• Oggi, importanti sviluppi al tribunale di Leeds, Belgio.
    Ho appena lasciato la corte, dove si è svolto il processo contro Ursula von der Leyen. Buone notizie: il giudice ha rifiutato la richiesta di rinvio avanzata dai suoi legali e da quelli di Pfizer. I tribunali non hanno accettato il rinvio, nonostante fosse stato chiesto solo il giorno prima.

    Il caso si concentra su tre aspetti principali:

    1. Immunità: Ursula von der Leyen può beneficiare dell’immunità? Noi crediamo di no, dato che ha operato al di fuori del suo mandato, inviando messaggi privati e aggirando il processo negoziale sui vaccini.

    2. Competenze dell'EPPO: L'EPPO (Ufficio del Procuratore Europeo) è il giusto organismo per questo caso? Noi pensiamo di no, dato che non riguarda il bilancio dell'UE, ma quello degli Stati membri.

    3. Legittimità delle denunce: È legittimo che i cittadini, come me, possano fare queste denunce? Assolutamente sì. La trasparenza è un diritto di ogni cittadino europeo.

    La decisione finale arriverà il 20 gennaio. Vi terrò aggiornati con il mio discorso online, perché è fondamentale che la gente sappia cosa sta succedendo.

    Chi è Rob Roos?
    Rob Roos è un eurodeputato olandese, noto per le sue posizioni critiche nei confronti dell'Unione Europea e per il suo impegno a favore della trasparenza nelle decisioni politiche, specialmente riguardo alla gestione della pandemia e dei contratti sui vaccini. Oggi, si sta battendo per la giustizia e la responsabilità nei confronti di importanti figure politiche.

    Important developments today at the court in Leeds, Belgium.
    I have just left the court where the trial against Ursula von der Leyen took place. Good news: the judge refused the request for an adjournment made by her lawyers and those of Pfizer. The courts did not accept the adjournment, even though it had been requested only the day before.

    The case focuses on three main issues:

    1. Immunity: Can Ursula von der Leyen benefit from immunity? We do not think so, as she acted outside her mandate, sending private messages and circumventing the vaccine negotiation process.

    2. Competences of the EPPO: Is the EPPO (European Public Prosecutor's Office) the right body for this case? We do not think so, as it does not concern the EU budget, but that of the Member States.

    3. Legitimacy of complaints: Is it legitimate for citizens, like me, to make these complaints? Absolutely. Transparency is a right of every European citizen.

    The final decision will come on January 20th. I will keep you updated with my online speech, because it is crucial that people know what is happening.

    Who is Rob Roos?
    Rob Roos is a Dutch MEP, known for his criticism of the European Union and his commitment to transparency in political decisions, especially regarding the management of the pandemic and vaccine contracts. Today, he is fighting for justice and accountability towards important political figures.

    Oggi, importanti sviluppi al tribunale di Leeds, Belgio. Ho appena lasciato la corte, dove si è svolto il processo contro Ursula von der Leyen. Buone notizie: il giudice ha rifiutato la richiesta di rinvio avanzata dai suoi legali e da quelli di Pfizer. I tribunali non hanno accettato il rinvio, nonostante fosse stato chiesto solo il giorno prima. Il caso si concentra su tre aspetti principali: 1. Immunità: Ursula von der Leyen può beneficiare dell’immunità? Noi crediamo di no, dato che ha operato al di fuori del suo mandato, inviando messaggi privati e aggirando il processo negoziale sui vaccini. 2. Competenze dell'EPPO: L'EPPO (Ufficio del Procuratore Europeo) è il giusto organismo per questo caso? Noi pensiamo di no, dato che non riguarda il bilancio dell'UE, ma quello degli Stati membri. 3. Legittimità delle denunce: È legittimo che i cittadini, come me, possano fare queste denunce? Assolutamente sì. La trasparenza è un diritto di ogni cittadino europeo. La decisione finale arriverà il 20 gennaio. Vi terrò aggiornati con il mio discorso online, perché è fondamentale che la gente sappia cosa sta succedendo. Chi è Rob Roos? Rob Roos è un eurodeputato olandese, noto per le sue posizioni critiche nei confronti dell'Unione Europea e per il suo impegno a favore della trasparenza nelle decisioni politiche, specialmente riguardo alla gestione della pandemia e dei contratti sui vaccini. Oggi, si sta battendo per la giustizia e la responsabilità nei confronti di importanti figure politiche. Important developments today at the court in Leeds, Belgium. I have just left the court where the trial against Ursula von der Leyen took place. Good news: the judge refused the request for an adjournment made by her lawyers and those of Pfizer. The courts did not accept the adjournment, even though it had been requested only the day before. The case focuses on three main issues: 1. Immunity: Can Ursula von der Leyen benefit from immunity? We do not think so, as she acted outside her mandate, sending private messages and circumventing the vaccine negotiation process. 2. Competences of the EPPO: Is the EPPO (European Public Prosecutor's Office) the right body for this case? We do not think so, as it does not concern the EU budget, but that of the Member States. 3. Legitimacy of complaints: Is it legitimate for citizens, like me, to make these complaints? Absolutely. Transparency is a right of every European citizen. The final decision will come on January 20th. I will keep you updated with my online speech, because it is crucial that people know what is happening. Who is Rob Roos? Rob Roos is a Dutch MEP, known for his criticism of the European Union and his commitment to transparency in political decisions, especially regarding the management of the pandemic and vaccine contracts. Today, he is fighting for justice and accountability towards important political figures. Source: https://x.com/GiorgiaSalvagn1/status/1876627443651367325?t=st0sykp_sIUgKgnGST45JQ&s=19
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 362 Visualizzazioni 4
  • Cari genitori che siete contrari all’obbligo vaccinale sia per voi che per i vostri figli, vi giro questo documento dell’Anagrafe Nazionale Vaccini-AVN del Ministero della Salute del 25 marzo 2024: https://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pagineAree_5067_23_file.pdf in cui vengono spiegate tutte le modalità esecutive che deve rispettare il personale sanitario addetto all’effettuazione delle vaccinazioni. MA QUELLO CHE E’ IMPORTANTE RILEVARE E’ CHE NELL’ULTIMA PAGINA, LA 125 , NELL’ALLEGATO 5.6 MOTIVI DI ESCLUSIONE”, E’ PIANIFICATA LA POSSIBILITA’ DI INDICARE COME Motivo di esclusione dalla vaccinazione il ”Dissenso informato definitivo”, CHE COME EFFETTO HA LA NON ISCRIZIONE DEL BAMBINO NEGLI ELENCHI DEI NON VACCINATI CHE L’AST INVIA AI SERVIZI EDUCATIVI, ANNULLANDO QUINDI OGNI POSSIBILITA’ DI DECADENZA DELL’ISCRIZIONE NEGLI ASILI PER I BAMBINI 0/6 ANNI; più che giusto, visto che tuttora, purtroppo, i Servizi Educativi sembrano ignorare volutamente che il loro compito relativamente alla legge 119, si ferma all’art. 3-bis comma 3, con tanto di conferma al comma 5. Credo di non sbagliare se sostengo che questa possibilità è stata sistematicamente tenuta, diciamo, in disparte, dal personale sanitario incaricato delle vaccinazioni. Insieme alla “scoperta” di questo documento, di cui non mi assumo il merito visto che l’informazione mi è stata girata da altri, mi è stato anche riferito che già alcuni genitori sono riusciti ad ottenere quello che gli spetta di diritto, come tutti sappiamo: ossia che NESSUNO PUO’ OBBLIGARCI AD ASSUMERE OD A FARCI INIETTARE ALCUNCHE’ NEL NOSTRO CORPO NE’ IN QUELLO DEI NOSTRI FIGLI SE NON LO VOGLIAMO, che riguardi neonati o adulti, che si tratti di vaccini ma anche di altri medicinali. Ovviamente è un’opportunità che va conquistata, magari presentandosi al colloquio con l’AST senza il bambino ma piuttosto con questa legge in formato cartaceo, per “guidare” alla scoperta di questa possibilità il medico vaccinatore che volesse ancora negarla, e magari fotografando il monitor in cui compare il nome del bambino e la crocetta sul codice 06, per ricordo.

    Da Avv. Marco Della Luna
    Cari genitori che siete contrari all’obbligo vaccinale sia per voi che per i vostri figli, vi giro questo documento dell’Anagrafe Nazionale Vaccini-AVN del Ministero della Salute del 25 marzo 2024: https://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pagineAree_5067_23_file.pdf in cui vengono spiegate tutte le modalità esecutive che deve rispettare il personale sanitario addetto all’effettuazione delle vaccinazioni. MA QUELLO CHE E’ IMPORTANTE RILEVARE E’ CHE NELL’ULTIMA PAGINA, LA 125 , NELL’ALLEGATO 5.6 MOTIVI DI ESCLUSIONE”, E’ PIANIFICATA LA POSSIBILITA’ DI INDICARE COME Motivo di esclusione dalla vaccinazione il ”Dissenso informato definitivo”, CHE COME EFFETTO HA LA NON ISCRIZIONE DEL BAMBINO NEGLI ELENCHI DEI NON VACCINATI CHE L’AST INVIA AI SERVIZI EDUCATIVI, ANNULLANDO QUINDI OGNI POSSIBILITA’ DI DECADENZA DELL’ISCRIZIONE NEGLI ASILI PER I BAMBINI 0/6 ANNI; più che giusto, visto che tuttora, purtroppo, i Servizi Educativi sembrano ignorare volutamente che il loro compito relativamente alla legge 119, si ferma all’art. 3-bis comma 3, con tanto di conferma al comma 5. Credo di non sbagliare se sostengo che questa possibilità è stata sistematicamente tenuta, diciamo, in disparte, dal personale sanitario incaricato delle vaccinazioni. Insieme alla “scoperta” di questo documento, di cui non mi assumo il merito visto che l’informazione mi è stata girata da altri, mi è stato anche riferito che già alcuni genitori sono riusciti ad ottenere quello che gli spetta di diritto, come tutti sappiamo: ossia che NESSUNO PUO’ OBBLIGARCI AD ASSUMERE OD A FARCI INIETTARE ALCUNCHE’ NEL NOSTRO CORPO NE’ IN QUELLO DEI NOSTRI FIGLI SE NON LO VOGLIAMO, che riguardi neonati o adulti, che si tratti di vaccini ma anche di altri medicinali. Ovviamente è un’opportunità che va conquistata, magari presentandosi al colloquio con l’AST senza il bambino ma piuttosto con questa legge in formato cartaceo, per “guidare” alla scoperta di questa possibilità il medico vaccinatore che volesse ancora negarla, e magari fotografando il monitor in cui compare il nome del bambino e la crocetta sul codice 06, per ricordo. Da Avv. Marco Della Luna
    Tipo di file: pdf
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 379 Visualizzazioni
  • 5G in Defense Market

    The global 5G in defense market is poised for explosive growth, with its size reaching USD 2,338.6 million in 2024 and projected to soar to USD 42,556.2 million by 2033, exhibiting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.14% during the period from 2025 to 2033. This rapid expansion is primarily driven by the increasing adoption of advanced communication technologies within defense organizations to enhance situational awareness, operational efficiency, and real-time decision-making capabilities. The deployment of 5G technology in defense applications facilitates improved connectivity among troops, vehicles, and drones, enabling faster data transmission and superior performance in mission-critical scenarios. Additionally, the growing need for secure and high-speed networks to support emerging technologies such as the Internet of Military Things (IoMT) and autonomous systems is further fueling investment in 5G infrastructure. North America dominates the market due to significant defense spending and innovation initiatives, while Asia-Pacific is emerging as a key player as nations enhance their military capabilities.

    #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup

    Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/5g-in-defense-market
    5G in Defense Market The global 5G in defense market is poised for explosive growth, with its size reaching USD 2,338.6 million in 2024 and projected to soar to USD 42,556.2 million by 2033, exhibiting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.14% during the period from 2025 to 2033. This rapid expansion is primarily driven by the increasing adoption of advanced communication technologies within defense organizations to enhance situational awareness, operational efficiency, and real-time decision-making capabilities. The deployment of 5G technology in defense applications facilitates improved connectivity among troops, vehicles, and drones, enabling faster data transmission and superior performance in mission-critical scenarios. Additionally, the growing need for secure and high-speed networks to support emerging technologies such as the Internet of Military Things (IoMT) and autonomous systems is further fueling investment in 5G infrastructure. North America dominates the market due to significant defense spending and innovation initiatives, while Asia-Pacific is emerging as a key player as nations enhance their military capabilities. #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/5g-in-defense-market
    5G In Defense Market Size, Share, Industry Analysis 2033
    5G in defense market size reached USD 2,338.6 Million in 2024 to reach USD 42,556.2 Million by 2033 at a CAGR of 36.14% during 2025-2033.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 722 Visualizzazioni
  • Innovative 4-in-1 Car Jump Starter
    Powerful Jump Starter:12V jump starter is equipped with a peak current of 3500A.
    Portable Power Bank:24000mAh (88.8Wh) battery capacity, you can conveniently charge your mobile phones, tablets, and other digital products on the go
    Reliable 3W LED Lighting:It offers three modes: Lighting, Strobe, and SOS, providing you with versatility and ensuring you have the right lighting option for any situation.
    (*For Jump Starter ODM/OEM Solutions, secure your exclusive quotation now!)

    Model JS-351
    Battery capacity 24000mAh(88.8Wh)
    Size 252X98X57mm
    Weight 1085g
    Input USB-C PD100W(5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/3A;15V/3A;20V/5A)
    Output USB-C PD100W(5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/3A;15V/3A;20V/5A);5V/2.4A;15V/10A;12V jump starter
    Quick charge 5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/1.5A;15V/10A
    Peak current 3250A
    Full charging time about 1 hours
    Operating temperature -20°C~60°C
    Innovative 4-in-1 Car Jump Starter https://www.car-ku.com/products/Innovative-4-in-1-Car-Jump-Starter-JS-351.html Powerful Jump Starter:12V jump starter is equipped with a peak current of 3500A. Portable Power Bank:24000mAh (88.8Wh) battery capacity, you can conveniently charge your mobile phones, tablets, and other digital products on the go Reliable 3W LED Lighting:It offers three modes: Lighting, Strobe, and SOS, providing you with versatility and ensuring you have the right lighting option for any situation. (*For Jump Starter ODM/OEM Solutions, secure your exclusive quotation now!) CARKU JUMP STARTER Model JS-351 Battery capacity 24000mAh(88.8Wh) Size 252X98X57mm Weight 1085g Input USB-C PD100W(5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/3A;15V/3A;20V/5A) Output USB-C PD100W(5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/3A;15V/3A;20V/5A);5V/2.4A;15V/10A;12V jump starter Quick charge 5V/3A;9V/2A;12V/1.5A;15V/10A Peak current 3250A Full charging time about 1 hours Operating temperature -20°C~60°C
    CARKU crafts compact battery starters that are powerful car jump starters, offering a reliable emergency car starter pack for quick vehicle revivals.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 211 Visualizzazioni
  • #Copper — the most popular electrical #wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial #cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting #electricity.

    But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper #Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel?

    Read More: https://notepd.com/idea/reasons-why-is-copper-used-in-cables-ngzr3
    #Copper — the most popular electrical #wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial #cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting #electricity. But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper #Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel? Read More: https://notepd.com/idea/reasons-why-is-copper-used-in-cables-ngzr3
    Znergy Cable on NotePD: 'Reasons Why is Copper Used in Ca...
    Copper — the most popular electrical wiring and cable material From household wiring to high-performance industrial cables, it has earned its place as the metal of choice for conducting electricity. But why is there a huge use of copper, and why do people want to buy copper Australian Cable over any other material like aluminum or steel? Through this blog, we aim to explore the major reasons why copper happens to be the metal of choice in electrical cables and touch upon its physical, chemical, and electrical properties that allow copper to conduct electricity perfectly, along with their practical advantages in day-to-day applications.Outstanding Electrical conducting skillsCopper Electric Cables, due to their exceptional electrical conductivity, are used in wires. Electrical conductivity, or the measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current, makes copper a close second to silver.Copper: The very best material for high-conductive wiring, most cable is made out of copper, as it is the best for its high conductivity, which can offer a low-resistance path to electrical current, particularly over long distances. Copper is one of the best conductors of electricity, after all, allowing it to carry an electrical current with minimum energy loss.Practically speaking, they enable power to be transferred more efficiently through copper cables, meaning less energy is lost to heat. This is especially true of low-voltage applications, such as household wiring, and high-voltage applications, like transmission lines.Durability and LongevityBeing highly durable, copper is great for making the cables as they are long-lasting. Copper also does not corrode or degrade easily, unlike some metals, so this also makes it a great wiring option in different conditions, whether the wiring is to be carried out indoors or outdoors.Copper’s anti-corrosion properties guarantee that cables will spring into action for decades, even in challenging conditions like high-humidity locales or outdoor interstitial spaces. The oxidation resistance of copper is especially important because the accumulation of oxidized atoms can form an insulating layer that reduces the conductivity.The durability minimizes the frequency of replacement and saves the company money and time throughout the lifespan of an electrical system.Tensile Strength and FlexibilityMoreover, copper exhibits remarkable tensile strength, the ability of a substance to resist being pulled apart. This makes copper cables mechanically strong and gives them the ability to withstand the tension or strain that may occur during installation or in places where cables come under movement or stress.But tensile strength alone does not make copper the ideal material for cable construction. Copper also presents favourable flexibility, which is essential in bending, coiling, or guiding wires through intricate geometries without fracturing or bristling. The best of both strength and flexibility make copper cables easy to install and durable in the long run.Flexible cables for things like home appliances, mobile devices, and automotive wiring often use copper, which will flex per cycle to some degree (and avoid the discoloration some metals will experience from the stress), which is important for movement and long-term use.Corrosion ResistanceAs we stated above, copper has very good corrosion resistance than most other metals. When exposed to moisture, for example, other metals such as iron or steel corrode, paving the way to a depressive change in the quality and reliability of electrical conductors. In contrast, when exposed to air and moisture, copper forms a protective patina layer (a greenish layer of copper carbonate) that prevents the oxidation of underlying layers of copper.The resistances against corrosion make cables work efficiently in areas such as marine applications, underground applications, or even in places with high humidity.Thermal ConductivityCopper is a good thermal conductor, so it dissipates heat more rapidly. Electrical wires and cables produce heat when powered through them, and hence it is paramount that this heat is dissipated properly to prevent overheating or damaging the wiring.Copper’s thermal conductivity allows it to dissipate heat effectively, enabling it to operate within a safe temperature range. Particularly for power transmission cables, the risk of overheating, which can fail electrical systems or even fire hazards, makes this especially important. In copper, the heat from the electrical current is distributed evenly, reducing the hazards of excessive temperatures.Solderability and Interface ConnectivityCopper has excellent soldering weldability, which makes it easy to connect with other connected elements. Because of copper’s low melting point (relative to other metals), as well as its ability to form strong, conductive bonds, it’s perfect for electrical connections.Copper is a tried and true conductor for all types of connections, when you have to join wires, put on connectors or perform any splicing. It is for this easy connection that copper is preferred for the making of those complex electrical systems and devices, no matter if it is for home appliances or for advanced electronics.ConclusionCopper has excellent electrical conductivity combined with durability and flexibility, along with corrosion resistance, making it a favorite for use in electrical cables. This unique pairing of qualities makes it a versatile and invaluable component in electrical systems, whether in residential settings or within expansive industrial-scale energy transmission and control systems.Copper also has great thermal conductivity, is easy to solder, and is compatible with other materials, making it a versatile option to use in different cable types. Hence, copper continues to be the go-to material in many industries despite the invention of alternatives such as aluminium.Copper remains the industry standard for home, commercial and industrial cable manufacturing, providing safe, efficient and effective solutions for powering and energizing the future of the planet—all without the environmental impact of fossil fuels or toxic enhancing agents that can be found in alternative cable products.Also Read: How Do You Keep Your House Safe from Short Circuits?
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 469 Visualizzazioni
  • Healthcare Cyber Security Market

    The global healthcare cybersecurity market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the increasing digitization of healthcare data and the rising frequency of cyberattacks targeting healthcare organizations. In 2024, the market was valued at USD 19.7 billion, demonstrating the significant investment in protecting sensitive patient information. Projections indicate substantial expansion, with the market size estimated to reach USD 66.0 billion by 2033. This impressive growth is characterized by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4% during the forecast period from 2025 to 2033. North America currently dominates the market, holding a significant market share of over 38.9% in 2024, reflecting the region's advanced healthcare infrastructure and stringent data privacy regulations. The healthcare cybersecurity market encompasses various solutions and services, including intrusion detection and prevention systems, data encryption, access control, and security information and event management (SIEM), all playing a crucial role in safeguarding patient data and ensuring the continuity of healthcare operations.

    #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup

    Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/healthcare-cyber-security-market
    Healthcare Cyber Security Market The global healthcare cybersecurity market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the increasing digitization of healthcare data and the rising frequency of cyberattacks targeting healthcare organizations. In 2024, the market was valued at USD 19.7 billion, demonstrating the significant investment in protecting sensitive patient information. Projections indicate substantial expansion, with the market size estimated to reach USD 66.0 billion by 2033. This impressive growth is characterized by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4% during the forecast period from 2025 to 2033. North America currently dominates the market, holding a significant market share of over 38.9% in 2024, reflecting the region's advanced healthcare infrastructure and stringent data privacy regulations. The healthcare cybersecurity market encompasses various solutions and services, including intrusion detection and prevention systems, data encryption, access control, and security information and event management (SIEM), all playing a crucial role in safeguarding patient data and ensuring the continuity of healthcare operations. #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/healthcare-cyber-security-market
    Healthcare Cybersecurity Market Size, Trends & Growth 2033
    Healthcare cybersecurity market is projected to grow from USD 19.7 Billion in 2024 to USD 66.0 Billion by 2033, at a 14.4% CAGR. North America leads with a 38.9% market share in 2024.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 1K Visualizzazioni
  • Integrated Passive Devices Market Size, Share, Growth and Manufacturers 2033

    The Integrated Passive Devices (IPD) Market refers to the sector focused on the development and application of passive electronic components integrated into a single chip or module. These devices, which include resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other passive components, are critical in electronic circuits. The demand for IPDs is driven by the growing need for miniaturization, efficiency, and reduced system complexity in modern electronic products.

    Key applications of IPDs span various industries, such as telecommunications, automotive, consumer electronics, and healthcare. In telecommunications, for instance, IPDs enable compact, reliable, and high-performance components for mobile devices, 5G infrastructure, and networking equipment. In automotive electronics, these devices are used to enhance the efficiency and functionality of electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving systems, and infotainment units. Consumer electronics, including smartphones and wearables, increasingly rely on IPDs for size reduction and improved power efficiency.

    The primary factors driving the growth of the IPD market include advancements in semiconductor technologies, increasing consumer demand for smaller and lighter electronic devices, and the rising prevalence of wireless communication technologies. Additionally, the shift towards 5G and the expansion of IoT (Internet of Things) networks contribute significantly to market growth, as IPDs play a vital role in enhancing signal integrity and reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) in such systems.

    Geographically, Asia-Pacific holds a significant share of the IPD market, driven by the presence of leading semiconductor manufacturers and increasing demand for electronic devices in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. North America and Europe are also seeing steady growth due to the rising adoption of advanced communication systems and automotive electronics.

    Get More Information Here@ https://www.kdmarketinsights.jp/
    Integrated Passive Devices Market Size, Share, Growth and Manufacturers 2033 The Integrated Passive Devices (IPD) Market refers to the sector focused on the development and application of passive electronic components integrated into a single chip or module. These devices, which include resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other passive components, are critical in electronic circuits. The demand for IPDs is driven by the growing need for miniaturization, efficiency, and reduced system complexity in modern electronic products. Key applications of IPDs span various industries, such as telecommunications, automotive, consumer electronics, and healthcare. In telecommunications, for instance, IPDs enable compact, reliable, and high-performance components for mobile devices, 5G infrastructure, and networking equipment. In automotive electronics, these devices are used to enhance the efficiency and functionality of electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving systems, and infotainment units. Consumer electronics, including smartphones and wearables, increasingly rely on IPDs for size reduction and improved power efficiency. The primary factors driving the growth of the IPD market include advancements in semiconductor technologies, increasing consumer demand for smaller and lighter electronic devices, and the rising prevalence of wireless communication technologies. Additionally, the shift towards 5G and the expansion of IoT (Internet of Things) networks contribute significantly to market growth, as IPDs play a vital role in enhancing signal integrity and reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI) in such systems. Geographically, Asia-Pacific holds a significant share of the IPD market, driven by the presence of leading semiconductor manufacturers and increasing demand for electronic devices in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea. North America and Europe are also seeing steady growth due to the rising adoption of advanced communication systems and automotive electronics. Get More Information Here@ https://www.kdmarketinsights.jp/
    日本市場調査機構|KD Market Insights
    KD Market Insightsは、日本の包括的な市場調査レポートを提供し、ビジネス上の意思決定に役立つ製品、企業、業界に関する貴重なデータと実用的な洞察を提供します。
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 2K Visualizzazioni
  • RF Center Line Butterfly Valve Nuovo
    No.1 Building, Wanyang Zhongchuang, Bihu, Lishui, Zhejiang, China.
    Explore our premium RF Flanged Center Line Butterfly Valvehttps://www.vervovalve.com/rf-center-line-butterfly-valve-4-in-150-lb-astm-a351-cf8.html, meticulously crafted with precision for optimal performance. This valve boasts a 4-inch size (DN100), designed to withstand pressures up to 150 LB (PN20). Constructed from high-quality Stainless Steel, conforming to ASTM A351 CF8 standards, ensuring durability and longevity. Engineered to meet API 609 specifications, featuring EPDM rubber lining for superior sealing. Upgrade your system with this reliable valve solution today.
    Detail Information
    Center line-type Butterfly Valve, Stainless steel, NPS 4, CLASS 150 LB, body rubber lined.

    Valve description:
    Center line-type Butterfly Valve, RF, EPDM LINED.
    Design: API 609.
    Body: ASTM A351 CF8
    Nominal size: 4 INCH.
    Nominal class: 150 LB.
    End Connection: RF.
    Face to face: API 609.
    Test and inspection: API 598.

    Product Range:
    Body material: Stainless steel.
    Normal diameter: 2 - 24 Inch (DN50 - DN600).
    End connection: Flanged, WAFER, LUG.
    Pressure range: Class 150 LB (PN6 - PN16).
    Working temperature: -29℃ - +100℃.
    Explore our premium RF Flanged Center Line Butterfly Valvehttps://www.vervovalve.com/rf-center-line-butterfly-valve-4-in-150-lb-astm-a351-cf8.html, meticulously crafted with precision for optimal performance. This valve boasts a 4-inch size (DN100), designed to withstand pressures up to 150 LB (PN20). Constructed from high-quality Stainless Steel, conforming to ASTM A351 CF8 standards, ensuring durability and longevity. Engineered to meet API 609 specifications, featuring EPDM rubber lining for superior sealing. Upgrade your system with this reliable valve solution today. Detail Information Center line-type Butterfly Valve, Stainless steel, NPS 4, CLASS 150 LB, body rubber lined. Valve description: Center line-type Butterfly Valve, RF, EPDM LINED. Design: API 609. Body: ASTM A351 CF8 Nominal size: 4 INCH. Nominal class: 150 LB. End Connection: RF. Face to face: API 609. Test and inspection: API 598. Product Range: Body material: Stainless steel. Normal diameter: 2 - 24 Inch (DN50 - DN600). End connection: Flanged, WAFER, LUG. Pressure range: Class 150 LB (PN6 - PN16). Working temperature: -29℃ - +100℃.
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  • Seamless Pipe Market

    The global seamless pipe market is experiencing steady growth, driven by the increasing demand for infrastructure development and industrial applications. In 2024, the market was valued at USD 255.0 billion, demonstrating the substantial demand for these essential components. Projections indicate continued expansion, with the market size expected to reach USD 405.44 billion by 2033. This growth is characterized by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.29% from 2025-2033. North America currently dominates the market, driven by robust industrial activity and significant investments in infrastructure projects. Seamless pipes are crucial in various sectors, including oil and gas, construction, and automotive, contributing to the market's consistent growth.

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    Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/seamless-pipe-market
    Seamless Pipe Market The global seamless pipe market is experiencing steady growth, driven by the increasing demand for infrastructure development and industrial applications. In 2024, the market was valued at USD 255.0 billion, demonstrating the substantial demand for these essential components. Projections indicate continued expansion, with the market size expected to reach USD 405.44 billion by 2033. This growth is characterized by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.29% from 2025-2033. North America currently dominates the market, driven by robust industrial activity and significant investments in infrastructure projects. Seamless pipes are crucial in various sectors, including oil and gas, construction, and automotive, contributing to the market's consistent growth. #marketresearch #business #marketanalysis #markettrends #researchreport #marketreport #marketforecast #marketanalysis #marketgrowth #imarcgroup Grab a sample pdf: https://www.imarcgroup.com/seamless-pipe-market
    Seamless Pipe Market Size, Share, Growth and Forecast 2033
    The global seamless pipe market size reached USD 255.0 Billion in 2024 and it is expected to reach USD 405.44 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.29% during 2025-2033.
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