Un nuovo progetto editoriale “per i giovani“, interamente digitale, per “andare oltre il giornalismo tradizionale”. Dopo l’annuncio su Facebook, Enrico Mentana ha presentato a Milano il progetto del suo giornale online, che nasce con la promessa di assumere “solo under 33 e over 33 solo se sono dei Cristiano Ronaldo”. E poi: “Mai come oggi …
The FBI is in possession of a recording between President Donald Trump and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, in which the two men discuss a payment to a former Playboy model who has alleged an affair with Trump, Rudy Giuliani and a source familiar with the matter told CNN Friday.
Dreamland cities in the air, floating villages and forest-like structures were all envisioned by the forward-thinking ‘Metabolic’ architects of the past.