• Siamo stati ingannati, repressi e ingannati dalle ricche élite globaliste affamate di denaro.

    Auto d'acqua nel 1974:
    - Guida a 70 mph
    - Percorre oltre 1000 miglia con un serbatoio.
    - Rilascia zero inquinamento
    Potremmo guidare automobili alimentate ad acqua, ma le forze che manipolano l’umanità non lo permetterebbero mai.
    Man mano che la coscienza umana cresce e il sistema di controllo scompare, vedremo la rinascita di tali grandi tecnologie.

    We have been duped, repressed and deceived by the money-hungry globalist elites.

    Water cars in 1974:
    - Drive at 70 mph
    - Travels over 1000 miles on one tank.
    - Releases zero pollution
    We could drive water-powered cars, but the forces manipulating humanity would never allow it.
    As human consciousness grows and the control system disappears, we will see the rebirth of such great technologies.

    Fomos enganados, reprimidos e iludidos pelas elites globalistas ávidas por dinheiro.

    Carros aquáticos em 1974:
    - Dirigem a 70 mph
    - Viaja mais de 1.000 milhas em um tanque.
    - Não emite poluição alguma
    Poderíamos dirigir carros movidos a água, mas as forças que manipulam a humanidade nunca permitiriam isso.
    À medida que a consciência humana crescer e o sistema de controle desaparecer, veremos o renascimento dessas grandes tecnologias.

    Nous avons été dupés, réprimés et trompés par les élites mondialistes avides d'argent.

    Voitures à eau en 1974 :
    - Roulent à 70 mph
    - Parcourt plus de 1000 miles avec un seul réservoir.
    - Ne rejettent aucune pollution
    Nous pourrions conduire des voitures à eau, mais les forces qui manipulent l'humanité ne le permettront jamais.
    À mesure que la conscience humaine grandira et que le système de contrôle disparaîtra, nous assisterons à la renaissance de ces grandes technologies.

    Fonte: https://t.me/ioanima
    🇮🇹 Siamo stati ingannati, repressi e ingannati dalle ricche élite globaliste affamate di denaro. Auto d'acqua nel 1974: - Guida a 70 mph - Percorre oltre 1000 miglia con un serbatoio. - Rilascia zero inquinamento Potremmo guidare automobili alimentate ad acqua, ma le forze che manipolano l’umanità non lo permetterebbero mai. Man mano che la coscienza umana cresce e il sistema di controllo scompare, vedremo la rinascita di tali grandi tecnologie. 🇦🇺 We have been duped, repressed and deceived by the money-hungry globalist elites. Water cars in 1974: - Drive at 70 mph - Travels over 1000 miles on one tank. - Releases zero pollution We could drive water-powered cars, but the forces manipulating humanity would never allow it. As human consciousness grows and the control system disappears, we will see the rebirth of such great technologies. 🇧🇷 Fomos enganados, reprimidos e iludidos pelas elites globalistas ávidas por dinheiro. Carros aquáticos em 1974: - Dirigem a 70 mph - Viaja mais de 1.000 milhas em um tanque. - Não emite poluição alguma Poderíamos dirigir carros movidos a água, mas as forças que manipulam a humanidade nunca permitiriam isso. À medida que a consciência humana crescer e o sistema de controle desaparecer, veremos o renascimento dessas grandes tecnologias. 🇫🇷 Nous avons été dupés, réprimés et trompés par les élites mondialistes avides d'argent. Voitures à eau en 1974 : - Roulent à 70 mph - Parcourt plus de 1000 miles avec un seul réservoir. - Ne rejettent aucune pollution Nous pourrions conduire des voitures à eau, mais les forces qui manipulent l'humanité ne le permettront jamais. À mesure que la conscience humaine grandira et que le système de contrôle disparaîtra, nous assisterons à la renaissance de ces grandes technologies. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨ Fonte: https://t.me/ioanima
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 776 Views 18
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    The integration of magnesium alloy castings into the automotive industry is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the reactivity of magnesium, which can issues with corrosion and oxidation during the casting process. However, recent developments in protective coatings and alloy formulations have mitigated these concerns, allowing for the successful use of magnesium alloy castings in a variety of automotive applications.
    https://www.wuxingpower.com/product/ The integration of magnesium alloy castings into the automotive industry is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the reactivity of magnesium, which can issues with corrosion and oxidation during the casting process. However, recent developments in protective coatings and alloy formulations have mitigated these concerns, allowing for the successful use of magnesium alloy castings in a variety of automotive applications.
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  • https://www.wuxingpower.com/product/

    The benefits of using magnesium alloy castings in automotive manufacturing are manifold. They contribute to weight reduction, which directly translates to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Additionally, the high strength-to-weight ratio of magnesium alloys allows for the design of smaller, more compact components, which can further contribute to weight savings.
    https://www.wuxingpower.com/product/ The benefits of using magnesium alloy castings in automotive manufacturing are manifold. They contribute to weight reduction, which directly translates to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Additionally, the high strength-to-weight ratio of magnesium alloys allows for the design of smaller, more compact components, which can further contribute to weight savings.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 481 Views




    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 732 Views

    Dear Archbishop,

    I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.

    I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.

    You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.

    As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!

    You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.

    Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.

    Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath

    He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

    As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

    So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

    Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.

    God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.

    With admiration & undying respect.

    Mel Gibson


    Caro Arcivescovo,

    Sono sicuro che non ti aspettavi altro da Jorge Bergoglio.

    So che sai che non ha alcuna autorità, quindi non sono sicuro di come questo ti influenzerà in futuro. Spero che continuerai a dire messa e a ricevere i sacramenti da solo: è davvero un distintivo d'onore da cui essere evitato. la falsa chiesa postconciliare.

    Hai tutta la mia solidarietà per il fatto che soffri pubblicamente questa grave ingiustizia. Per me e per molti altri sei un eroe molto coraggioso.

    Come sempre avete centrato l'illegittimità di Francesco. Esprimi i problemi fondamentali con l'istituzione che ha eclissato la vera chiesa e apprezzo il tuo coraggio nell'esprimerlo, ma soprattutto nel mantenere la fedeltà alla vera chiesa!

    Sei un moderno Atanasio! Ho tutto il rispetto per il modo in cui difendi Cristo e la sua chiesa. Sono d'accordo con te al 100% sul fatto che la Chiesa postconciliare del Vaticano II è una Chiesa contraffatta. Questo è il motivo per cui ho costruito una Chiesa cattolica che adora solo tradizionalmente. Puoi venire a celebrare la messa lì in qualsiasi momento.

    Ovviamente essere definito scismatico ed essere scomunicato da Jorge Bergoglio è come un distintivo d’onore se consideri che è un apostata totale e ti espelle da una falsa istituzione.

    Ricorda che il vero scisma richiede innovazione, qualcosa che non hai fatto tu ma qualcosa che Bergoglio fa ad ogni respiro

    Lui, quindi, è lo scismatico! Tuttavia già ipso facto si scomunicava con le sue numerose eresie pubbliche (canone 188 del codice del 1917).

    Come già sapete non ha il potere di scomunicarvi perché non è nemmeno cattolico.

    Quindi rallegrati! Sono con te e spero che Bergoglio scomunichi anche me dalla sua falsa chiesa.

    Bergoglio e i suoi compagni hanno i vestiti e gli edifici, ma tu hai la fede.

    Dio ti benedica e ti protegga. Se hai bisogno di qualcosa chiedi pure, farò del mio meglio per aiutarti.

    Con ammirazione e rispetto eterno.

    Mel Gibson

    Fonte: https://x.com/robinmonotti/status/1810632434125283363?t=Woby2X9CFlcQxgc-izOK_Q&s=19
    LETTER FROM MEL GIBSON TO ARCHBISHOP VIGANO Dear Archbishop, I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church. You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero. As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church! You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime. Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution. Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code). As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic. So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also. Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith. God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help. With admiration & undying respect. Mel Gibson LETTERA DI MEL GIBSON ALL'ARCIVESCOVO VIGANO Caro Arcivescovo, Sono sicuro che non ti aspettavi altro da Jorge Bergoglio. So che sai che non ha alcuna autorità, quindi non sono sicuro di come questo ti influenzerà in futuro. Spero che continuerai a dire messa e a ricevere i sacramenti da solo: è davvero un distintivo d'onore da cui essere evitato. la falsa chiesa postconciliare. Hai tutta la mia solidarietà per il fatto che soffri pubblicamente questa grave ingiustizia. Per me e per molti altri sei un eroe molto coraggioso. Come sempre avete centrato l'illegittimità di Francesco. Esprimi i problemi fondamentali con l'istituzione che ha eclissato la vera chiesa e apprezzo il tuo coraggio nell'esprimerlo, ma soprattutto nel mantenere la fedeltà alla vera chiesa! Sei un moderno Atanasio! Ho tutto il rispetto per il modo in cui difendi Cristo e la sua chiesa. Sono d'accordo con te al 100% sul fatto che la Chiesa postconciliare del Vaticano II è una Chiesa contraffatta. Questo è il motivo per cui ho costruito una Chiesa cattolica che adora solo tradizionalmente. Puoi venire a celebrare la messa lì in qualsiasi momento. Ovviamente essere definito scismatico ed essere scomunicato da Jorge Bergoglio è come un distintivo d’onore se consideri che è un apostata totale e ti espelle da una falsa istituzione. Ricorda che il vero scisma richiede innovazione, qualcosa che non hai fatto tu ma qualcosa che Bergoglio fa ad ogni respiro Lui, quindi, è lo scismatico! Tuttavia già ipso facto si scomunicava con le sue numerose eresie pubbliche (canone 188 del codice del 1917). Come già sapete non ha il potere di scomunicarvi perché non è nemmeno cattolico. Quindi rallegrati! Sono con te e spero che Bergoglio scomunichi anche me dalla sua falsa chiesa. Bergoglio e i suoi compagni hanno i vestiti e gli edifici, ma tu hai la fede. Dio ti benedica e ti protegga. Se hai bisogno di qualcosa chiedi pure, farò del mio meglio per aiutarti. Con ammirazione e rispetto eterno. Mel Gibson Fonte: https://x.com/robinmonotti/status/1810632434125283363?t=Woby2X9CFlcQxgc-izOK_Q&s=19
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2877 Views
  • https://dituttoedipiu.altervista.org/continua-linvasione-del-green-speculativo-alle-porte-di-cagliari-la-grande-batteria-cinese/

    #greenenergy #renewableenergy #batteries #cleanenergy #sustainabledevelopment #solarpower #windpower #energystorage #greentechnology #ecoenergy #electricvehicles #sustainability #carbonfootprint #climatechange #greenfuture #environmentalimpact #innovation #renewables #sustainableliving #cleantech #ecofriendly #solarpanels #windturbines #hydropower #geothermal #bioenergy #environment #circulareconomy #energytransition #energyinnovation
    https://dituttoedipiu.altervista.org/continua-linvasione-del-green-speculativo-alle-porte-di-cagliari-la-grande-batteria-cinese/ #greenenergy #renewableenergy #batteries #cleanenergy #sustainabledevelopment #solarpower #windpower #energystorage #greentechnology #ecoenergy #electricvehicles #sustainability #carbonfootprint #climatechange #greenfuture #environmentalimpact #innovation #renewables #sustainableliving #cleantech #ecofriendly #solarpanels #windturbines #hydropower #geothermal #bioenergy #environment #circulareconomy #energytransition #energyinnovation
    Continua l'invasione del green speculativo: alle porte di Cagliari la grande batteria cinese - D TUTTO E D+
    Continua l'invasione del green speculativo: alle porte di Cagliari la grande batteria cinese Pareri contrari di Comune e Regione, ma l’Enel inizia i lavori. C’è il mistero della società che ha fatto l’operazione Le grandi gru sono sul posto da qualche giorno. Il traffico scorre ancora rarefatto, in attesa della stagione del sole ormai alle porte. Il proscenio è quello di Monte Nieddu, anello di congiunzione tra l’entroterra
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 6332 Views
  • Single handle bathroom faucet design aesthetics
    The design concept of the single-handle bathroom faucet(https://www.hlfaucet.com/product/single-lever-faucet-mixer/18023-single-handle-bathroom-faucet.html) is deeply rooted in minimalism, showing the modern aesthetic trend with an integrated shape. The core feature of the single-handle design is the ability to control hot and cold water in one. Easily adjust water temperature and flow rate with just one handle. This design simplifies the user's operation steps, not only improves the convenience of use, but also saves money. space to make the bathroom look tidier. Additionally, single-handle bathroom faucets have water-saving features that help reduce water waste by precisely controlling water flow.
    In appearance, single-handle bathroom faucets come in a variety of styles. Designers make full use of streamlined elements to create shapes that are either rounded and soft, or strong and powerful, giving the faucet a unique visual appearance. Whether it is a simple straight line design or an elegant curved shape, it can complement the overall style of the bathroom. At the same time, the selection of materials is also very particular. The combination of diversified materials such as stainless steel, copper, and ceramics with various processes such as chrome plating, brushed gold, and matte black gives the single-handle bathroom faucet a rich layering in color and touch.
    Single handle bathroom faucet design aesthetics The design concept of the single-handle bathroom faucet(https://www.hlfaucet.com/product/single-lever-faucet-mixer/18023-single-handle-bathroom-faucet.html) is deeply rooted in minimalism, showing the modern aesthetic trend with an integrated shape. The core feature of the single-handle design is the ability to control hot and cold water in one. Easily adjust water temperature and flow rate with just one handle. This design simplifies the user's operation steps, not only improves the convenience of use, but also saves money. space to make the bathroom look tidier. Additionally, single-handle bathroom faucets have water-saving features that help reduce water waste by precisely controlling water flow. In appearance, single-handle bathroom faucets come in a variety of styles. Designers make full use of streamlined elements to create shapes that are either rounded and soft, or strong and powerful, giving the faucet a unique visual appearance. Whether it is a simple straight line design or an elegant curved shape, it can complement the overall style of the bathroom. At the same time, the selection of materials is also very particular. The combination of diversified materials such as stainless steel, copper, and ceramics with various processes such as chrome plating, brushed gold, and matte black gives the single-handle bathroom faucet a rich layering in color and touch.
    Single Lever Basin Shower Mixer Tap Manufacturers, Factory
    Hongli Sanitary Wares Technology Co., Ltd is professional single lever sink basin mixer tap manufacturers and single handle faucet factory in China, we custom single handle mixer& faucet for shower, kitchen etc.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1591 Views
  • The oil and gas industry thrives on efficiency. Extracting valuable resources from deep underground requires meticulous planning and execution. Downhole operations, specifically, play a critical role in determining the success of a well. Here's where downhole operation simulation comes in – a powerful tool for optimizing wellbore performance and maximizing production.
    The oil and gas industry thrives on efficiency. Extracting valuable resources from deep underground requires meticulous planning and execution. Downhole operations, specifically, play a critical role in determining the success of a well. Here's where downhole operation simulation comes in – a powerful tool for optimizing wellbore performance and maximizing production. https://www.esimtech.com/what-is-downhole-operation-simulator.html
    What Is Downhole Operation Simulator | Esimtech
    The oil and gas industry relies heavily on downhole operation simulator. It enables operators to develop a virtual model of downhole operations that can be
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1094 Views
  • Exploring the Functionality of Air-Powered and Hand Pressure Washer Guns
    Air-powered pressure washer guns, also known as pneumatic pressure washer guns, utilize compressed air to generate high-pressure water flow for cleaning applications. These guns are typically connected to an air compressor, which supplies the necessary air pressure to operate the gun.One of the primary functions of air-powered pressure washer guns is their ability to provide consistent and reliable performance in a variety of cleaning tasks.
    Exploring the Functionality of Air-Powered and Hand Pressure Washer Guns Air-powered pressure washer guns, also known as pneumatic pressure washer guns, utilize compressed air to generate high-pressure water flow for cleaning applications. These guns are typically connected to an air compressor, which supplies the necessary air pressure to operate the gun.One of the primary functions of air-powered pressure washer guns is their ability to provide consistent and reliable performance in a variety of cleaning tasks. https://www.diduwashgun.com/pr....oduct/pressure-washe
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 618 Views
  • PFIZER DEVASTA LA FAMIGLIA REALE CON IL TURBO CANCRO NEW ARTICLE: The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with Cancer - there is a high probability she has Turbo Cancer, caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines she took in 2021.

    What are the most likely mRNA Induced Turbo Cancers that would require major abdominal surgery and "preventative chemotherapy"?

    1. Turbo Colon Cancer - one of most common
    2. Turbo Ovarian Cancer - on the rise, poor prognosis
    3. Turbo Uterine Cancer - endometrial or sarcoma
    4. Rare Turbo Cancers - appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric

    I go through each of these Turbo Cancer scenarios in detail in my article.

    Turbo Colon Cancer would be the most common scenario, it is the top 5 cancer that occurs following vaccination with Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

    Turbo Colon Cancer is skyrocketing and presents now in younger and younger men and women. It grows rapidly and often doesn't respond to standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens. Immunotherapy also doesn't work, which tends to shock Oncologists.

    Turbo Ovarian Cancer is on the rise in younger women. These often present as ovarian cysts and in many cases are initially assumed to be benign.

    Many cases of Turbo Ovarian Cancer have been ignored by doctors until they were so large that they had to be surgically removed - and only then is cancer discovered. These have a poor prognosis.

    Turbo Uterine cancer is also skyrocketing and this could present with abdominal pain or bleeding, and thought initially to be benign tumors like fibroids. These are either endometrial cancers or sarcomas.

    Rare Turbo Cancers in the abdomen would include appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric, liver.

    Appendix can present as appendicitis, gallbladder as acute cholecystitis - upon removal, cancer can be discovered, hidden and unexpected. These are not "major abdominal surgeries", however, so they are less likely.

    My hypothesis and concern is that the major abdominal surgery The Princess of Wales had was a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and the cancer is either an Ovarian cancer or a Uterine cancer that was discovered unexpectedly after pathological examination of the surgical specimen.

    The need for "preventative chemotherapy" suggests a Turbo Ovarian Cancer, or a more advanced stage Turbo Uterine Cancer (or more aggressive subtypes such as Uterine carcinosarcomas, clear cell cancers, or serous cancers) which would also require chemotherapy.

    If The Princess of Wales is suffering from Turbo Ovarian Cancer or an advanced or aggressive Turbo Uterine Cancer, she will need a much more comprehensive Cancer Treatment plan than her UK Oncologists will offer her.

    Turbo Cancers in general don't respond to standard chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy regimens.

    This is especially true for Turbo Ovarian Cancers.

    The Princess will need a Treatment plan that addresses some of the unique characteristics of mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer.

    This will include a spike protein “detoxification” protocol (that involves spike protein breakdown agents such as Nattokinase and spike protein binding agents with anti-cancer properties such as Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Nigella Sativa or Curcumin)

    as well as an “Alternative treatment plan” that includes high dose Ivermectin and high dose Fenbendazole/Mebendazole/Albendazole.

    She must also eliminate sugar from her diet, as cancer thrives on sugar, and consider certain foods with powerful anti-cancer properties (Soursop, Turkey Tail mushroom, etc are great examples)

    I hope The Princess of Wales
    can surround herself with doctors who didn’t abandon their Hippocratic Oath during the COVID-19 pandemic (unfortunately vast majority did, including virtually all Oncologists).

    She also needs doctors who understand the very real and dangerous phenomenon of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo
    PFIZER DEVASTA LA FAMIGLIA REALE CON IL TURBO CANCRO NEW ARTICLE: The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with Cancer - there is a high probability she has Turbo Cancer, caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines she took in 2021. What are the most likely mRNA Induced Turbo Cancers that would require major abdominal surgery and "preventative chemotherapy"? 1. Turbo Colon Cancer - one of most common 2. Turbo Ovarian Cancer - on the rise, poor prognosis 3. Turbo Uterine Cancer - endometrial or sarcoma 4. Rare Turbo Cancers - appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric I go through each of these Turbo Cancer scenarios in detail in my article. Turbo Colon Cancer would be the most common scenario, it is the top 5 cancer that occurs following vaccination with Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Turbo Colon Cancer is skyrocketing and presents now in younger and younger men and women. It grows rapidly and often doesn't respond to standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens. Immunotherapy also doesn't work, which tends to shock Oncologists. Turbo Ovarian Cancer is on the rise in younger women. These often present as ovarian cysts and in many cases are initially assumed to be benign. Many cases of Turbo Ovarian Cancer have been ignored by doctors until they were so large that they had to be surgically removed - and only then is cancer discovered. These have a poor prognosis. Turbo Uterine cancer is also skyrocketing and this could present with abdominal pain or bleeding, and thought initially to be benign tumors like fibroids. These are either endometrial cancers or sarcomas. Rare Turbo Cancers in the abdomen would include appendix, gallbladder, pancreas, gastric, liver. Appendix can present as appendicitis, gallbladder as acute cholecystitis - upon removal, cancer can be discovered, hidden and unexpected. These are not "major abdominal surgeries", however, so they are less likely. My hypothesis and concern is that the major abdominal surgery The Princess of Wales had was a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and the cancer is either an Ovarian cancer or a Uterine cancer that was discovered unexpectedly after pathological examination of the surgical specimen. The need for "preventative chemotherapy" suggests a Turbo Ovarian Cancer, or a more advanced stage Turbo Uterine Cancer (or more aggressive subtypes such as Uterine carcinosarcomas, clear cell cancers, or serous cancers) which would also require chemotherapy. If The Princess of Wales is suffering from Turbo Ovarian Cancer or an advanced or aggressive Turbo Uterine Cancer, she will need a much more comprehensive Cancer Treatment plan than her UK Oncologists will offer her. Turbo Cancers in general don't respond to standard chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy regimens. This is especially true for Turbo Ovarian Cancers. The Princess will need a Treatment plan that addresses some of the unique characteristics of mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer. This will include a spike protein “detoxification” protocol (that involves spike protein breakdown agents such as Nattokinase and spike protein binding agents with anti-cancer properties such as Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Nigella Sativa or Curcumin) as well as an “Alternative treatment plan” that includes high dose Ivermectin and high dose Fenbendazole/Mebendazole/Albendazole. She must also eliminate sugar from her diet, as cancer thrives on sugar, and consider certain foods with powerful anti-cancer properties (Soursop, Turkey Tail mushroom, etc are great examples) I hope The Princess of Wales @KensingtonRoyal can surround herself with doctors who didn’t abandon their Hippocratic Oath during the COVID-19 pandemic (unfortunately vast majority did, including virtually all Oncologists). She also needs doctors who understand the very real and dangerous phenomenon of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo @liberumnotitia
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1886 Views
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