• Quello che accade oggi in Francia e quello che accadrà a breve in Europa è solo esclusivamente colpa dei governi fantocci servi GLOBALISTI FILO AGENDA



    What is happening today in France and what will happen soon in Europe is only and exclusively the fault of the puppet governments servants GLOBALISTS PRO AGENDA



    Fonte: https://x.com/dessere88fenice/status/1859332135074533500?t=lClPnTQXW8NmfXoWUvUCVw&s=19
    Quello che accade oggi in Francia e quello che accadrà a breve in Europa è solo esclusivamente colpa dei governi fantocci servi GLOBALISTI FILO AGENDA L’AGRICOLTURA È UN NOSTRO BENE R NON SI TOCCA! 🚜🇫🇷🔥 AGRICOLTORI INCAZZATI What is happening today in France and what will happen soon in Europe is only and exclusively the fault of the puppet governments servants GLOBALISTS PRO AGENDA AGRICULTURE IS OUR GOOD AND IT IS NOT TO BE TOUCHED! 🚜🇫🇷🔥 FARMERS ANGRY Fonte: https://x.com/dessere88fenice/status/1859332135074533500?t=lClPnTQXW8NmfXoWUvUCVw&s=19
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 129 Visualizzazioni 7
  • IGBT Semiconductor Module Accessories Nuovo
    No. 23, Qilong Road, Natural Village, Zhiying Town, Yongkang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China
    Semiconductor parts(https://www.hardwareodm.com/product/igbt-semiconductor-module-accessories-1/)

    The IGBT Module is a modular electronic component that combines multiple IGBT chips, drive systems, protection circuits, and other essential functions. This module inherits the high input impedance of MOSFETs while incorporating the low conduction voltage drop and minimal current saturation of BJTs, resulting in superior performance in power electronic systems.

    Working Principle

    The IGBT module operates based on the conduction process of Non-Punch Through IGBT (NPT-IGBT). When the gate threshold voltage (VGE) exceeds a specific level, a conduction state is established in the channel, allowing current to flow. This design effectively merges the high input impedance of MOSFETs with the low on-state voltage drop of BJTs, enabling fast and efficient switching with low losses.


    IGBT modules are widely utilized in various applications, including inverter air conditioners, electric vehicles, power supply systems (PUS), and solar power generation. They are crucial for enhancing system stability, reliability, and efficiency.

    Key Features

    - Energy-saving capabilities

    - Easy installation and maintenance

    - Stable heat dissipation
    Semiconductor parts(https://www.hardwareodm.com/product/igbt-semiconductor-module-accessories-1/) The IGBT Module is a modular electronic component that combines multiple IGBT chips, drive systems, protection circuits, and other essential functions. This module inherits the high input impedance of MOSFETs while incorporating the low conduction voltage drop and minimal current saturation of BJTs, resulting in superior performance in power electronic systems. Working Principle The IGBT module operates based on the conduction process of Non-Punch Through IGBT (NPT-IGBT). When the gate threshold voltage (VGE) exceeds a specific level, a conduction state is established in the channel, allowing current to flow. This design effectively merges the high input impedance of MOSFETs with the low on-state voltage drop of BJTs, enabling fast and efficient switching with low losses. Applications IGBT modules are widely utilized in various applications, including inverter air conditioners, electric vehicles, power supply systems (PUS), and solar power generation. They are crucial for enhancing system stability, reliability, and efficiency. Key Features - Energy-saving capabilities - Easy installation and maintenance - Stable heat dissipation
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 114 Visualizzazioni
    Quindi durante la pandemia eravamo in buone mani ... 🫣.
    E la Scienzah ufficiale, l'unica che secondo i nostri giudici faceva testo e perciò giustificò obblighi vaccinali e lockdown, era improntata a criteri casuali ...
    O magari Big Pharma aveva promesso molte "banane" ai signori dell'OMS ... 🫣.
    I Media "certificatori di verità" (come li definisce Mattarella) ovviamente non lo riportano, ma in questi giorni X è piena di post di imprenditori e finanzieri "che contano" (molti ebrei) che dichiarano tutti la stessa cosa: se Musk non avesse aiutato Trump a vincere, la civiltà occidentale sarebbe caduta, e già oggi vivremmo in un sistema tirannico a partito unico, solo apparentemente democratico, finalizzato alla distruzione dell'umanità attraverso guerre, miseria, epidemie e condizioni di vita infernali per tutti tranne che per le élite.

    So during the pandemic we were in good hands ... 🫣.
    And the official Science, the only one that according to our judges was authoritative and therefore justified vaccination obligations and lockdowns, was based on random criteria ...
    Or maybe Big Pharma had promised many "bananas" to the gentlemen of the WHO ... 🫣.
    The "truth-certifying" Media (as Mattarella defines them) obviously do not report it, but these days X is full of posts by "important" entrepreneurs and financiers (many Jews) who all declare the same thing: if Musk had not helped Trump win, Western civilization would have fallen, and today we would already be living in a tyrannical one-party system, only apparently democratic, aimed at the destruction of humanity through wars, misery, epidemics and hellish living conditions for everyone except the elite.

    ELON MUSK: "MI FIDO PIÙ DI UNA SCIMMIA CHE DELL'OMS!" 👀 Quindi durante la pandemia eravamo in buone mani ... 🫣🤐. E la Scienzah ufficiale, l'unica che secondo i nostri giudici faceva testo e perciò giustificò obblighi vaccinali e lockdown, era improntata a criteri casuali ... O magari Big Pharma aveva promesso molte "banane" ai signori dell'OMS ... 🫣🤐. I Media "certificatori di verità" (come li definisce Mattarella) ovviamente non lo riportano, ma in questi giorni X è piena di post di imprenditori e finanzieri "che contano" (molti ebrei) che dichiarano tutti la stessa cosa: se Musk non avesse aiutato Trump a vincere, la civiltà occidentale sarebbe caduta, e già oggi vivremmo in un sistema tirannico a partito unico, solo apparentemente democratico, finalizzato alla distruzione dell'umanità attraverso guerre, miseria, epidemie e condizioni di vita infernali per tutti tranne che per le élite. 😱 ELON MUSK: "I TRUST A MONKEY MORE THAN THE WHO!" 👀 So during the pandemic we were in good hands ... 🫣🤐. And the official Science, the only one that according to our judges was authoritative and therefore justified vaccination obligations and lockdowns, was based on random criteria ... Or maybe Big Pharma had promised many "bananas" to the gentlemen of the WHO ... 🫣🤐. The "truth-certifying" Media (as Mattarella defines them) obviously do not report it, but these days X is full of posts by "important" entrepreneurs and financiers (many Jews) who all declare the same thing: if Musk had not helped Trump win, Western civilization would have fallen, and today we would already be living in a tyrannical one-party system, only apparently democratic, aimed at the destruction of humanity through wars, misery, epidemics and hellish living conditions for everyone except the elite. 😱 https://x.com/Jessica_4_Trump/status/1858163188769984707?t=x5jd5UL9Ws-iJNTaWOmfyQ&s=19
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 564 Visualizzazioni
  • Ellie Sutton has spoken out after years of chronic fatigue and excruciating nerve pain that doctors had previously dismissed.

    After receiving her second AstraZeneca shot in December 2021, Ms. Sutton experienced an alarming episode. "Not long after that, the entire right side of my body went numb," she said.

    Since taking two AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines and a Pfizer booster, Ms. Sutton says her life has been severely affected by debilitating pain and chronic fatigue.

    Ellie Sutton ha parlato dopo anni di stanchezza cronica e di lancinante dolore ai nervi che i medici avevano precedentemente liquidato.

    Dopo aver ricevuto la sua seconda dose di AstraZeneca a dicembre 2021, la Sig.ra Sutton ha avuto un episodio allarmante. "Non molto tempo dopo, l'intero lato destro del mio corpo si è intorpidito", ha detto.

    Da quando ha assunto due vaccini AstraZeneca COVID-19 e un richiamo Pfizer, la Sig.ra Sutton afferma che la sua vita è stata gravemente influenzata da dolore debilitante e stanchezza cronica.

    Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13969163/Ellie-sutton-covid-vaccine-injury.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwY2xjawGd24xleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHVxxyKfeTLSBokPCagNxh8fMMKTHD4ODZV2mxG01ren9O8JAIQJlqotIKQ_aem_HHFaLegn5ebmdfCgVOMSAA

    Follow: @Covid19vaccinevictims
    Ellie Sutton has spoken out after years of chronic fatigue and excruciating nerve pain that doctors had previously dismissed. After receiving her second AstraZeneca shot in December 2021, Ms. Sutton experienced an alarming episode. "Not long after that, the entire right side of my body went numb," she said. Since taking two AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines and a Pfizer booster, Ms. Sutton says her life has been severely affected by debilitating pain and chronic fatigue. Ellie Sutton ha parlato dopo anni di stanchezza cronica e di lancinante dolore ai nervi che i medici avevano precedentemente liquidato. Dopo aver ricevuto la sua seconda dose di AstraZeneca a dicembre 2021, la Sig.ra Sutton ha avuto un episodio allarmante. "Non molto tempo dopo, l'intero lato destro del mio corpo si è intorpidito", ha detto. Da quando ha assunto due vaccini AstraZeneca COVID-19 e un richiamo Pfizer, la Sig.ra Sutton afferma che la sua vita è stata gravemente influenzata da dolore debilitante e stanchezza cronica. Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13969163/Ellie-sutton-covid-vaccine-injury.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwY2xjawGd24xleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHVxxyKfeTLSBokPCagNxh8fMMKTHD4ODZV2mxG01ren9O8JAIQJlqotIKQ_aem_HHFaLegn5ebmdfCgVOMSAA Follow: @Covid19vaccinevictims
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 945 Visualizzazioni
  • È notizia recente, dinnanzi all' azienda Leonardo di Grottaglie lunedì si è tenuto un presidio di protesta delle maestranze sostenute dai sindacati. L' amministratore delegato Roberto Cingolani, carica assunta dalla primavera del 2023 su nomina del Consiglio dei ministri, scelta decisamente pertinente giacché il suddetto ritiene che la terra stia ospitando un numero eccessivo di essere umani e quale migliore incarico gli si poteva assegnare se non quello di una impresa producente articoli di morte, avrebbe reso noto l' intenzione di scorporare le aziende della Leonardo presenti sul territorio pugliese.
    Se così accadesse l' economia del territorio pugliese, già afflitta dall' annosa vertenza della Acciaierie d' Italia (ex Ilva), dal mancato sviluppo del porto, dalla crisi della HIAB ( la
    " ferrari " delle gru), si aggraverebbe ulteriormente la situazione di molte famiglie che si garantiscono un reddito da quelle aziende, in specie dalla Leonardo s.p.a.
    Ma la Leonardo s.p.a. non fomenta con le sue forniture quanto sta accadendo in Terra Santa? Forniture, non lo si dimentichi, ahimè, continuate anche dopo il fatidico 7 ottobre 2023..
    Ora, presso la Leonardo di Grottaglie, originariamente costituita per occuparsi del programma Boeing 787 Dreamliner, vi si svolge l' assemblaggio finale del Convertiplano AW60 ad uso civile. Nessuna produzione afferente al settore militare, a quanto ne so.
    Tuttavia, la Leonardo ha altre fabbriche dislocate sul territorio italiano che producono armi, alcune delle quali vengono vendute anche ad Israele che se ne serve per ridurre a più miti consigli i palestinesi oltre a diminuirne nel numero ( dopotutto anche il popolo palestinese è responsabile del sovrannumero degli abitanti del pianeta terra).Andrà fiero Roberto Cingolani dell' opportunità che gli offre la carica di amministratore delegato della Leonardo? I suoi tre figlioli saranno altrettanto fieri del loro babbo? Che interrogativi sciocchi! Me ne scuso.
    Vi è da comprendere le preoccupazioni dei lavoratori della Leonardo, in special modo di quei della Puglia; è compito della dello Stato, come impone la Costituzione, garantire a tutti i suoi cittadini un lavoro ed è dovere di ciascun cittadino svolgere un' attività che concorra al progresso materiale e spirituale della società. Ma fin dove questo dovere e diritto vicendevole ( Stato e cittadini) può spingersi senza che alcuno dei soggetti abbia a recriminare o addirittura opporsi oppure esigere che l' attività lavorativa si attenga pedissequamente ai principi della Costituzione? Può, deve un' attività industriale sia civile che militare rispettare la Costituzione? Può, deve una impresa industriale militare attenersi all' articolo 11 della Costituzione, può, deve contravvenire ad esso articolo?
    Le maestranze devono o non devono esigere un lavoro rispettoso della Costituzione?
    Le maestranze della Leonardo debbono avvertire l' esclusivo diritto/dovere di reclamare, come va accadendo in questi giorni, la continuazione dell' impiego lavorativo a prescindere dalla Costituzione? Forse non è noto a loro delle implicazioni della Leonardo s.p.a. nella mattanza in essere in Terra Santa. Se ne fossero a conoscenza come dovrebbero agire? E i loro sindacati ?
    Lieta giornata

    It is recent news, in front of the Leonardo company in Grottaglie on Monday a protest was held by the workers supported by the unions. The CEO Roberto Cingolani, a position assumed in the spring of 2023 by appointment of the Council of Ministers, a decidedly pertinent choice since the aforementioned believes that the earth is hosting an excessive number of human beings and what better role could be assigned to him than that of a company producing articles of death, has reportedly made known the intention to spin off the Leonardo companies present in the Apulian territory.
    If this were to happen, the economy of the Apulian territory, already afflicted by the long-standing dispute of the Acciaierie d'Italia (formerly Ilva), by the lack of development of the port, by the crisis of HIAB (the "Ferrari" of cranes), would further worsen the situation of many families who guarantee an income from those companies, especially from Leonardo s.p.a.
    But Leonardo s.p.a. does not fuel with its supplies what is happening in the Holy Land? Supplies, let us not forget, alas, continued even after the fateful October 7, 2023..
    Now, at Leonardo in Grottaglie, originally established to deal with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner program, the final assembly of the AW60 Convertiplane for civil use takes place. No production related to the military sector, as far as I know.
    However, Leonardo has other factories located on Italian territory that produce weapons, some of which are also sold to Israel which uses them to bring the Palestinians to a more moderate mind as well as reducing their number (after all, the Palestinian people are also responsible for the excess population of planet earth). Will Roberto Cingolani be proud of the opportunity that the position of CEO of Leonardo offers him? Will his three children be equally proud of their father? What silly questions! I apologize.
    One must understand the concerns of Leonardo workers, especially those in Puglia; It is the duty of the State, as the Constitution requires, to guarantee all its citizens a job and it is the duty of each citizen to carry out an activity that contributes to the material and spiritual progress of society. But how far can this mutual duty and right (State and citizens) go without any of the parties having to complain or even oppose or demand that the work activity slavishly adhere to the principles of the Constitution? Can, must an industrial activity, whether civil or military, respect the Constitution? Can, must a military industrial enterprise adhere to Article 11 of the Constitution, can, must it contravene this article?
    Should or mustn't the workers demand work that respects the Constitution?
    Should Leonardo's workers feel the exclusive right/duty to demand, as is happening these days, the continuation of their employment regardless of the Constitution? Perhaps they are not aware of the implications of Leonardo s.p.a. in the ongoing massacre in the Holy Land. If they were aware of it, how should they act? And their unions?
    Happy day
    È notizia recente, dinnanzi all' azienda Leonardo di Grottaglie lunedì si è tenuto un presidio di protesta delle maestranze sostenute dai sindacati. L' amministratore delegato Roberto Cingolani, carica assunta dalla primavera del 2023 su nomina del Consiglio dei ministri, scelta decisamente pertinente giacché il suddetto ritiene che la terra stia ospitando un numero eccessivo di essere umani e quale migliore incarico gli si poteva assegnare se non quello di una impresa producente articoli di morte, avrebbe reso noto l' intenzione di scorporare le aziende della Leonardo presenti sul territorio pugliese. Se così accadesse l' economia del territorio pugliese, già afflitta dall' annosa vertenza della Acciaierie d' Italia (ex Ilva), dal mancato sviluppo del porto, dalla crisi della HIAB ( la " ferrari " delle gru), si aggraverebbe ulteriormente la situazione di molte famiglie che si garantiscono un reddito da quelle aziende, in specie dalla Leonardo s.p.a. Ma la Leonardo s.p.a. non fomenta con le sue forniture quanto sta accadendo in Terra Santa? Forniture, non lo si dimentichi, ahimè, continuate anche dopo il fatidico 7 ottobre 2023.. Ora, presso la Leonardo di Grottaglie, originariamente costituita per occuparsi del programma Boeing 787 Dreamliner, vi si svolge l' assemblaggio finale del Convertiplano AW60 ad uso civile. Nessuna produzione afferente al settore militare, a quanto ne so. Tuttavia, la Leonardo ha altre fabbriche dislocate sul territorio italiano che producono armi, alcune delle quali vengono vendute anche ad Israele che se ne serve per ridurre a più miti consigli i palestinesi oltre a diminuirne nel numero ( dopotutto anche il popolo palestinese è responsabile del sovrannumero degli abitanti del pianeta terra).Andrà fiero Roberto Cingolani dell' opportunità che gli offre la carica di amministratore delegato della Leonardo? I suoi tre figlioli saranno altrettanto fieri del loro babbo? Che interrogativi sciocchi! Me ne scuso. Vi è da comprendere le preoccupazioni dei lavoratori della Leonardo, in special modo di quei della Puglia; è compito della dello Stato, come impone la Costituzione, garantire a tutti i suoi cittadini un lavoro ed è dovere di ciascun cittadino svolgere un' attività che concorra al progresso materiale e spirituale della società. Ma fin dove questo dovere e diritto vicendevole ( Stato e cittadini) può spingersi senza che alcuno dei soggetti abbia a recriminare o addirittura opporsi oppure esigere che l' attività lavorativa si attenga pedissequamente ai principi della Costituzione? Può, deve un' attività industriale sia civile che militare rispettare la Costituzione? Può, deve una impresa industriale militare attenersi all' articolo 11 della Costituzione, può, deve contravvenire ad esso articolo? Le maestranze devono o non devono esigere un lavoro rispettoso della Costituzione? Le maestranze della Leonardo debbono avvertire l' esclusivo diritto/dovere di reclamare, come va accadendo in questi giorni, la continuazione dell' impiego lavorativo a prescindere dalla Costituzione? Forse non è noto a loro delle implicazioni della Leonardo s.p.a. nella mattanza in essere in Terra Santa. Se ne fossero a conoscenza come dovrebbero agire? E i loro sindacati ? Lieta giornata It is recent news, in front of the Leonardo company in Grottaglie on Monday a protest was held by the workers supported by the unions. The CEO Roberto Cingolani, a position assumed in the spring of 2023 by appointment of the Council of Ministers, a decidedly pertinent choice since the aforementioned believes that the earth is hosting an excessive number of human beings and what better role could be assigned to him than that of a company producing articles of death, has reportedly made known the intention to spin off the Leonardo companies present in the Apulian territory. If this were to happen, the economy of the Apulian territory, already afflicted by the long-standing dispute of the Acciaierie d'Italia (formerly Ilva), by the lack of development of the port, by the crisis of HIAB (the "Ferrari" of cranes), would further worsen the situation of many families who guarantee an income from those companies, especially from Leonardo s.p.a. But Leonardo s.p.a. does not fuel with its supplies what is happening in the Holy Land? Supplies, let us not forget, alas, continued even after the fateful October 7, 2023.. Now, at Leonardo in Grottaglie, originally established to deal with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner program, the final assembly of the AW60 Convertiplane for civil use takes place. No production related to the military sector, as far as I know. However, Leonardo has other factories located on Italian territory that produce weapons, some of which are also sold to Israel which uses them to bring the Palestinians to a more moderate mind as well as reducing their number (after all, the Palestinian people are also responsible for the excess population of planet earth). Will Roberto Cingolani be proud of the opportunity that the position of CEO of Leonardo offers him? Will his three children be equally proud of their father? What silly questions! I apologize. One must understand the concerns of Leonardo workers, especially those in Puglia; It is the duty of the State, as the Constitution requires, to guarantee all its citizens a job and it is the duty of each citizen to carry out an activity that contributes to the material and spiritual progress of society. But how far can this mutual duty and right (State and citizens) go without any of the parties having to complain or even oppose or demand that the work activity slavishly adhere to the principles of the Constitution? Can, must an industrial activity, whether civil or military, respect the Constitution? Can, must a military industrial enterprise adhere to Article 11 of the Constitution, can, must it contravene this article? Should or mustn't the workers demand work that respects the Constitution? Should Leonardo's workers feel the exclusive right/duty to demand, as is happening these days, the continuation of their employment regardless of the Constitution? Perhaps they are not aware of the implications of Leonardo s.p.a. in the ongoing massacre in the Holy Land. If they were aware of it, how should they act? And their unions? Happy day
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 949 Visualizzazioni
  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy for electronic equipment applications

    The application of copper alloy in electronic equipment is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

    Resistors: CuMn12Ni, CuNi1.5Si and other copper alloys are widely used in the manufacture of resistors. Because of its low temperature coefficient and high stability, CuMn12Ni alloy is especially suitable for manufacturing high-precision resistors, and is widely used in measuring instruments and scientific research fields. The CuNi1.5Si alloy is often used to manufacture low resistance resistors because of its excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical properties.

    Electronic connectors: CR025A Cu-DXP copper alloy is used for electronic connectors, especially for electric vacuum devices such as high frequency and UHF transmitting tubes and waveguides, which require high purity oxygen-free copper and diffusion-strengthened oxygen-free copper.

    Sensors: CuNi1.5Si alloys are widely used in the manufacture of sensors, especially those operating in complex environments, due to their excellent electrical properties and corrosion resistance.

    Printed circuit: Copper foil is the main material of printed circuit, with good electrical conductivity and processing performance, widely used in radio, television, computer and other equipment.

    Advantages of copper alloy in electronic equipment:

    Electrical and thermal conductivity: Copper alloy has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity properties, which can meet the needs of electronic equipment for current transmission and heat dissipation.

    Mechanical properties: Copper alloy has good mechanical properties, including strength, hardness and wear resistance, and can withstand the mechanical stress of equipment operation.

    Corrosion resistance: Some copper alloys such as CuNi1.5Si have excellent corrosion resistance and can maintain stable performance in wet or harsh environments.

    Weldability: Copper alloy has good weldability and is easy to connect with other metal materials to ensure the reliability of electrical connections.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy for electronic equipment applications The application of copper alloy in electronic equipment is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Resistors: CuMn12Ni, CuNi1.5Si and other copper alloys are widely used in the manufacture of resistors. Because of its low temperature coefficient and high stability, CuMn12Ni alloy is especially suitable for manufacturing high-precision resistors, and is widely used in measuring instruments and scientific research fields. The CuNi1.5Si alloy is often used to manufacture low resistance resistors because of its excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. Electronic connectors: CR025A Cu-DXP copper alloy is used for electronic connectors, especially for electric vacuum devices such as high frequency and UHF transmitting tubes and waveguides, which require high purity oxygen-free copper and diffusion-strengthened oxygen-free copper. Sensors: CuNi1.5Si alloys are widely used in the manufacture of sensors, especially those operating in complex environments, due to their excellent electrical properties and corrosion resistance. Printed circuit: Copper foil is the main material of printed circuit, with good electrical conductivity and processing performance, widely used in radio, television, computer and other equipment. Advantages of copper alloy in electronic equipment: Electrical and thermal conductivity: Copper alloy has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity properties, which can meet the needs of electronic equipment for current transmission and heat dissipation. Mechanical properties: Copper alloy has good mechanical properties, including strength, hardness and wear resistance, and can withstand the mechanical stress of equipment operation. Corrosion resistance: Some copper alloys such as CuNi1.5Si have excellent corrosion resistance and can maintain stable performance in wet or harsh environments. Weldability: Copper alloy has good weldability and is easy to connect with other metal materials to ensure the reliability of electrical connections. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
    0 Commenti 0 Condivisioni 595 Visualizzazioni
  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Application of copper alloy in new energy vehicles
    It is mainly reflected in the following aspects

    Supercharging solution: Bowei Alloy provides a series of high-performance alloy materials such as copper tellurium and copper zirconium, which have been applied in batches to the super charging system of new energy vehicles, mainly for high current carrying and charging safety, which can meet the needs of fast charging and high safety.

    High conductivity, high stress relaxation series copper alloy solutions: Bowei Alloy has developed a variety of copper alloy solutions for the high strength, high conductivity and high reliability needs of new energy vehicles. Such as boway 18160 copper chromium zirconium alloy, with excellent electrical conductivity and high temperature resistance, suitable for fish eye terminals, high voltage connector terminals, at 150 ° C or even 180 ° C environment can still maintain high performance.

    Other applications: Copper alloy is also widely used in new energy vehicle PDU terminals, power system bus and other components, such as Bowe 15100 copper zirconium alloy can still maintain excellent stress relaxation resistance at 180 ° C high temperature, and the material strength reaches more than 400MPa, meeting the needs of new energy vehicle PDU terminals.

    Specific application scenarios and material characteristics of copper alloy in new energy vehicles:

    Electrical conductivity: The electrical conductivity of copper alloy is one of its important properties, and the alloy elements, temperature and cold working conditions will affect the electrical conductivity of the material. For example, the conductivity of boway 18160 copper-chromium-zirconium alloy can reach more than 82%IACS.

    Yield strength: The yield strength of a material is critical to its performance in high current conduction and high reliability applications. For example, the boway 15100 copper-zirconium alloy has a yield strength of 400 MPa or higher.

    Thermal stress relaxation: at high temperatures, the thermal stress relaxation performance of the material has a direct impact on its service life, such as boway 18160 copper chromium-zirconium alloy at 150℃ or even 180℃ application environment, showing excellent stress relaxation resistance.

    Advantages and application prospects of copper alloy in new energy vehicles:

    High performance: Copper alloy has high conductivity, high strength and excellent thermal stress relaxation performance, which can meet the high requirements of materials for new energy vehicles.

    Widely used: Copper alloys are widely used in key components of new energy vehicles such as super charging systems, PDU terminals, and power system bus bars, significantly improving vehicle performance and safety.

    Copper alloy in the semiconductor industry specific application cases

    Precision copper strip products: In semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing, precision copper strip products are mainly used for conductive interconnection and thermal heat dissipation to ensure stable circuit operation and efficient heat dissipation.

    Lead frame: Copper alloy lead frame plays a key structural role in chip manufacturing, connecting the internal circuit of the chip with the external wire to ensure the stable transmission of electrical signals.

    High-end copper alloy: There is an increasing demand for high-end copper alloys in 5G communications, intelligent terminals and equipment, and with its excellent physical and chemical properties, it has become an indispensable material in these fields.

    The importance of copper alloys in the semiconductor industry is reflected in its superior physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys have good electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, and corrosion resistance, which give them significant advantages in high-speed electronic signal transmission, thermal management, and device miniaturization and lightweight. With the continuous progress of semiconductor technology, the demand for copper alloys will further increase, promoting its application and development in more fields.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Application of copper alloy in new energy vehicles It is mainly reflected in the following aspects Supercharging solution: Bowei Alloy provides a series of high-performance alloy materials such as copper tellurium and copper zirconium, which have been applied in batches to the super charging system of new energy vehicles, mainly for high current carrying and charging safety, which can meet the needs of fast charging and high safety. High conductivity, high stress relaxation series copper alloy solutions: Bowei Alloy has developed a variety of copper alloy solutions for the high strength, high conductivity and high reliability needs of new energy vehicles. Such as boway 18160 copper chromium zirconium alloy, with excellent electrical conductivity and high temperature resistance, suitable for fish eye terminals, high voltage connector terminals, at 150 ° C or even 180 ° C environment can still maintain high performance. Other applications: Copper alloy is also widely used in new energy vehicle PDU terminals, power system bus and other components, such as Bowe 15100 copper zirconium alloy can still maintain excellent stress relaxation resistance at 180 ° C high temperature, and the material strength reaches more than 400MPa, meeting the needs of new energy vehicle PDU terminals. Specific application scenarios and material characteristics of copper alloy in new energy vehicles: Electrical conductivity: The electrical conductivity of copper alloy is one of its important properties, and the alloy elements, temperature and cold working conditions will affect the electrical conductivity of the material. For example, the conductivity of boway 18160 copper-chromium-zirconium alloy can reach more than 82%IACS. Yield strength: The yield strength of a material is critical to its performance in high current conduction and high reliability applications. For example, the boway 15100 copper-zirconium alloy has a yield strength of 400 MPa or higher. Thermal stress relaxation: at high temperatures, the thermal stress relaxation performance of the material has a direct impact on its service life, such as boway 18160 copper chromium-zirconium alloy at 150℃ or even 180℃ application environment, showing excellent stress relaxation resistance. Advantages and application prospects of copper alloy in new energy vehicles: High performance: Copper alloy has high conductivity, high strength and excellent thermal stress relaxation performance, which can meet the high requirements of materials for new energy vehicles. Widely used: Copper alloys are widely used in key components of new energy vehicles such as super charging systems, PDU terminals, and power system bus bars, significantly improving vehicle performance and safety. Copper alloy in the semiconductor industry specific application cases Precision copper strip products: In semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing, precision copper strip products are mainly used for conductive interconnection and thermal heat dissipation to ensure stable circuit operation and efficient heat dissipation. Lead frame: Copper alloy lead frame plays a key structural role in chip manufacturing, connecting the internal circuit of the chip with the external wire to ensure the stable transmission of electrical signals. High-end copper alloy: There is an increasing demand for high-end copper alloys in 5G communications, intelligent terminals and equipment, and with its excellent physical and chemical properties, it has become an indispensable material in these fields. The importance of copper alloys in the semiconductor industry is reflected in its superior physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys have good electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, and corrosion resistance, which give them significant advantages in high-speed electronic signal transmission, thermal management, and device miniaturization and lightweight. With the continuous progress of semiconductor technology, the demand for copper alloys will further increase, promoting its application and development in more fields. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy precision instrument application
    The application of copper alloy in precision instruments is mainly reflected in its excellent physical and chemical properties.

    Copper alloys are excellent in the manufacture of precision instruments because of their high strength, high elastic modulus and excellent wear resistance. For example, C5212 tin bronze has excellent wear resistance due to its high tin content, and excellent electrical conductivity due to its high copper content, making it widely used in the manufacture of mechanical equipment, ships, auto parts, precision instruments, electronic equipment, aerospace equipment and other fields.

    In addition, the cutting properties of copper alloy also make it an ideal material for precision instruments and standard parts processing. For example, C3710 copper alloy, due to the addition of lead, improves cutting performance, can ensure the size and surface quality of high-precision machining, so it is excellent in the manufacture of screws, nuts and instrument parts.

    Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in precision instruments include:

    Mechanical equipment: Copper alloy has the characteristics of high strength, wear resistance, high load resistance, deformation and distortion resistance, etc., which has a good application prospect in the manufacture of mechanical equipment.

    Auto parts: Because of its excellent physical properties, copper alloy is widely used in automobile manufacturing, such as the production of joints, pipe joints and other key parts to ensure the tightness and durability of the system.

    Electronic equipment: Because copper alloy has good electrical conductivity, it is also widely used in electronic equipment, such as connectors, wires and so on.

    Aerospace equipment: The high strength and stiffness of copper alloys make it also play an important role in aerospace equipment, able to withstand the pressure of extreme environments.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy precision instrument application The application of copper alloy in precision instruments is mainly reflected in its excellent physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys are excellent in the manufacture of precision instruments because of their high strength, high elastic modulus and excellent wear resistance. For example, C5212 tin bronze has excellent wear resistance due to its high tin content, and excellent electrical conductivity due to its high copper content, making it widely used in the manufacture of mechanical equipment, ships, auto parts, precision instruments, electronic equipment, aerospace equipment and other fields. In addition, the cutting properties of copper alloy also make it an ideal material for precision instruments and standard parts processing. For example, C3710 copper alloy, due to the addition of lead, improves cutting performance, can ensure the size and surface quality of high-precision machining, so it is excellent in the manufacture of screws, nuts and instrument parts. Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in precision instruments include: Mechanical equipment: Copper alloy has the characteristics of high strength, wear resistance, high load resistance, deformation and distortion resistance, etc., which has a good application prospect in the manufacture of mechanical equipment. Auto parts: Because of its excellent physical properties, copper alloy is widely used in automobile manufacturing, such as the production of joints, pipe joints and other key parts to ensure the tightness and durability of the system. Electronic equipment: Because copper alloy has good electrical conductivity, it is also widely used in electronic equipment, such as connectors, wires and so on. Aerospace equipment: The high strength and stiffness of copper alloys make it also play an important role in aerospace equipment, able to withstand the pressure of extreme environments. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy petrochemical applications
    The application of copper alloy in petrochemical field mainly has the following aspects

    The application of copper alloy in the field of petrochemical industry mainly has the following aspects:

    C71640 White copper alloy: This alloy is mainly used in the petrochemical industry to manufacture corrosion resistant pipes and joints. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, C71640 white copper alloy can be used in high salt environments for a long time, significantly increasing the service life of the facility and reducing maintenance costs.

    Explosion-proof copper alloy: explosion-proof copper alloy commonly used materials are beryllium bronze, aluminum bronze, etc., with explosion-proof, no spark and other characteristics, very suitable for use in explosive, flammable, strong magnetic, corrosive environment. For example, explosion-proof tools and equipment in the petrochemical industry can prevent sparks from impact or friction, thus ensuring production safety.

    Monel400 nickel-copper alloy: This alloy is also widely used in the petrochemical industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, Monel400 alloy is often used in the manufacture of corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment. In addition, its resistance to oxidation and thermal corrosion at high temperatures makes it ideal for the oil and gas industry.

    Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in petrochemical fields:

    C71640 White Copper alloy: On offshore oil and gas platforms, C71640 white copper alloy is used to manufacture corrosion-resistant pipes and fittings, significantly increasing the service life of facilities and reducing maintenance costs.

    Explosion-proof copper alloy: In the petrochemical industry, explosion-proof copper alloy is used to manufacture explosion-proof tools and equipment to prevent sparks from impact or friction and ensure production safety.

    Monel400 nickel copper alloy: In the field of petrochemical, Monel400 alloy is used to manufacture corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment, and its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it an ideal material in this field.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy petrochemical applications The application of copper alloy in petrochemical field mainly has the following aspects The application of copper alloy in the field of petrochemical industry mainly has the following aspects: C71640 White copper alloy: This alloy is mainly used in the petrochemical industry to manufacture corrosion resistant pipes and joints. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, C71640 white copper alloy can be used in high salt environments for a long time, significantly increasing the service life of the facility and reducing maintenance costs. Explosion-proof copper alloy: explosion-proof copper alloy commonly used materials are beryllium bronze, aluminum bronze, etc., with explosion-proof, no spark and other characteristics, very suitable for use in explosive, flammable, strong magnetic, corrosive environment. For example, explosion-proof tools and equipment in the petrochemical industry can prevent sparks from impact or friction, thus ensuring production safety. Monel400 nickel-copper alloy: This alloy is also widely used in the petrochemical industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, Monel400 alloy is often used in the manufacture of corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment. In addition, its resistance to oxidation and thermal corrosion at high temperatures makes it ideal for the oil and gas industry. Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in petrochemical fields: C71640 White Copper alloy: On offshore oil and gas platforms, C71640 white copper alloy is used to manufacture corrosion-resistant pipes and fittings, significantly increasing the service life of facilities and reducing maintenance costs. Explosion-proof copper alloy: In the petrochemical industry, explosion-proof copper alloy is used to manufacture explosion-proof tools and equipment to prevent sparks from impact or friction and ensure production safety. Monel400 nickel copper alloy: In the field of petrochemical, Monel400 alloy is used to manufacture corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment, and its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it an ideal material in this field. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloys in aerospace
    Copper alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry, including the following fields

    Copper alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry, including:

    Electrical systems: Due to their excellent electrical conductivity, copper alloys are often used in the manufacture of wires, cables, connectors and busbars to ensure efficient power transmission and distribution.

    Thermal management: Copper alloys have good thermal conductivity and are therefore widely used in the manufacture of radiators, heat exchangers and cooling pipes to help dissipate heat generated by electronics on aircraft and spacecraft.

    Sliding parts: The self-lubricating properties and wear resistance of copper alloys make them excellent in sliding parts such as bearings and bushings, helping to reduce friction and wear and improve component life and reliability.

    Sensors and instruments: Copper alloys are less sensitive to temperature changes and more stable, so they are often used in the manufacture of certain high-precision sensors and instrument components.

    Engine components: Some engine components use copper alloys to withstand high temperature and high pressure operating environments.

    Electromagnetic shielding: Copper alloys can effectively block electromagnetic interference and protect sensitive electronic equipment and communication systems.

    Structural components: Certain copper alloys have high strength and corrosion resistance and can be used to manufacture structural components for aircraft and spacecraft.

    Advantages of copper alloys in aerospace applications include:

    Lightweight: The relatively low density of copper alloys helps reduce aircraft weight and improve fuel efficiency.

    Wear resistance: Some copper alloys such as C2720 have good wear resistance, which can reduce wear losses.

    Corrosion resistance: such as C95500 copper alloy has good corrosion resistance, can resist the erosion of fuel, liquid oxygen and other corrosive media, extend the service life of the material.

    High temperature strength: Some copper alloys can maintain high strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures, and are suitable for high temperature working environments.

    Examples of specific applications include:

    C95500 copper alloy: Commonly used in the manufacture of fuel pipelines, containers and sensors and other components, due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, suitable for high temperature and corrosive environments.

    CW112C copper alloy: with excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, it is widely used in aerospace, automotive and electronic fields, such as aircraft parts, engine blades, etc.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 13395129788
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloys in aerospace Copper alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry, including the following fields Copper alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry, including: Electrical systems: Due to their excellent electrical conductivity, copper alloys are often used in the manufacture of wires, cables, connectors and busbars to ensure efficient power transmission and distribution. Thermal management: Copper alloys have good thermal conductivity and are therefore widely used in the manufacture of radiators, heat exchangers and cooling pipes to help dissipate heat generated by electronics on aircraft and spacecraft. Sliding parts: The self-lubricating properties and wear resistance of copper alloys make them excellent in sliding parts such as bearings and bushings, helping to reduce friction and wear and improve component life and reliability. Sensors and instruments: Copper alloys are less sensitive to temperature changes and more stable, so they are often used in the manufacture of certain high-precision sensors and instrument components. Engine components: Some engine components use copper alloys to withstand high temperature and high pressure operating environments. Electromagnetic shielding: Copper alloys can effectively block electromagnetic interference and protect sensitive electronic equipment and communication systems. Structural components: Certain copper alloys have high strength and corrosion resistance and can be used to manufacture structural components for aircraft and spacecraft. Advantages of copper alloys in aerospace applications include: Lightweight: The relatively low density of copper alloys helps reduce aircraft weight and improve fuel efficiency. Wear resistance: Some copper alloys such as C2720 have good wear resistance, which can reduce wear losses. Corrosion resistance: such as C95500 copper alloy has good corrosion resistance, can resist the erosion of fuel, liquid oxygen and other corrosive media, extend the service life of the material. High temperature strength: Some copper alloys can maintain high strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures, and are suitable for high temperature working environments. Examples of specific applications include: C95500 copper alloy: Commonly used in the manufacture of fuel pipelines, containers and sensors and other components, due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, suitable for high temperature and corrosive environments. CW112C copper alloy: with excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, it is widely used in aerospace, automotive and electronic fields, such as aircraft parts, engine blades, etc. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 13395129788
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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