A typical AOM driver consists of several essential components:

1. High-Frequency Oscillator: This component generates the high-frequency sinusoidal waveform that is required to drive the piezoelectric transducer. The frequency of the oscillator is typically in the range of tens to hundreds of megahertz, depending on the specific AOM and its operating characteristics.

2. Power Amplifier: The power amplifier boosts the output voltage of the oscillator to a level that can effectively drive the piezoelectric transducer. The amplifier's power output is determined by the AOM's acoustic power requirements and the desired modulation depth.

3. Control Interface: This interface allows for external control of the AOM driver's parameters, such as the frequency of the oscillator, the amplitude of the output signal, and the modulation depth. The control interface may be a simple analog voltage input or a digital interface, such as a USB port or a serial communication bus.