• Per favore, parlate a tutti del nuovo spray nasale "antivirus". Cioè TRASLOCAZIONE DEL GRAFENE DIRETTAMENTE AI NEURONI In televisione circolano già gli spot pubblicitari e le farmacie promuovono la nuova “cura miracolosa” contro i virus. Ma qui mettiamo un avvertimento NON USARE VIRX: non è altro che un “VACCINO” nasale. Non si intitola più così, ma gli articoli dell'anno scorso rivelavano già ciò che era stato pianificato da tempo. Proviene da Israele e Canada, i maggiori Stati criminali Covid. L'élite non si ferma, ma nemmeno noi. E il Signore comanda, quindi calmati. Naturalmente condividetelo il più possibile. Por favor, conte a todos sobre o novo spray nasal "antivírus". Ou seja, TRANSLOCAÇÃO DO GRAFENO DIRETAMENTE PARA OS NEURÔNIOS.Comerciais já circulam na televisão e as farmácias promovem a nova “cura milagrosa” contra os vírus. Mas aqui colocamos um aviso NÃO USE VIRX: nada mais é do que uma “VACINA” nasal. Já não se chama assim, mas as matérias do ano passado já revelavam o que estava planejado há algum tempo. Vem de Israel e do Canadá, os principais estados criminosos da Covid. A elite não para, mas nós também não. E o Senhor ordena, então acalme-se. Claro, compartilhe o máximo possível. . Por favor, dígales a todos sobre el nuevo aerosol nasal "antivirus". Es decir, LA TRANSLOCACIÓN DEL GRAFENO DIRECTAMENTE A LAS NEURONAS Ya circulan anuncios por televisión y las farmacias promocionan la nueva "cura milagrosa" contra los virus. Pero aquí ponemos una advertencia NO UTILICE VIRX: no es más que una “VACUNA” nasal. Ya no se llama así, pero los artículos del año pasado ya revelaron lo que se había planeado desde hace algún tiempo. Proviene de Israel y Canadá, los principales estados criminales de Covid. La élite no se detiene, pero nosotros tampoco. Y el Señor manda, así que cálmate. Por supuesto, compártelo tanto como sea posible. Please tell everyone about the new "antivirus" nasal spray. That is, TRANSLOCATION OF GRAPHENE DIRECTLY TO NEURONS. Commercials are already circulating on television and pharmacies are promoting the new "miracle cure" against viruses. But here we put a warning DO NOT USE VIRX: it is nothing more than a nasal “VACCINE”. It's not called that anymore, but last year's articles already revealed what had been planned for some time. It comes from Israel and Canada, the major Covid crime states. The elite doesn't stop, but neither do we. And the Lord commands, so calm down. Of course, share it as much as possible. S'il vous plaît, parlez à tout le monde du nouveau spray nasal "antivirus". C'est-à-dire la TRANSLOCATION DU GRAPHÈNE DIRECTEMENT AUX NEURONES. Des publicités circulent déjà à la télévision et les pharmacies font la promotion du nouveau « remède miracle » contre les virus. Mais ici nous mettons un avertissement : NE PAS UTILISER VIRX : ce n’est rien de plus qu’un « VACCIN » nasal. Cela ne s'appelle plus ainsi, mais les articles de l'année dernière révélaient déjà ce qui était prévu depuis un certain temps. Il vient d’Israël et du Canada, les principaux États criminels du Covid. L’élite ne s’arrête pas, mais nous non plus. Et le Seigneur commande, alors calme-toi. Bien sûr, partagez-le au maximum. من فضلك أخبر الجميع عن رذاذ الأنف الجديد "المضاد للفيروسات". وهذا يعني انتقال الجرافين مباشرة إلى الخلايا العصبية. وقد بدأت الإعلانات التجارية تنتشر بالفعل على شاشات التلفزيون، كما تعمل الصيدليات على الترويج "للعلاج المعجزة" الجديد ضد الفيروسات. لكن هنا نضع تحذيرًا: لا تستخدم VIRX: فهو ليس أكثر من "لقاح" للأنف. لم يعد يطلق عليه ذلك بعد الآن، لكن مقالات العام الماضي كشفت بالفعل عما تم التخطيط له لبعض الوقت. إنها تأتي من إسرائيل وكندا، الدولتين الرئيسيتين لجريمة كوفيد. النخبة لا تتوقف، ولكننا أيضًا لا نتوقف. والرب يأمر فاهدأوا. بالطبع، شاركها قدر الإمكان.
    Per favore, parlate a tutti del nuovo spray nasale "antivirus". Cioè TRASLOCAZIONE DEL GRAFENE DIRETTAMENTE AI NEURONI In televisione circolano già gli spot pubblicitari e le farmacie promuovono la nuova “cura miracolosa” contro i virus. Ma qui mettiamo un avvertimento NON USARE VIRX: non è altro che un “VACCINO” nasale. Non si intitola più così, ma gli articoli dell'anno scorso rivelavano già ciò che era stato pianificato da tempo. Proviene da Israele e Canada, i maggiori Stati criminali Covid. L'élite non si ferma, ma nemmeno noi. E il Signore comanda, quindi calmati. Naturalmente condividetelo il più possibile. ✨Por favor, conte a todos sobre o novo spray nasal "antivírus". Ou seja, TRANSLOCAÇÃO DO GRAFENO DIRETAMENTE PARA OS NEURÔNIOS.Comerciais já circulam na televisão e as farmácias promovem a nova “cura milagrosa” contra os vírus. Mas aqui colocamos um aviso NÃO USE VIRX: nada mais é do que uma “VACINA” nasal. Já não se chama assim, mas as matérias do ano passado já revelavam o que estava planejado há algum tempo. Vem de Israel e do Canadá, os principais estados criminosos da Covid. A elite não para, mas nós também não. E o Senhor ordena, então acalme-se. Claro, compartilhe o máximo possível. ✨✨✨🙏. Por favor, dígales a todos sobre el nuevo aerosol nasal "antivirus". Es decir, LA TRANSLOCACIÓN DEL GRAFENO DIRECTAMENTE A LAS NEURONAS Ya circulan anuncios por televisión y las farmacias promocionan la nueva "cura milagrosa" contra los virus. Pero aquí ponemos una advertencia NO UTILICE VIRX: no es más que una “VACUNA” nasal. Ya no se llama así, pero los artículos del año pasado ya revelaron lo que se había planeado desde hace algún tiempo. Proviene de Israel y Canadá, los principales estados criminales de Covid. La élite no se detiene, pero nosotros tampoco. Y el Señor manda, así que cálmate. Por supuesto, compártelo tanto como sea posible. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨Please tell everyone about the new "antivirus" nasal spray. That is, TRANSLOCATION OF GRAPHENE DIRECTLY TO NEURONS. Commercials are already circulating on television and pharmacies are promoting the new "miracle cure" against viruses. But here we put a warning DO NOT USE VIRX: it is nothing more than a nasal “VACCINE”. It's not called that anymore, but last year's articles already revealed what had been planned for some time. It comes from Israel and Canada, the major Covid crime states. The elite doesn't stop, but neither do we. And the Lord commands, so calm down. Of course, share it as much as possible. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨S'il vous plaît, parlez à tout le monde du nouveau spray nasal "antivirus". C'est-à-dire la TRANSLOCATION DU GRAPHÈNE DIRECTEMENT AUX NEURONES. Des publicités circulent déjà à la télévision et les pharmacies font la promotion du nouveau « remède miracle » contre les virus. Mais ici nous mettons un avertissement : NE PAS UTILISER VIRX : ce n’est rien de plus qu’un « VACCIN » nasal. Cela ne s'appelle plus ainsi, mais les articles de l'année dernière révélaient déjà ce qui était prévu depuis un certain temps. Il vient d’Israël et du Canada, les principaux États criminels du Covid. L’élite ne s’arrête pas, mais nous non plus. Et le Seigneur commande, alors calme-toi. Bien sûr, partagez-le au maximum. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨✨✨✨🙏✨✨من فضلك أخبر الجميع عن رذاذ الأنف الجديد "المضاد للفيروسات". وهذا يعني انتقال الجرافين مباشرة إلى الخلايا العصبية. وقد بدأت الإعلانات التجارية تنتشر بالفعل على شاشات التلفزيون، كما تعمل الصيدليات على الترويج "للعلاج المعجزة" الجديد ضد الفيروسات. لكن هنا نضع تحذيرًا: لا تستخدم VIRX: فهو ليس أكثر من "لقاح" للأنف. لم يعد يطلق عليه ذلك بعد الآن، لكن مقالات العام الماضي كشفت بالفعل عما تم التخطيط له لبعض الوقت. إنها تأتي من إسرائيل وكندا، الدولتين الرئيسيتين لجريمة كوفيد. النخبة لا تتوقف، ولكننا أيضًا لا نتوقف. والرب يأمر فاهدأوا. بالطبع، شاركها قدر الإمكان. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨
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    Fanno finta di autoaccusarsi per rifilarci l'ennesima truffa.


    La review dell'ISS inizia citando tutti gli studi che hanno dimostrato la permanenza nel tessuto circolatorio e la diffusione sistemica della proteina spike che ho già avuto modo di analizzare (1, 2, 3), sostenendo che ciò è pericoloso perché porterebbe ad un elevato rischio di infiammazione. Riconoscono che i vaccini COVID sono cancerogeni citando studi che mostrano l'effetto bystander della spike: quest'ultima legandosi ai recettori dell'ACE 2 provoca un rilascio di citochine TGF-β che da un lato promuovono la polarizzazione dei macrofagi da M1 a M2, facendo secernere da quest'ultimi citochine antinfiammatorie e immunosoppressive che favoriscono il microambiente tumorale; dall'altro il TGF-β promuove la transizione da tessuto epiteliale a mesenchimale, un processo attraverso il quale le cellule epiteliali diventano a tutti gli effetti cellule mesenchimali e quindi staminali multipotenti, e può essere un fenomeno alla base della crescita tumorale e delle metastasi perché perdendo una delle proprietà fondamentali delle cellule epiteliali, cioè l'essere aderenti le une alle altre, possono essere immesse nella circolazione sanguigna. Per la spike vengono citati due studi (1, 2). Il primo, condotto sul topo, mostra che iniettando delle cellule tumorali del cancro al seno che esprimono la spike aumenta il numero di metastasi polmonari. Il secondo condotto in vitro su cellule endoteliali umane, ha mostrato che la proteina spike promuove il rilascio di TGF-β e la trasformazione delle cellule in cellule mesenchimali.
    Illustrano il fenomeno del mimetismo molecolare, da me già discusso (1, 2), parlando di come la trombopoietina e la tropomiosina alfa 3 abbiano motivi lineari simili alla spike. L'autoimmunità verso queste due proteine può essere collegata alle trombosi e alle miocarditi, infine illustrano che la proteina spike condivide anche 41 pentapeptidi con 27 proteine umane legate all'apparato riproduttivo femminile. L'autoimmunità spiega anche gli effetti avversi neurologici. Citano anche il fenomeno di frameshifting ribosomiale, già discusso sul canale.


    L'ISS si è appropriata di quelle che nella sua pagina considera ancora fake news (1, 2), per confutare i prodotti a mRNA con lo scopo di promuovere i vaccini nasali che non solo sono sperimentali, ma inutili e pericolosi. Di tutti i vaccini nasali esistenti nessuno è stato approvato in Occidente, nemmeno con l'autorizzazione d'emergenza. Uno è stato approvato per uso emergenziale in Cina, senza rendere disponibili i dati, e un altro approvato in India sulla base di un preprint dove non è stata studiata né la trasmissione, né la protezione dall'infezione. I dati del vaccino indiano sono stati poi pubblicati e manca un gruppo di controllo di non vaccinati per valutare le reazioni avverse. Per quanto riguarda l'inutilità, un trial clinico su ChAdOx1 ha mostrato che la somministrazione nasale non induceva alcuna immunità: la produzione di IgA e IgG era pressoché assente, dopo 2 dosi non raggiungeva nemmeno il livello di anticorpi dei guariti. Ci sono stati 7 casi di infezione riportate nello studio, tutte nel gruppo dei vaccinati.
    Le particelle di vaccino inalato sono concepite per permanere nell'ambiente per mesi e quindi ereditano tutti i problemi degli altri tipi di vaccini. Ci sono studi che mostrano che la sede di somministrazione intranasale provoca tolleranza immunitaria (1, 2, 3, 4).


    Questa è una banale tecnica di autoaccusa dove fanno finta di essere antisistema con lo scopo di farci credere che si sono sbagliati in buona fede per riprendere credibilità nei nostri confronti, intento già tradito nella stessa review, del resto finanziata dal ministero della salute, dove spacciano come miracolosi i vaccini nasali nonostante la letteratura già esistente ne mostri i pericoli e i fallimenti.

    Iscriviti a Der Einzige
    👉🏻 CLICCA QUI 👈🏻
    NON FATELI SONO MOLTO PEGGIO dei PRIMI! STUDIO ISS DEMOLISCE I VACCINI MRNA PER PROMUOVERE QUELLI NASALI Fanno finta di autoaccusarsi per rifilarci l'ennesima truffa. 1) IL VACCINO COVID PROVOCA INFIAMMAZIONE, TUMORI E MALATTIE AUTOMMUNI La review dell'ISS inizia citando tutti gli studi che hanno dimostrato la permanenza nel tessuto circolatorio e la diffusione sistemica della proteina spike che ho già avuto modo di analizzare (1, 2, 3), sostenendo che ciò è pericoloso perché porterebbe ad un elevato rischio di infiammazione. Riconoscono che i vaccini COVID sono cancerogeni citando studi che mostrano l'effetto bystander della spike: quest'ultima legandosi ai recettori dell'ACE 2 provoca un rilascio di citochine TGF-β che da un lato promuovono la polarizzazione dei macrofagi da M1 a M2, facendo secernere da quest'ultimi citochine antinfiammatorie e immunosoppressive che favoriscono il microambiente tumorale; dall'altro il TGF-β promuove la transizione da tessuto epiteliale a mesenchimale, un processo attraverso il quale le cellule epiteliali diventano a tutti gli effetti cellule mesenchimali e quindi staminali multipotenti, e può essere un fenomeno alla base della crescita tumorale e delle metastasi perché perdendo una delle proprietà fondamentali delle cellule epiteliali, cioè l'essere aderenti le une alle altre, possono essere immesse nella circolazione sanguigna. Per la spike vengono citati due studi (1, 2). Il primo, condotto sul topo, mostra che iniettando delle cellule tumorali del cancro al seno che esprimono la spike aumenta il numero di metastasi polmonari. Il secondo condotto in vitro su cellule endoteliali umane, ha mostrato che la proteina spike promuove il rilascio di TGF-β e la trasformazione delle cellule in cellule mesenchimali. Illustrano il fenomeno del mimetismo molecolare, da me già discusso (1, 2), parlando di come la trombopoietina e la tropomiosina alfa 3 abbiano motivi lineari simili alla spike. L'autoimmunità verso queste due proteine può essere collegata alle trombosi e alle miocarditi, infine illustrano che la proteina spike condivide anche 41 pentapeptidi con 27 proteine umane legate all'apparato riproduttivo femminile. L'autoimmunità spiega anche gli effetti avversi neurologici. Citano anche il fenomeno di frameshifting ribosomiale, già discusso sul canale. 2) LA TRUFFA NELLA TRUFFA L'ISS si è appropriata di quelle che nella sua pagina considera ancora fake news (1, 2), per confutare i prodotti a mRNA con lo scopo di promuovere i vaccini nasali che non solo sono sperimentali, ma inutili e pericolosi. Di tutti i vaccini nasali esistenti nessuno è stato approvato in Occidente, nemmeno con l'autorizzazione d'emergenza. Uno è stato approvato per uso emergenziale in Cina, senza rendere disponibili i dati, e un altro approvato in India sulla base di un preprint dove non è stata studiata né la trasmissione, né la protezione dall'infezione. I dati del vaccino indiano sono stati poi pubblicati e manca un gruppo di controllo di non vaccinati per valutare le reazioni avverse. Per quanto riguarda l'inutilità, un trial clinico su ChAdOx1 ha mostrato che la somministrazione nasale non induceva alcuna immunità: la produzione di IgA e IgG era pressoché assente, dopo 2 dosi non raggiungeva nemmeno il livello di anticorpi dei guariti. Ci sono stati 7 casi di infezione riportate nello studio, tutte nel gruppo dei vaccinati. Le particelle di vaccino inalato sono concepite per permanere nell'ambiente per mesi e quindi ereditano tutti i problemi degli altri tipi di vaccini. Ci sono studi che mostrano che la sede di somministrazione intranasale provoca tolleranza immunitaria (1, 2, 3, 4). CONCLUSIONI Questa è una banale tecnica di autoaccusa dove fanno finta di essere antisistema con lo scopo di farci credere che si sono sbagliati in buona fede per riprendere credibilità nei nostri confronti, intento già tradito nella stessa review, del resto finanziata dal ministero della salute, dove spacciano come miracolosi i vaccini nasali nonostante la letteratura già esistente ne mostri i pericoli e i fallimenti. Iscriviti a Der Einzige 👉🏻 CLICCA QUI 👈🏻
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  • LA NOSTRA CARA AMICA Emilia Padovano mercoledì prossimo a Fuori dal Coro. MASSIMA DIFFUSIONE.

    MERCOLEDÌ prossimo ANDRÀ IN ONDA A FUORI DAL CORO SU RETE4 LA MIA INTERVISTA: Paralizzata al viso per sempre a causa del vaccino della Pfizer, la CMO riconosce il nesso causale ma nega l'indennizzo, purtroppo non sono un caso isolato.
    Vi racconto e spiego l'odissea dei danneggiati per vedersi riconosciuto l'indennizzo: dalla segnalazione all'Aifa, alla Commissione medica ospedaliera militare, alla richiesta di risarcimento.
    #AIFA #ASL #CMO #segnalazione #indennizzo #risarcimento #NessunaCorrelazione

    Fonte: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/TXhCUyW1cyVnggLa/?mibextid=WC7FNe
    LA NOSTRA CARA AMICA Emilia Padovano mercoledì prossimo a Fuori dal Coro. MASSIMA DIFFUSIONE. MERCOLEDÌ prossimo ANDRÀ IN ONDA A FUORI DAL CORO SU RETE4 LA MIA INTERVISTA: Paralizzata al viso per sempre a causa del vaccino della Pfizer, la CMO riconosce il nesso causale ma nega l'indennizzo, purtroppo non sono un caso isolato. Vi racconto e spiego l'odissea dei danneggiati per vedersi riconosciuto l'indennizzo: dalla segnalazione all'Aifa, alla Commissione medica ospedaliera militare, alla richiesta di risarcimento. @mettereinevidenza #AIFA #ASL #CMO #segnalazione #indennizzo #risarcimento #NessunaCorrelazione Fonte: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/TXhCUyW1cyVnggLa/?mibextid=WC7FNe
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views
  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Under the combined action of organic acid atmosphere and SO2 pollutant, the copper matrix exhibits complex corrosion behavior. The corrosion products are agglomerated with each other and even connected with each other in acetic acid atmosphere to form a sheet structure and constitute a new rust layer. In electrochemical tests, it was found that compared with the same concentration of organic acid atmosphere, the material showed a more serious corrosion tendency after adding Na2SO4. The self-corrosion current density is much higher than that of the experimental group without adding Na2SO4, and the charge transfer resistance is also much lower than that of the experimental group without adding Na2SO4. The concentration of organic acids in the atmosphere and the concentration of pollutants in the solution are also important influencing factors. With the increase of the concentration of the two, the material matrix will suffer more serious corrosion damage. In addition, because of its strong acidity, formic acid is easier to ionize H+ in the corrosive medium, thus showing a stronger corrosion ability than acetic acid under the same conditions. TP2 copper workpieces will inevitably encounter the erosion of harmful gases such as organic acids and SO2 in the industrial environment. How to effectively isolate or reduce the impact of these corrosion factors on the material and improve the service life of the material is a direction worth continuing research.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Under the combined action of organic acid atmosphere and SO2 pollutant, the copper matrix exhibits complex corrosion behavior. The corrosion products are agglomerated with each other and even connected with each other in acetic acid atmosphere to form a sheet structure and constitute a new rust layer. In electrochemical tests, it was found that compared with the same concentration of organic acid atmosphere, the material showed a more serious corrosion tendency after adding Na2SO4. The self-corrosion current density is much higher than that of the experimental group without adding Na2SO4, and the charge transfer resistance is also much lower than that of the experimental group without adding Na2SO4. The concentration of organic acids in the atmosphere and the concentration of pollutants in the solution are also important influencing factors. With the increase of the concentration of the two, the material matrix will suffer more serious corrosion damage. In addition, because of its strong acidity, formic acid is easier to ionize H+ in the corrosive medium, thus showing a stronger corrosion ability than acetic acid under the same conditions. TP2 copper workpieces will inevitably encounter the erosion of harmful gases such as organic acids and SO2 in the industrial environment. How to effectively isolate or reduce the impact of these corrosion factors on the material and improve the service life of the material is a direction worth continuing research. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy for electronic equipment applications

    The application of copper alloy in electronic equipment is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

    Resistors: CuMn12Ni, CuNi1.5Si and other copper alloys are widely used in the manufacture of resistors. Because of its low temperature coefficient and high stability, CuMn12Ni alloy is especially suitable for manufacturing high-precision resistors, and is widely used in measuring instruments and scientific research fields. The CuNi1.5Si alloy is often used to manufacture low resistance resistors because of its excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical properties.

    Electronic connectors: CR025A Cu-DXP copper alloy is used for electronic connectors, especially for electric vacuum devices such as high frequency and UHF transmitting tubes and waveguides, which require high purity oxygen-free copper and diffusion-strengthened oxygen-free copper.

    Sensors: CuNi1.5Si alloys are widely used in the manufacture of sensors, especially those operating in complex environments, due to their excellent electrical properties and corrosion resistance.

    Printed circuit: Copper foil is the main material of printed circuit, with good electrical conductivity and processing performance, widely used in radio, television, computer and other equipment.

    Advantages of copper alloy in electronic equipment:

    Electrical and thermal conductivity: Copper alloy has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity properties, which can meet the needs of electronic equipment for current transmission and heat dissipation.

    Mechanical properties: Copper alloy has good mechanical properties, including strength, hardness and wear resistance, and can withstand the mechanical stress of equipment operation.

    Corrosion resistance: Some copper alloys such as CuNi1.5Si have excellent corrosion resistance and can maintain stable performance in wet or harsh environments.

    Weldability: Copper alloy has good weldability and is easy to connect with other metal materials to ensure the reliability of electrical connections.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy for electronic equipment applications The application of copper alloy in electronic equipment is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Resistors: CuMn12Ni, CuNi1.5Si and other copper alloys are widely used in the manufacture of resistors. Because of its low temperature coefficient and high stability, CuMn12Ni alloy is especially suitable for manufacturing high-precision resistors, and is widely used in measuring instruments and scientific research fields. The CuNi1.5Si alloy is often used to manufacture low resistance resistors because of its excellent electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. Electronic connectors: CR025A Cu-DXP copper alloy is used for electronic connectors, especially for electric vacuum devices such as high frequency and UHF transmitting tubes and waveguides, which require high purity oxygen-free copper and diffusion-strengthened oxygen-free copper. Sensors: CuNi1.5Si alloys are widely used in the manufacture of sensors, especially those operating in complex environments, due to their excellent electrical properties and corrosion resistance. Printed circuit: Copper foil is the main material of printed circuit, with good electrical conductivity and processing performance, widely used in radio, television, computer and other equipment. Advantages of copper alloy in electronic equipment: Electrical and thermal conductivity: Copper alloy has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity properties, which can meet the needs of electronic equipment for current transmission and heat dissipation. Mechanical properties: Copper alloy has good mechanical properties, including strength, hardness and wear resistance, and can withstand the mechanical stress of equipment operation. Corrosion resistance: Some copper alloys such as CuNi1.5Si have excellent corrosion resistance and can maintain stable performance in wet or harsh environments. Weldability: Copper alloy has good weldability and is easy to connect with other metal materials to ensure the reliability of electrical connections. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Application of copper alloy in construction industry
    Copper alloys have many uses in the construction industry

    First, copper alloys are mainly used in the construction industry to make roofs, exterior walls and plumbing systems. Copper sheets and pipes are often used in roofs, exterior walls and piping systems of high-end buildings due to their corrosion resistance and aesthetics. 1 In addition, copper alloys such as brass and bronze are often used for doors and Windows, handrails and decorations due to their good mechanical properties and decorative properties. 1 The use of copper alloys in the construction industry has been recognized as a key factor in the development of the construction industry and a key factor in the development of the construction industry.

    Second, specific examples of copper alloys used in the construction industry include:

    Copper sheets and pipes: Commonly used in building roofs, exterior walls, and plumbing systems, are favored for their corrosion resistance and aesthetics.

    Brass and bronze: Used for doors, Windows, handrails and decorative items, with good mechanical properties and decoration.

    Finally, the advantages of copper alloys in the construction industry include:

    Corrosion resistance: Copper and its alloys have good corrosion resistance and can be used in various environments for a long time without damage.

    Aesthetics: Copper and its alloys have beautiful appearance and are suitable for decoration in high-end buildings.

    Mechanical properties: Brass, bronze and other copper alloys have good mechanical properties, suitable for the production of various building components.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Application of copper alloy in construction industry Copper alloys have many uses in the construction industry First, copper alloys are mainly used in the construction industry to make roofs, exterior walls and plumbing systems. Copper sheets and pipes are often used in roofs, exterior walls and piping systems of high-end buildings due to their corrosion resistance and aesthetics. 1 In addition, copper alloys such as brass and bronze are often used for doors and Windows, handrails and decorations due to their good mechanical properties and decorative properties. 1 The use of copper alloys in the construction industry has been recognized as a key factor in the development of the construction industry and a key factor in the development of the construction industry. Second, specific examples of copper alloys used in the construction industry include: Copper sheets and pipes: Commonly used in building roofs, exterior walls, and plumbing systems, are favored for their corrosion resistance and aesthetics. Brass and bronze: Used for doors, Windows, handrails and decorative items, with good mechanical properties and decoration. Finally, the advantages of copper alloys in the construction industry include: Corrosion resistance: Copper and its alloys have good corrosion resistance and can be used in various environments for a long time without damage. Aesthetics: Copper and its alloys have beautiful appearance and are suitable for decoration in high-end buildings. Mechanical properties: Brass, bronze and other copper alloys have good mechanical properties, suitable for the production of various building components. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
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    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Application of copper alloy in new energy vehicles
    It is mainly reflected in the following aspects

    Supercharging solution: Bowei Alloy provides a series of high-performance alloy materials such as copper tellurium and copper zirconium, which have been applied in batches to the super charging system of new energy vehicles, mainly for high current carrying and charging safety, which can meet the needs of fast charging and high safety.

    High conductivity, high stress relaxation series copper alloy solutions: Bowei Alloy has developed a variety of copper alloy solutions for the high strength, high conductivity and high reliability needs of new energy vehicles. Such as boway 18160 copper chromium zirconium alloy, with excellent electrical conductivity and high temperature resistance, suitable for fish eye terminals, high voltage connector terminals, at 150 ° C or even 180 ° C environment can still maintain high performance.

    Other applications: Copper alloy is also widely used in new energy vehicle PDU terminals, power system bus and other components, such as Bowe 15100 copper zirconium alloy can still maintain excellent stress relaxation resistance at 180 ° C high temperature, and the material strength reaches more than 400MPa, meeting the needs of new energy vehicle PDU terminals.

    Specific application scenarios and material characteristics of copper alloy in new energy vehicles:

    Electrical conductivity: The electrical conductivity of copper alloy is one of its important properties, and the alloy elements, temperature and cold working conditions will affect the electrical conductivity of the material. For example, the conductivity of boway 18160 copper-chromium-zirconium alloy can reach more than 82%IACS.

    Yield strength: The yield strength of a material is critical to its performance in high current conduction and high reliability applications. For example, the boway 15100 copper-zirconium alloy has a yield strength of 400 MPa or higher.

    Thermal stress relaxation: at high temperatures, the thermal stress relaxation performance of the material has a direct impact on its service life, such as boway 18160 copper chromium-zirconium alloy at 150℃ or even 180℃ application environment, showing excellent stress relaxation resistance.

    Advantages and application prospects of copper alloy in new energy vehicles:

    High performance: Copper alloy has high conductivity, high strength and excellent thermal stress relaxation performance, which can meet the high requirements of materials for new energy vehicles.

    Widely used: Copper alloys are widely used in key components of new energy vehicles such as super charging systems, PDU terminals, and power system bus bars, significantly improving vehicle performance and safety.

    Copper alloy in the semiconductor industry specific application cases

    Precision copper strip products: In semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing, precision copper strip products are mainly used for conductive interconnection and thermal heat dissipation to ensure stable circuit operation and efficient heat dissipation.

    Lead frame: Copper alloy lead frame plays a key structural role in chip manufacturing, connecting the internal circuit of the chip with the external wire to ensure the stable transmission of electrical signals.

    High-end copper alloy: There is an increasing demand for high-end copper alloys in 5G communications, intelligent terminals and equipment, and with its excellent physical and chemical properties, it has become an indispensable material in these fields.

    The importance of copper alloys in the semiconductor industry is reflected in its superior physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys have good electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, and corrosion resistance, which give them significant advantages in high-speed electronic signal transmission, thermal management, and device miniaturization and lightweight. With the continuous progress of semiconductor technology, the demand for copper alloys will further increase, promoting its application and development in more fields.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Application of copper alloy in new energy vehicles It is mainly reflected in the following aspects Supercharging solution: Bowei Alloy provides a series of high-performance alloy materials such as copper tellurium and copper zirconium, which have been applied in batches to the super charging system of new energy vehicles, mainly for high current carrying and charging safety, which can meet the needs of fast charging and high safety. High conductivity, high stress relaxation series copper alloy solutions: Bowei Alloy has developed a variety of copper alloy solutions for the high strength, high conductivity and high reliability needs of new energy vehicles. Such as boway 18160 copper chromium zirconium alloy, with excellent electrical conductivity and high temperature resistance, suitable for fish eye terminals, high voltage connector terminals, at 150 ° C or even 180 ° C environment can still maintain high performance. Other applications: Copper alloy is also widely used in new energy vehicle PDU terminals, power system bus and other components, such as Bowe 15100 copper zirconium alloy can still maintain excellent stress relaxation resistance at 180 ° C high temperature, and the material strength reaches more than 400MPa, meeting the needs of new energy vehicle PDU terminals. Specific application scenarios and material characteristics of copper alloy in new energy vehicles: Electrical conductivity: The electrical conductivity of copper alloy is one of its important properties, and the alloy elements, temperature and cold working conditions will affect the electrical conductivity of the material. For example, the conductivity of boway 18160 copper-chromium-zirconium alloy can reach more than 82%IACS. Yield strength: The yield strength of a material is critical to its performance in high current conduction and high reliability applications. For example, the boway 15100 copper-zirconium alloy has a yield strength of 400 MPa or higher. Thermal stress relaxation: at high temperatures, the thermal stress relaxation performance of the material has a direct impact on its service life, such as boway 18160 copper chromium-zirconium alloy at 150℃ or even 180℃ application environment, showing excellent stress relaxation resistance. Advantages and application prospects of copper alloy in new energy vehicles: High performance: Copper alloy has high conductivity, high strength and excellent thermal stress relaxation performance, which can meet the high requirements of materials for new energy vehicles. Widely used: Copper alloys are widely used in key components of new energy vehicles such as super charging systems, PDU terminals, and power system bus bars, significantly improving vehicle performance and safety. Copper alloy in the semiconductor industry specific application cases Precision copper strip products: In semiconductor integrated circuit manufacturing, precision copper strip products are mainly used for conductive interconnection and thermal heat dissipation to ensure stable circuit operation and efficient heat dissipation. Lead frame: Copper alloy lead frame plays a key structural role in chip manufacturing, connecting the internal circuit of the chip with the external wire to ensure the stable transmission of electrical signals. High-end copper alloy: There is an increasing demand for high-end copper alloys in 5G communications, intelligent terminals and equipment, and with its excellent physical and chemical properties, it has become an indispensable material in these fields. The importance of copper alloys in the semiconductor industry is reflected in its superior physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys have good electrical and thermal conductivity, ductility, and corrosion resistance, which give them significant advantages in high-speed electronic signal transmission, thermal management, and device miniaturization and lightweight. With the continuous progress of semiconductor technology, the demand for copper alloys will further increase, promoting its application and development in more fields. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
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    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy precision instrument application
    The application of copper alloy in precision instruments is mainly reflected in its excellent physical and chemical properties.

    Copper alloys are excellent in the manufacture of precision instruments because of their high strength, high elastic modulus and excellent wear resistance. For example, C5212 tin bronze has excellent wear resistance due to its high tin content, and excellent electrical conductivity due to its high copper content, making it widely used in the manufacture of mechanical equipment, ships, auto parts, precision instruments, electronic equipment, aerospace equipment and other fields.

    In addition, the cutting properties of copper alloy also make it an ideal material for precision instruments and standard parts processing. For example, C3710 copper alloy, due to the addition of lead, improves cutting performance, can ensure the size and surface quality of high-precision machining, so it is excellent in the manufacture of screws, nuts and instrument parts.

    Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in precision instruments include:

    Mechanical equipment: Copper alloy has the characteristics of high strength, wear resistance, high load resistance, deformation and distortion resistance, etc., which has a good application prospect in the manufacture of mechanical equipment.

    Auto parts: Because of its excellent physical properties, copper alloy is widely used in automobile manufacturing, such as the production of joints, pipe joints and other key parts to ensure the tightness and durability of the system.

    Electronic equipment: Because copper alloy has good electrical conductivity, it is also widely used in electronic equipment, such as connectors, wires and so on.

    Aerospace equipment: The high strength and stiffness of copper alloys make it also play an important role in aerospace equipment, able to withstand the pressure of extreme environments.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy precision instrument application The application of copper alloy in precision instruments is mainly reflected in its excellent physical and chemical properties. Copper alloys are excellent in the manufacture of precision instruments because of their high strength, high elastic modulus and excellent wear resistance. For example, C5212 tin bronze has excellent wear resistance due to its high tin content, and excellent electrical conductivity due to its high copper content, making it widely used in the manufacture of mechanical equipment, ships, auto parts, precision instruments, electronic equipment, aerospace equipment and other fields. In addition, the cutting properties of copper alloy also make it an ideal material for precision instruments and standard parts processing. For example, C3710 copper alloy, due to the addition of lead, improves cutting performance, can ensure the size and surface quality of high-precision machining, so it is excellent in the manufacture of screws, nuts and instrument parts. Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in precision instruments include: Mechanical equipment: Copper alloy has the characteristics of high strength, wear resistance, high load resistance, deformation and distortion resistance, etc., which has a good application prospect in the manufacture of mechanical equipment. Auto parts: Because of its excellent physical properties, copper alloy is widely used in automobile manufacturing, such as the production of joints, pipe joints and other key parts to ensure the tightness and durability of the system. Electronic equipment: Because copper alloy has good electrical conductivity, it is also widely used in electronic equipment, such as connectors, wires and so on. Aerospace equipment: The high strength and stiffness of copper alloys make it also play an important role in aerospace equipment, able to withstand the pressure of extreme environments. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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  • Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd.

    Copper alloy petrochemical applications
    The application of copper alloy in petrochemical field mainly has the following aspects

    The application of copper alloy in the field of petrochemical industry mainly has the following aspects:

    C71640 White copper alloy: This alloy is mainly used in the petrochemical industry to manufacture corrosion resistant pipes and joints. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, C71640 white copper alloy can be used in high salt environments for a long time, significantly increasing the service life of the facility and reducing maintenance costs.

    Explosion-proof copper alloy: explosion-proof copper alloy commonly used materials are beryllium bronze, aluminum bronze, etc., with explosion-proof, no spark and other characteristics, very suitable for use in explosive, flammable, strong magnetic, corrosive environment. For example, explosion-proof tools and equipment in the petrochemical industry can prevent sparks from impact or friction, thus ensuring production safety.

    Monel400 nickel-copper alloy: This alloy is also widely used in the petrochemical industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, Monel400 alloy is often used in the manufacture of corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment. In addition, its resistance to oxidation and thermal corrosion at high temperatures makes it ideal for the oil and gas industry.

    Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in petrochemical fields:

    C71640 White Copper alloy: On offshore oil and gas platforms, C71640 white copper alloy is used to manufacture corrosion-resistant pipes and fittings, significantly increasing the service life of facilities and reducing maintenance costs.

    Explosion-proof copper alloy: In the petrochemical industry, explosion-proof copper alloy is used to manufacture explosion-proof tools and equipment to prevent sparks from impact or friction and ensure production safety.

    Monel400 nickel copper alloy: In the field of petrochemical, Monel400 alloy is used to manufacture corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment, and its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it an ideal material in this field.

    Email: sales@luocopper.com
    WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Jiangsu Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Copper alloy petrochemical applications The application of copper alloy in petrochemical field mainly has the following aspects The application of copper alloy in the field of petrochemical industry mainly has the following aspects: C71640 White copper alloy: This alloy is mainly used in the petrochemical industry to manufacture corrosion resistant pipes and joints. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, C71640 white copper alloy can be used in high salt environments for a long time, significantly increasing the service life of the facility and reducing maintenance costs. Explosion-proof copper alloy: explosion-proof copper alloy commonly used materials are beryllium bronze, aluminum bronze, etc., with explosion-proof, no spark and other characteristics, very suitable for use in explosive, flammable, strong magnetic, corrosive environment. For example, explosion-proof tools and equipment in the petrochemical industry can prevent sparks from impact or friction, thus ensuring production safety. Monel400 nickel-copper alloy: This alloy is also widely used in the petrochemical industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, Monel400 alloy is often used in the manufacture of corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment. In addition, its resistance to oxidation and thermal corrosion at high temperatures makes it ideal for the oil and gas industry. Examples of specific applications of copper alloys in petrochemical fields: C71640 White Copper alloy: On offshore oil and gas platforms, C71640 white copper alloy is used to manufacture corrosion-resistant pipes and fittings, significantly increasing the service life of facilities and reducing maintenance costs. Explosion-proof copper alloy: In the petrochemical industry, explosion-proof copper alloy is used to manufacture explosion-proof tools and equipment to prevent sparks from impact or friction and ensure production safety. Monel400 nickel copper alloy: In the field of petrochemical, Monel400 alloy is used to manufacture corrosive gas pipes, trays, heat exchanger tubes and other equipment, and its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it an ideal material in this field. Webisite:www.luocopper.com Email: sales@luocopper.com WhatsApp/Tel: +00 86 15358098698
    Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd
    Explore Premium Copper Products Available Wholesale From Luotong Copper Industry Co., Ltd. Your Trusted Manufacturer For High-Quality Copper Solutions.
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    Si tratta ormai del cosiddetto segreto di Pulcinella, lo è per lo meno per tutte quelle persone consapevoli che rispetto alla criminale narrazione vigente, relativa ai vaccini pediatrici, sia ormai correttamente informata.

    🔺️Il Dr. Mauro Mantovani annuncia una (mezza) buona notizia che consta del fatto di essere ormai vicini al poter dimostrare il nesso causale fra vaccini pediatrici e gravissime patologie (in particolare del neurosviluppo).

    Mantovani elenca tutte le patologie che i vaccini pediatrici ingenerano, portando esempi di suoi pazienti e del negazionismo della classe medico/vaccinale che rifiuta qualsiasi confronto sul tema, essendo responsabile del massacro letterale dei nostri bambini, già gravemente colpiti dalle inoculazioni.

    Il bio-immunologo milanese spiega che persino i bugiardini delle vaccinazioni infantili prevedono visita medica ed accurata disamina di eventuali fattori ereditari od effetti indesiderati di altre vaccinazioni. NESSUNO L'HA MAI FATTO, I BAMBINI SONO VISTI COME CORPI DA INOCULARE PER ARRICCHIRE SPIETATE MULTINAZIONALI FARMACEUTICHE ED UNA CLASSE MEDICA PAGATA DA QUESTE ULTIME.

    Approfondimenti a seguito, visionali tutti, è importante esserne informati.
















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    🔴💣VICINI ALLA DIMOSTRAZIONE DEL NESSO DI CAUSALITÀ FRA VACCINI PEDIATRICI E GRAVI REAZIONI AVVERSE NEI BAMBINI. LE VACCINAZIONI LI STANNO DANNEGGIANDO CON LA COMPIACENZA DELLA CLASSE MEDICA. 🔥Si tratta ormai del cosiddetto segreto di Pulcinella, lo è per lo meno per tutte quelle persone consapevoli che rispetto alla criminale narrazione vigente, relativa ai vaccini pediatrici, sia ormai correttamente informata. 🔺️Il Dr. Mauro Mantovani annuncia una (mezza) buona notizia che consta del fatto di essere ormai vicini al poter dimostrare il nesso causale fra vaccini pediatrici e gravissime patologie (in particolare del neurosviluppo). ⚡Mantovani elenca tutte le patologie che i vaccini pediatrici ingenerano, portando esempi di suoi pazienti e del negazionismo della classe medico/vaccinale che rifiuta qualsiasi confronto sul tema, essendo responsabile del massacro letterale dei nostri bambini, già gravemente colpiti dalle inoculazioni. 🔻Il bio-immunologo milanese spiega che persino i bugiardini delle vaccinazioni infantili prevedono visita medica ed accurata disamina di eventuali fattori ereditari od effetti indesiderati di altre vaccinazioni. NESSUNO L'HA MAI FATTO, I BAMBINI SONO VISTI COME CORPI DA INOCULARE PER ARRICCHIRE SPIETATE MULTINAZIONALI FARMACEUTICHE ED UNA CLASSE MEDICA PAGATA DA QUESTE ULTIME. ▪️Approfondimenti a seguito, visionali tutti, è importante esserne informati. ⚠️RIVOLUZIONARI STUDI SUI VACCINI MOSTRANO UNA VERITÀ SCONCERTANTE ED INCONTROVERTIBILE. DALLA COMPARAZIONE FRA VACCINATI E NON VACCINATI EMERGE CHE SONO I VACCINI A FARCI AMMALARE CON LE VACCINAZIONI PEDIATRICHE ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/4607 ⚠️VACCINI SONO LA CAUSA DI TUTTE LE PATOLOGIE. I BAMBINI CHE NON VENGONO VACCINATI NON SVILUPPANO ALCUNA MALATTIA DA ADULTI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/2627 ⚠️NON SI AMMALANO MAI PERCHÉ NON SI VACCINANO, IL GOVERNO LO SA E LO NASCONDE ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/3574 ⚠️INOCULANO VACCINI MULTIPLI A NEONATI PER RAGIONI DI SOLDI AMMALANDOCI PER SEMPRE ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/4063 ⚠️VERITÀ INSABBIATA SU VACCINI DAI LIBRI ITALIANI DELL'EPOCA. ERA IL VACCINO AD UCCIDERE I BAMBINI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/3341 ⚠️BAMBINI NON VACCINATI NON SVILUPPANO ALCUNA MALATTIA DA ADULTI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/2627 ⚠️CLAMOROSO PRIMO CASO DI DIMINUZIONE DEL TASSO DI AUTISMO FRA I BAMBINI. DOVE? NELLA CONTEA IN CUI SI È SMESSO DI VACCINARLI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/4434 ⚠️DE NIRO CONTRO VACCINI CHE PROVOCANO AUTISMO E MULTINAZIONALI DEL FARMACO ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/4175 ⚠️VAXXED, IL FILM. L'AUTISMO È CAUSATO DA VACCINI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/2490 ⚠️AUTISMO, ESPERTO PRO-VACCINI DEL GOVERNO RITRATTA "PROVOCANO AUTISMO" ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/3032 ⚠️JIM CARREY 'VACCINI PROVOCANO AUTISMO, VANNO ELIMINATI' ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/3316 ⚠️RAI, VACCINO KILLER. AUTISMO E LESIONI CEREBRALI ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/2763 ⚠️AUTISMO A 2 ANNI E MEZZO DOPO VACCINO TRIVALENTE ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/3146 ⚠️LA VERITÀ SUL VACCINO HPV, LE DRAMMATICHE TESTIMONIANZE DI QUESTE BAMBINE DANNEGGIATE ➡️ t.me/ugofuoco/4163 ✅CONDIVIDIAMO OVUNQUE PER COSTRUIRE CONSAPEVOLEZZA. DIFFONDIAMO SU WHATSAPP, TWITTER, TIK TOK, INSTAGRAM, TELEGRAM E FACEBOOK. 🔗Unisciti al canale t.me/ugofuoco
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