Certo che con queste dichiarazioni rischia la morte ....non voglio pensare che sia teoria del controbilanciamento ...
sarebbe troppo meschino
Of course with these statements he risks death .... I don't want to think that it is the counterbalancing theory ...
it would be too mean
sarebbe troppo meschino
Of course with these statements he risks death .... I don't want to think that it is the counterbalancing theory ...
it would be too mean
đâïž Certo che con queste dichiarazioni rischia la morte ....non voglio pensare che sia teoria del controbilanciamento ...
sarebbe troppo meschino âŒïž
đâïž Of course with these statements he risks death .... I don't want to think that it is the counterbalancing theory ...
it would be too mean âŒïž