Milano inferno multiculturale, in mano a criminali nordafricani e altri d’importazione.
La sinistra è riuscita a devastare una città un tempo eccellenza italiana.
Milan multicultural hell, in the hands of North African criminals and other imported ones.
The left has succeeded in devastating a city that was once an Italian excellence.
La sinistra è riuscita a devastare una città un tempo eccellenza italiana.
Milan multicultural hell, in the hands of North African criminals and other imported ones.
The left has succeeded in devastating a city that was once an Italian excellence.
Milano inferno multiculturale, in mano a criminali nordafricani e altri d’importazione.
La sinistra è riuscita a devastare una città un tempo eccellenza italiana.
Milan multicultural hell, in the hands of North African criminals and other imported ones.
The left has succeeded in devastating a city that was once an Italian excellence.