La denuncia di Zuckerberg ignorata da tutto il mainstream. SERVI!


    "#Zuckerberg con questa sua uscita è andato completamente fuori dalla narrativa e ha rotto il sentimento dominante nella Sylicon Valley".
    Ma questo non è valso i principali titoli dei TG e le prime pagine dei giornali al patron di Meta che, qualche giorno fa, ha sostanzialmente confessato di aver ricevuto pressioni da parte dell'attuale amministrazione americana perché censurasse profili e commenti non graditi a quella linea politica.
    Partiamo dall'Italia: "A parte il Fatto Quotidiano, che ne ha parlato nelle prime ore del mattino, gli altri sono usciti con la notizia nel pomeriggio. Il Corriere e Repubblica l'hanno scoperto alle 18:00, dalle 12 alle 12 ore dopo la notizia. Sui giornali poi neanche una riga, Repubblica ci ha appena scritto un trafiletto".

    E altrove?
    "In Francia la notizia non l'ha data nessuno, a parte qualche eccezione equivalente a Radio Radio come France Soir. Negli Stati Uniti è stata divulgata con forza da parte di testate di centrodestra, le altre l'hanno molto relativizzata".

    Ma cosa significa questo gigante buco nero informativo per #MarcelloFoa? "Tutto questo conferma purtroppo il fatto che la stampa, anche quella autorevole, non è oggettiva. E' una stampa che accompagna una narrazione, poi però pretendono di essere presi sul serio e di asserire che solo le cose che dicono loro sono vere".
    I valori di un sano giornalismo dovrebbero infatti prescindere dalle etichette di partito che si hanno o che ci si affibbia da soli: "Si può essere Dem o Repubblicani ma esprimere critiche verso gli stessi Dem o Repubblicani, oppure cavalcare notizie oggettivamente colossali come questa".

    Ascoltate il commento da Fabio Duranti | 4 settembre 2024

    LA GRANDE CENSURA sui giornali e sui MEDIA INTERNAZIONALI. La denuncia di Zuckerberg ignorata da tutto il mainstream. SERVI! MARCELLO FOA BACCHETTA I TG: BUCATA LA NOTIZIA SU ZUCKERBERG ▷ "ZERO OBIETTIVITÀ: QUESTA È LA PROVA" "#Zuckerberg con questa sua uscita è andato completamente fuori dalla narrativa e ha rotto il sentimento dominante nella Sylicon Valley". Ma questo non è valso i principali titoli dei TG e le prime pagine dei giornali al patron di Meta che, qualche giorno fa, ha sostanzialmente confessato di aver ricevuto pressioni da parte dell'attuale amministrazione americana perché censurasse profili e commenti non graditi a quella linea politica. Partiamo dall'Italia: "A parte il Fatto Quotidiano, che ne ha parlato nelle prime ore del mattino, gli altri sono usciti con la notizia nel pomeriggio. Il Corriere e Repubblica l'hanno scoperto alle 18:00, dalle 12 alle 12 ore dopo la notizia. Sui giornali poi neanche una riga, Repubblica ci ha appena scritto un trafiletto". E altrove? "In Francia la notizia non l'ha data nessuno, a parte qualche eccezione equivalente a Radio Radio come France Soir. Negli Stati Uniti è stata divulgata con forza da parte di testate di centrodestra, le altre l'hanno molto relativizzata". Ma cosa significa questo gigante buco nero informativo per #MarcelloFoa? "Tutto questo conferma purtroppo il fatto che la stampa, anche quella autorevole, non è oggettiva. E' una stampa che accompagna una narrazione, poi però pretendono di essere presi sul serio e di asserire che solo le cose che dicono loro sono vere". I valori di un sano giornalismo dovrebbero infatti prescindere dalle etichette di partito che si hanno o che ci si affibbia da soli: "Si può essere Dem o Repubblicani ma esprimere critiche verso gli stessi Dem o Repubblicani, oppure cavalcare notizie oggettivamente colossali come questa". Ascoltate il commento da Fabio Duranti | 4 settembre 2024 https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=tkGIkckpvfg4OvfG&v=CX-qIA6chYg&feature=youtu.be
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1546 Visualizzazioni
  • Il Pentagono utilizza Sigonella per armare Israele
    La grande base aeronavale siciliana di Sigonella viene impiegata in queste ore dal Pentagono per i velivoli adibiti al trasporto di sistemi d’arma, munizioni ed equipaggiamento per le forze armate di Israele impegnate nei...
    Il Pentagono utilizza Sigonella per armare Israele La grande base aeronavale siciliana di Sigonella viene impiegata in queste ore dal Pentagono per i velivoli adibiti al trasporto di sistemi d’arma, munizioni ed equipaggiamento per le forze armate di Israele impegnate nei... https://www.infoaut.org/conflitti-globali/il-pentagono-utilizza-sigonella-per-armare-israele
    Il Pentagono utilizza Sigonella per armare Israele
    La grande base aeronavale siciliana di Sigonella viene impiegata in queste ore dal Pentagono per i velivoli adibiti al trasporto di sistemi d’arma, munizioni ed equipaggiamento per le forze armate di Israele impegnate nei bombardamenti contro le milizie di Hamas e la popolazione di Gaza.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2340 Visualizzazioni
  • Gigantesco e MAIUSCOLO Roy De Vita dice le cose come effettivamente stanno.

    Gigantesco e MAIUSCOLO Roy De Vita dice le cose come effettivamente stanno. È ARRIVATO IL MOMENTO DI DIRE LA VERITÀ. CHI NON PARLA È COMPLICE!!! VOGLIAMO LE SCUSE da TUTTI QUELLI CHE CI HANNO INGANNATO. #mantagnier #foa #roydevita #draghi #massimocitro #citro
    1 Commenti 1 Condivisioni 5828 Visualizzazioni 57
  • I sepolcri imbiancati che hanno chiesto una "trasmissione riparatrice" a Foa (Sensini, Fratoianni, Ruotolo, Fnom-ceo, etc...) quante trasmissioni riparatrici dovrebbero chiedere per le bugie raccontate a ogni ora del giorno in tutti th talk show e programmi sull'origine "naturale" del Covid? E quante scuse dovrebbero porgere (ma in ginocchio sui ceci!) per aver definito "rincoglionito" il Premio Nobel Montaigner che avevo scoperto subito l'origine artificiale?

    I sepolcri imbiancati che hanno chiesto una "trasmissione riparatrice" a Foa (Sensini, Fratoianni, Ruotolo, Fnom-ceo, etc...) quante trasmissioni riparatrici dovrebbero chiedere per le bugie raccontate a ogni ora del giorno in tutti th talk show e programmi sull'origine "naturale" del Covid? E quante scuse dovrebbero porgere (ma in ginocchio sui ceci!) per aver definito "rincoglionito" il Premio Nobel Montaigner che avevo scoperto subito l'origine artificiale? https://twitter.com/AlbertoContri/status/1704862208981709054?t=6L_C7noN-RdTgag8D0mMZQ&s=19
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1582 Visualizzazioni
  • Agghiacciante: Foa richiamato all’ordine dalla Rai ▷ Duranti: “Citro provveda sulle parole di Mentana”

    A far scalpore tornano le dichiarazioni su Covid e vaccini.
    A finire nell’occhio del ciclone è Marcello Foa, giornalista ex presidente Rai, che a Rai Radio 1 tiene una trasmissione chiamata “Giù la maschera”. Il destino vuole che nella puntata del 19 settembre l’invitato sia Massimo Citro, il medico ora bollato come “No Vax”.
    Il perché è intuibile: Citro ha parlato del vaccino, ma nella versione meno popolare, meno conforme a quella della comunità scientifica, come oggi ricordano i più.


    Agghiacciante: Foa richiamato all’ordine dalla Rai ▷ Duranti: “Citro provveda sulle parole di Mentana” A far scalpore tornano le dichiarazioni su Covid e vaccini. A finire nell’occhio del ciclone è Marcello Foa, giornalista ex presidente Rai, che a Rai Radio 1 tiene una trasmissione chiamata “Giù la maschera”. Il destino vuole che nella puntata del 19 settembre l’invitato sia Massimo Citro, il medico ora bollato come “No Vax”. Il perché è intuibile: Citro ha parlato del vaccino, ma nella versione meno popolare, meno conforme a quella della comunità scientifica, come oggi ricordano i più. https://www.radioradio.it/2023/09/agghiacciante-foa-richiamato-allordine-dalla-rai-duranti-citro/ #massimocitro #marcellofoa #massimocitrodellariva #rai #censurarai
    Agghiacciante: Foa richiamato all’ordine dalla Rai ▷ Duranti: “Citro provveda sulle parole di Mentana”
    A far scalpore tornano le dichiarazioni su Covid e vaccini. A finire nell'occhio del ciclone è Marcello Foa, giornalista ex presidente Rai, che...
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 6685 Visualizzazioni
  • https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/09/19/bufera-su-radiouno-la-rai-si-dissocia-dalla-trasmissione-di-marcello-foa-ospitato-un-medico-no-vax-sospeso-dallordine-che-definisce-i-vaccini-volonta-di-fare-del-male/7297093/
    Bufera su RadioUno, la Rai si dissocia dalla trasmissione di Marcello Foa: ospitato un medico no vax (sospeso dall'Ordine) che definisce i vaccini "volontà di fare del male" - Il Fatto Quotidiano
    La Rai si dissocia “in maniera netta dalle affermazioni del medico Massimo Citro della Riva, in particolare, da quelle relative alle cure che non sarebbero state garantite ai malati di Covid e da quelle sull’efficacia e sui pericoli dei nuovi vaccini. Si tratta di affermazioni gravi che possono ingenerare confusione nell’opinione pubblica ed essere fuorvianti …
    2 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1330 Visualizzazioni
  • http://www.prowangtw.com/2008 quality control development and production. Customers could fully rely on us and use our products at ease. We take the idea of practical, quality stability, professional technique and continuous management forever. Our carrying principals are creating competitive price and enhance customer's benefit. We will keep performing outstandingly, developing high quality products continuously and increase production efficiency economically. 2004 Prowang Enterprise Inc. was established in 2004 and located at Fengtian Industrial Area, Yunlin, Taiwan with an area of 7,270 m2, very near to National Highway No. 1 and the East-West Highway No. 78. Traffic communication is much convenient. 2020 In 2020, factory is expanded to 11.749 m2 and moved to Yunlin Technonlogy-based Industrial Park. The new factory is near to National Highway No. 1 and No. 3 now. 2022 In response to the government's green energy, energy saving and carbon reduction policies, the roof of the new factory is equipped with 938kw of solar power modules, which can generate an average of 120,000 kWh of green electricity per month and save many electric lights.PVC Foam Board 2mm website:http://www.prowangtw.com/
    http://www.prowangtw.com/2008 quality control development and production. Customers could fully rely on us and use our products at ease. We take the idea of practical, quality stability, professional technique and continuous management forever. Our carrying principals are creating competitive price and enhance customer's benefit. We will keep performing outstandingly, developing high quality products continuously and increase production efficiency economically. 2004 Prowang Enterprise Inc. was established in 2004 and located at Fengtian Industrial Area, Yunlin, Taiwan with an area of 7,270 m2, very near to National Highway No. 1 and the East-West Highway No. 78. Traffic communication is much convenient. 2020 In 2020, factory is expanded to 11.749 m2 and moved to Yunlin Technonlogy-based Industrial Park. The new factory is near to National Highway No. 1 and No. 3 now. 2022 In response to the government's green energy, energy saving and carbon reduction policies, the roof of the new factory is equipped with 938kw of solar power modules, which can generate an average of 120,000 kWh of green electricity per month and save many electric lights.PVC Foam Board 2mm website:http://www.prowangtw.com/
    PVC Roofing Manufacturers, Solar Panel Clamp Suppliers, PVC Foam Sheet Factory - PROWANG
    PROWANG ENTERPRISE INC.: Prowang is specialized in producing PVC foam sheets, PVC rigid foam sheets, PVC roof and rigid plastic composite panels. Our products are nonpoisonous, environmental-green with ISO 9001:2008 quality control development and production.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 3294 Visualizzazioni
    Our factory supply OEM service(custom service) in precision investment casting,which are also called lost wax casting, We have been committed to this technique for over 20 years . Our specialized engineer can provide you the full-service of technology advice and products improving projection,and also reduce the cost of the parts.
    Investment casting
    (lost wax casting)
    Shell mold casting
    Lost foam castingStainless steel casting
    Alloy steel casting
    Carbon steel casting
    Heat-resistant steel casting
    Bronze and Brass casting
    Aluminum casting
    MachiningDrilling, Reaming and tapping
    CNC Turning machining
    CNC Milling machining
    Wire EDM
    Heat treatmentSolution
    Quenching and Tempering
    Induction hardening
    Surface treatmentManual polishing
    Power coating
    Our Factory
    Wabon Precision Metal Co. Ltd ,Founded in 2014, is a professional manufacturer and exporter of investment casting,which covered the mould manufacturing, CNC machining and surface finishing treatment.
    The company has precision casting and machining Production lines, covering a total area of over 30,000 square meters, and employs about 180 employees. The headquarters is located in a famous Chinese cultural city, the hometown of Confucius, Jining City, Shandong Province, Qingdao Port in the east and Jinan Yaowall International Airport in the north. The traffic conditions are very convenient.
    The company adopts silicon sol investment casting technology, mainly produce stainless steel, alloy steel, and carbon steel casting, and copper or aluminum based alloy casting; advanced CNC machining equipment, including 10 vertical and horizontal processing centers and more than 20 CNC machine tools, can meet the precision processing requirements of most products.
    The company has built up a complete quality control system based on its powerful management team and Various inspections and testings devices such as dimensional inspection, chemical composition analysis, mechanical property tests, non-destructive tests and metallographic inspections .
    Product Application
    The company adopts the silica sol shell technology, mainly produce the investment casting precision parts and its deep processing products. Our products are widely used in automobiles, ships, construction, medical equipment, food machinery and pipeline valves and other industries, mainly exported to the United States, Britain, France, Holland, Australia, Japan, China Taiwan and other countries and regions.X Ray Inspection factory
    OUR SERVICES: Our factory supply OEM service(custom service) in precision investment casting,which are also called lost wax casting, We have been committed to this technique for over 20 years . Our specialized engineer can provide you the full-service of technology advice and products improving projection,and also reduce the cost of the parts. Investment casting (lost wax casting) Shell mold casting Lost foam castingStainless steel casting Alloy steel casting Carbon steel casting Heat-resistant steel casting Bronze and Brass casting Aluminum casting MachiningDrilling, Reaming and tapping CNC Turning machining CNC Milling machining Wire EDM Heat treatmentSolution Annealing Normalizing Quenching and Tempering Induction hardening Surface treatmentManual polishing Electro-polishing Electro-plating Power coating Tumbling Our Factory Wabon Precision Metal Co. Ltd ,Founded in 2014, is a professional manufacturer and exporter of investment casting,which covered the mould manufacturing, CNC machining and surface finishing treatment. The company has precision casting and machining Production lines, covering a total area of over 30,000 square meters, and employs about 180 employees. The headquarters is located in a famous Chinese cultural city, the hometown of Confucius, Jining City, Shandong Province, Qingdao Port in the east and Jinan Yaowall International Airport in the north. The traffic conditions are very convenient. The company adopts silicon sol investment casting technology, mainly produce stainless steel, alloy steel, and carbon steel casting, and copper or aluminum based alloy casting; advanced CNC machining equipment, including 10 vertical and horizontal processing centers and more than 20 CNC machine tools, can meet the precision processing requirements of most products. The company has built up a complete quality control system based on its powerful management team and Various inspections and testings devices such as dimensional inspection, chemical composition analysis, mechanical property tests, non-destructive tests and metallographic inspections . Product Application The company adopts the silica sol shell technology, mainly produce the investment casting precision parts and its deep processing products. Our products are widely used in automobiles, ships, construction, medical equipment, food machinery and pipeline valves and other industries, mainly exported to the United States, Britain, France, Holland, Australia, Japan, China Taiwan and other countries and regions.X Ray Inspection factory website:http://www.wabon-metal.com/
    China Investment Casting, Shell Mold Casting, Nondestructive Inspection Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - WABON
    Jining Wabon Precision Metal Co., Ltd: Find professional investment casting, shell mold casting, nondestructive inspection, investment casting, shell mold casting manufacturers and suppliers in China here. With abundant experience, our factory offers high quality products made in China with competitive price. Welcome to contact us for wholesale service.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 5494 Visualizzazioni
  • Our History
    Dongying City Dayong Petroleum Additives Co.,Ltd. with independent legal personality锛孍stablished on 2 December 2005. Registered capital reached 15 million CNY.
    Passed ISO9001 quality, ISO14001 environment, ISO 45001occupational health and safety integration management system certification in 2022.
    Located at South of Yongxin Road, Kenli District, Dongying, Shandong Province, China. The company is a chemical enterprise integrating research & development, production, and sales.
    Our Factory
    Currently, there are 195 employees, 17 persons with master's degree, 125 persons with bachelor's degree. There are 33 people with professional and technical titles, including 6 with Senior Engineers and 26 with Engineers , accounting for 35% of the total.
    On August 5, 2017, Dayong's first intelligent production line with an annual output of 100,000 tons of oilfield chemicals with independent intellectual property rights was put into operation in Kenli town, Dongying city. With more than 30 sets of professional production equipment, 22 chemical synthesis reactors, the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons.
    Our Product
    Xanthan Gum (XCD), PAC-L, PAC-R, PHPA, Lubricants- Polyalcohol, Lubricants- Water Soluble, Lubricants- Oil Soluble, Anti-sloughing agent, Emulsified Paraffin, Sulonated Asphalt, Sulfonated Lignite, Anti-salt, anti-temperature anti-sloughing agent, Solid Lubricants, Thinners (High Temperature), Surfactant, H2S Scavenger, O2 Scavenger, Corrosion Inhibitors, Demulsifier, Reverse Demulsifier, Drag Reducer Agent (DRA), PAM, CMC, Viscosity Reducer- Heavy Oil, Viscosity Reducer 鈥?Conventional, Foaming agent, Biocides, Iron ion stabilizer, Clay Stabilizer- Normal temperature, Clay Stabilizer- High temperature, Oil displacing agent, Defoamers, Descaling agent, Copolymerizable surfactant.
    Product Application
    Drilling materials, Production chemicals, water treatment chemicals.
    Our Certificate
    ISO9001 quality, ISO14001 environment, ISO 45001occupational health and safety integration management system.
    Production Equipment
    30 sets of professional production equipment, 22 chemical synthesis reactors.
    Production Market
    Worldwide sales network. Qualified supplier for CNPC,SINOPEC, CNOOC in China.
    Our Service
    Before Sales:
    1. Product advantages: introduce product features, such as the advantages of the product compared with other products in terms of function, design, performance and appearance;
    2. Price advantage: introduce the price of the item, the price advantage of the product over traditional selling points such as supermarkets and canteens, and the selling point of similar websites or the price advantage of competitors.
    On Sales:
    1. Quality advantage: To introduce the quality of the items, the items must be guaranteed to be genuine and licensed, and at the same time, the quality of the items must be guaranteed to meet the relevant standard requirements;
    2. Service advantages: introduce convenient services, in-sale service advantages such as online shopping, installment payment, credit card payment, flexible payment, cash on delivery or door-to-door delivery services.
    After Sales:
    1. Advantages of joint insurance: Introduce the item insurance, the item enjoys the national joint insurance, if there is a problem during transportation or use, the product can be replaced or returned by providing product evidence;
    2. Maintenance advantages: Introduce the warranty of the item. While ensuring the quality of the item, if it is damaged unintentionally or for other reasons after use, please contact the manufacturer or the warranty point for warranty during the warranty period.China Descaling Agent
    Our History Dongying City Dayong Petroleum Additives Co.,Ltd. with independent legal personality锛孍stablished on 2 December 2005. Registered capital reached 15 million CNY. Passed ISO9001 quality, ISO14001 environment, ISO 45001occupational health and safety integration management system certification in 2022. Located at South of Yongxin Road, Kenli District, Dongying, Shandong Province, China. The company is a chemical enterprise integrating research & development, production, and sales. Our Factory Currently, there are 195 employees, 17 persons with master's degree, 125 persons with bachelor's degree. There are 33 people with professional and technical titles, including 6 with Senior Engineers and 26 with Engineers , accounting for 35% of the total. On August 5, 2017, Dayong's first intelligent production line with an annual output of 100,000 tons of oilfield chemicals with independent intellectual property rights was put into operation in Kenli town, Dongying city. With more than 30 sets of professional production equipment, 22 chemical synthesis reactors, the annual production capacity of 100,000 tons. Our Product Xanthan Gum (XCD), PAC-L, PAC-R, PHPA, Lubricants- Polyalcohol, Lubricants- Water Soluble, Lubricants- Oil Soluble, Anti-sloughing agent, Emulsified Paraffin, Sulonated Asphalt, Sulfonated Lignite, Anti-salt, anti-temperature anti-sloughing agent, Solid Lubricants, Thinners (High Temperature), Surfactant, H2S Scavenger, O2 Scavenger, Corrosion Inhibitors, Demulsifier, Reverse Demulsifier, Drag Reducer Agent (DRA), PAM, CMC, Viscosity Reducer- Heavy Oil, Viscosity Reducer 鈥?Conventional, Foaming agent, Biocides, Iron ion stabilizer, Clay Stabilizer- Normal temperature, Clay Stabilizer- High temperature, Oil displacing agent, Defoamers, Descaling agent, Copolymerizable surfactant. Product Application Drilling materials, Production chemicals, water treatment chemicals. Our Certificate ISO9001 quality, ISO14001 environment, ISO 45001occupational health and safety integration management system. Production Equipment 30 sets of professional production equipment, 22 chemical synthesis reactors. Production Market Worldwide sales network. Qualified supplier for CNPC,SINOPEC, CNOOC in China. Our Service Before Sales: 1. Product advantages: introduce product features, such as the advantages of the product compared with other products in terms of function, design, performance and appearance; 2. Price advantage: introduce the price of the item, the price advantage of the product over traditional selling points such as supermarkets and canteens, and the selling point of similar websites or the price advantage of competitors. On Sales: 1. Quality advantage: To introduce the quality of the items, the items must be guaranteed to be genuine and licensed, and at the same time, the quality of the items must be guaranteed to meet the relevant standard requirements; 2. Service advantages: introduce convenient services, in-sale service advantages such as online shopping, installment payment, credit card payment, flexible payment, cash on delivery or door-to-door delivery services. After Sales: 1. Advantages of joint insurance: Introduce the item insurance, the item enjoys the national joint insurance, if there is a problem during transportation or use, the product can be replaced or returned by providing product evidence; 2. Maintenance advantages: Introduce the warranty of the item. While ensuring the quality of the item, if it is damaged unintentionally or for other reasons after use, please contact the manufacturer or the warranty point for warranty during the warranty period.China Descaling Agent website:http://www.dayong-chemical.com/
    China Drilling and Completion Chemicals, Production Chemicals, Demulsifier Additive Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - DAYONG
    Dongying City Dayong Petroleum Additives Co., Ltd.: We're known as one of the most professional drilling and completion chemicals, production chemicals, demulsifier additive, oilfield biocides, polymerizable surfactant manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to buy high quality products made in China here from our factory. Contact us for more details.
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