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    https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BE25hV9wt/ L'EUROPA FINIRA' COME FINISCONO GLI IDIOTI
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  • La FDA ammette che il vaccino Pfizer contro il COVID può causare coaguli di sangue fino a 15 anni dopo la somministrazione e di non aver informato adeguatamente il pubblico


    FDA Admits Pfizer COVID Vaccine Can Cause Blood Clots Up to 15 Years After Administration, Fails to Inform Public

    ⚠️ La FDA ammette che il vaccino Pfizer contro il COVID può causare coaguli di sangue fino a 15 anni dopo la somministrazione e di non aver informato adeguatamente il pubblico MASSIMA CONDIVISIONE! ⚠️ FDA Admits Pfizer COVID Vaccine Can Cause Blood Clots Up to 15 Years After Administration, Fails to Inform Public MASSIVELY SHARE!
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  • Petizione: Per la Pace in Europa: No ai 800 Miliardi di Armamenti di Von der Leyen

    Noi, cittadini europei, esprimiamo la nostra ferma opposizione alle recenti dichiarazioni della Presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, che il 4 marzo 2025 ha proposto un piano da 800 miliardi di euro per il riarmo dell’Europa, chiamato “ReArm Europe”. Questo annuncio è arrivato poche ore dopo che il Presidente USA Donald Trump ha sospeso gli aiuti militari all’Ucraina, intensificando le tensioni transatlantiche. Dopo tre anni di guerra tra Russia e Ucraina, iniziata il 24 febbraio 2022, il conflitto ha causato una tragedia immensa: secondo l’ONU, al febbraio 2025, oltre 10.500 civili sono morti, mentre stime ucraine riportano più di 100.000 militari caduti e la Russia ammette oltre 50.000 perdite, con numeri reali probabilmente più alti. La guerra ha distrutto città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, lasciando milioni di sfollati. La maggioranza dei cittadini europei, come rilevato da sondaggi Eurobarometro del 2024, desidera la pace: il 68% si oppone a ulteriori escalation militari e sostiene negoziati. Invece di investire in armi, come i 150 miliardi di euro in prestiti per droni e missili annunciati da Von der Leyen, chiediamo che l’Europa punti su diplomazia e ricostruzione. Negli ultimi tre anni, il costo del gas e dell’energia è esploso: secondo Eurostat, i prezzi del gas per le famiglie sono passati da 7,8 €/100 kWh nel 2021 a 11,9 €/100 kWh nel 2023 (+52%), mentre l’elettricità è salita da 23,5 €/100 kWh a 28,9 €/100 kWh (+23%); l’inflazione complessiva nell’UE è balzata dal 2,55% nel 2021 al 9,32% nel 2022, per poi scendere al 6,3% nel 2023, restando però ben sopra il target BCE del 2%. Questi aumenti pesano sui bilanci familiari e industriali, rendendo insostenibile un’ulteriore militarizzazione. Il summit UE del 6 marzo 2025 a Bruxelles non deve trasformarsi in un via libera alla militarizzazione, ma in un’occasione per ascoltare la volontà popolare. Rifiutiamo una corsa agli armamenti che rischia di portarci verso una terza guerra mondiale e chiediamo ai leader di fermare le ostilità, destinando risorse a una visione di pace concreta: chiediamo fondi per ricostruire città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, completamente rase al suolo, anziché finanziare nuovi conflitti, risorse per compensare economicamente i familiari delle vittime della guerra e per fornire assistenza medica e riabilitativa alle centinaia di migliaia di feriti, invece di investire in armi, e programmi di assistenza per il reinsediamento delle famiglie sfollate. Firma per dire no alla guerra e sì a un’Europa di dialogo e solidarietà.



    Petition: For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments

    We, European citizens, strongly oppose the recent statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who on March 4, 2025, unveiled an €800 billion “ReArm Europe” plan to bolster Europe’s defenses. This came hours after U.S. President Donald Trump suspended military aid to Ukraine, escalating transatlantic tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war, ongoing since February 24, 2022, has caused immense tragedy: the UN reports over 10,500 civilian deaths by February 2025, while Ukraine estimates over 100,000 soldiers killed and Russia acknowledges 50,000 losses, with true figures likely higher. Cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut lie in ruins, and millions are displaced. Most Europeans, as shown by a 2024 Eurobarometer survey, want peace—68% oppose further military escalation and support negotiations. Instead of pouring €150 billion in loans into drones and missiles, as Von der Leyen proposes, we demand investment in diplomacy and rebuilding. Over the past three years, gas and energy costs have soared: Eurostat data shows household gas prices rose from €7.8/100 kWh in 2021 to €11.9/100 kWh in 2023 (+52%), and electricity from €23.5/100 kWh to €28.9/100 kWh (+23%); EU inflation spiked from 2.55% in 2021 to 9.32% in 2022, then eased to 6.3% in 2023, still far above the ECB’s 2% target. These rises burden households and industries, making further militarization untenable. The EU summit on March 6, 2025, in Brussels must not greenlight militarization but reflect the public’s will. We reject an arms race that could drag us toward a third world war and urge leaders to end hostilities, redirecting funds to a tangible vision of peace: we demand funds to rebuild cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut, completely razed to the ground, rather than funding new conflicts, resources to financially compensate the families of war victims and to provide medical and rehabilitative care to the hundreds of thousands of wounded, instead of investing in weapons, and programs to assist the resettlement of displaced families. Sign to say no to war and yes to a Europe of dialogue and solidarity.


    Petizione: Per la Pace in Europa: No ai 800 Miliardi di Armamenti di Von der Leyen Noi, cittadini europei, esprimiamo la nostra ferma opposizione alle recenti dichiarazioni della Presidente della Commissione Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, che il 4 marzo 2025 ha proposto un piano da 800 miliardi di euro per il riarmo dell’Europa, chiamato “ReArm Europe”. Questo annuncio è arrivato poche ore dopo che il Presidente USA Donald Trump ha sospeso gli aiuti militari all’Ucraina, intensificando le tensioni transatlantiche. Dopo tre anni di guerra tra Russia e Ucraina, iniziata il 24 febbraio 2022, il conflitto ha causato una tragedia immensa: secondo l’ONU, al febbraio 2025, oltre 10.500 civili sono morti, mentre stime ucraine riportano più di 100.000 militari caduti e la Russia ammette oltre 50.000 perdite, con numeri reali probabilmente più alti. La guerra ha distrutto città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, lasciando milioni di sfollati. La maggioranza dei cittadini europei, come rilevato da sondaggi Eurobarometro del 2024, desidera la pace: il 68% si oppone a ulteriori escalation militari e sostiene negoziati. Invece di investire in armi, come i 150 miliardi di euro in prestiti per droni e missili annunciati da Von der Leyen, chiediamo che l’Europa punti su diplomazia e ricostruzione. Negli ultimi tre anni, il costo del gas e dell’energia è esploso: secondo Eurostat, i prezzi del gas per le famiglie sono passati da 7,8 €/100 kWh nel 2021 a 11,9 €/100 kWh nel 2023 (+52%), mentre l’elettricità è salita da 23,5 €/100 kWh a 28,9 €/100 kWh (+23%); l’inflazione complessiva nell’UE è balzata dal 2,55% nel 2021 al 9,32% nel 2022, per poi scendere al 6,3% nel 2023, restando però ben sopra il target BCE del 2%. Questi aumenti pesano sui bilanci familiari e industriali, rendendo insostenibile un’ulteriore militarizzazione. Il summit UE del 6 marzo 2025 a Bruxelles non deve trasformarsi in un via libera alla militarizzazione, ma in un’occasione per ascoltare la volontà popolare. Rifiutiamo una corsa agli armamenti che rischia di portarci verso una terza guerra mondiale e chiediamo ai leader di fermare le ostilità, destinando risorse a una visione di pace concreta: chiediamo fondi per ricostruire città come Mariupol e Bakhmut, completamente rase al suolo, anziché finanziare nuovi conflitti, risorse per compensare economicamente i familiari delle vittime della guerra e per fornire assistenza medica e riabilitativa alle centinaia di migliaia di feriti, invece di investire in armi, e programmi di assistenza per il reinsediamento delle famiglie sfollate. Firma per dire no alla guerra e sì a un’Europa di dialogo e solidarietà. FIRMA e CONDIVIDI. SIAMO LA GRANDE MAGGIORANZA dei CITTADINI EUROPEI e MONDIALI. DIMOSTRIAMO LA NOSTRA FORZA. GRAZIE a TUTTI! English Petition: For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments We, European citizens, strongly oppose the recent statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who on March 4, 2025, unveiled an €800 billion “ReArm Europe” plan to bolster Europe’s defenses. This came hours after U.S. President Donald Trump suspended military aid to Ukraine, escalating transatlantic tensions. The Russia-Ukraine war, ongoing since February 24, 2022, has caused immense tragedy: the UN reports over 10,500 civilian deaths by February 2025, while Ukraine estimates over 100,000 soldiers killed and Russia acknowledges 50,000 losses, with true figures likely higher. Cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut lie in ruins, and millions are displaced. Most Europeans, as shown by a 2024 Eurobarometer survey, want peace—68% oppose further military escalation and support negotiations. Instead of pouring €150 billion in loans into drones and missiles, as Von der Leyen proposes, we demand investment in diplomacy and rebuilding. Over the past three years, gas and energy costs have soared: Eurostat data shows household gas prices rose from €7.8/100 kWh in 2021 to €11.9/100 kWh in 2023 (+52%), and electricity from €23.5/100 kWh to €28.9/100 kWh (+23%); EU inflation spiked from 2.55% in 2021 to 9.32% in 2022, then eased to 6.3% in 2023, still far above the ECB’s 2% target. These rises burden households and industries, making further militarization untenable. The EU summit on March 6, 2025, in Brussels must not greenlight militarization but reflect the public’s will. We reject an arms race that could drag us toward a third world war and urge leaders to end hostilities, redirecting funds to a tangible vision of peace: we demand funds to rebuild cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut, completely razed to the ground, rather than funding new conflicts, resources to financially compensate the families of war victims and to provide medical and rehabilitative care to the hundreds of thousands of wounded, instead of investing in weapons, and programs to assist the resettlement of displaced families. Sign to say no to war and yes to a Europe of dialogue and solidarity. SIGN and SHARE. WE ARE THE VAST MAJORITY of EUROPEAN and WORLD CITIZENS. LET'S SHOW OUR STRENGTH. THANK YOU ALL! https://www.change.org/for_peace_in_europe
    Sign the Petition
    For Peace in Europe: No to Von der Leyen’s 800 Billion in Armaments
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  • Il governo illegittimo della Romania deve dimettersi e riprendere il secondo turno delle elezioni. Siamo la Romania e Călin Georgescu è il nostro presidente! I media non stanno trasmettendo ciò che sta accadendo in Romania, ecco perché chiedo a tutti di condividere ulteriormente!

    The illegitimate government of Romania must resign and resume the second round of elections. We are Romania and Călin Georgescu is our president! The media is not broadcasting what is happening in Romania, that's why I ask everyone to share further!

    🇷🇴Il governo illegittimo della Romania deve dimettersi e riprendere il secondo turno delle elezioni. Siamo la Romania e Călin Georgescu è il nostro presidente! I media non stanno trasmettendo ciò che sta accadendo in Romania, ecco perché chiedo a tutti di condividere ulteriormente! 🇷🇴The illegitimate government of Romania must resign and resume the second round of elections. We are Romania and Călin Georgescu is our president! The media is not broadcasting what is happening in Romania, that's why I ask everyone to share further! Source: https://x.com/RobertoAvventu2/status/1896121322549231867?t=O_0j-6n-lIBWaQ8iGaO2kQ&s=19
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  • this blog post will give you a complete picture. Both Aquarius and Libra are air signs, meaning they share many common traits, but does that automatically make them a perfect match? Let’s get into their relationship dynamics, strengths, challenges, and predictions for Aquarius and Libra compatibility in 2025.


    this blog post will give you a complete picture. Both Aquarius and Libra are air signs, meaning they share many common traits, but does that automatically make them a perfect match? Let’s get into their relationship dynamics, strengths, challenges, and predictions for Aquarius and Libra compatibility in 2025. #libraandaquariuscompatibility #aquariusandlibrarelationshipcompatibility #aquariusandlibracompatibility #aquariusandlibracompatibility #libraandaquariuscompatibilitypercentage #aquariusandlibracompatibilitylove #areaquariusandlibracompatible https://www.astroptimist.com/compatibility/aquarius-and-libra-compatibilit
    Aquarius and Libra Compatibility: A Perfect Match or Not?
    Learn about Aquarius and Libra compatibility, their love, challenges, and 2025 predictions. Are they a perfect match?
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  • In this post, we will explain Seatgeek customer service and provide their phone number. We will help you how to speak to a live person and share tips for better communication.


    In this post, we will explain Seatgeek customer service and provide their phone number. We will help you how to speak to a live person and share tips for better communication. #howcanitalktoalivepersononSeatgeek #howcanispeaktoapersonatSeatgeek #Seatgeekcustomerservicerepresentative #Seatgeektelephonenumberliveperson https://www.ticketexchangeinfo.com/does-seatgeek-answer-the-phone-all-you-need-to-know/
    Does SeatGeek Answer the Phone? All You Need to Know
    does seatgeek answer the phone calls and discover their customer service options. This post covers how to reach a live representative
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  • Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast (2022-2028)

    A comprehensive overview of the Global Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market is recently added by UnivDatos Market Insights to its humongous database. The report has been aggregated by collecting informative data from various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market in the Global context

    Request Sample Copy of this Report https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-gesture-recognition-system-market-current-analysis-and-forecast-2021-2027-2?popup=report-enquiry

    Market Overview

    Automotive Gesture Recognition Technologies (AGRS) are sophisticated systems that improve vehicle control and safety. This system records hand motions, finger gestures, or iris recognition, as well as facial recognition.

    Ask for Report Customization @ https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-gesture-recognition-system-market-current-analysis-and-forecast-2021-2027-2?popup=report-enquiry

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    Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast (2022-2028) A comprehensive overview of the Global Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market is recently added by UnivDatos Market Insights to its humongous database. The report has been aggregated by collecting informative data from various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market in the Global context Request Sample Copy of this Report https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-gesture-recognition-system-market-current-analysis-and-forecast-2021-2027-2?popup=report-enquiry Market Overview Automotive Gesture Recognition Technologies (AGRS) are sophisticated systems that improve vehicle control and safety. This system records hand motions, finger gestures, or iris recognition, as well as facial recognition. Ask for Report Customization @ https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-gesture-recognition-system-market-current-analysis-and-forecast-2021-2027-2?popup=report-enquiry Contact Us: UnivDatos Market Insights Contact Number - +19787330253 Email - contact@univdatos.com Website - www.univdatos.com Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/company/univ-datos-market-insight/mycompany/
    Automotive Gesture Recognition System Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
    Emphasis on Component Type (Touch Based Systems and Touchless Systems); Authentication Type (Hand/Fingerprint/Leg, Face, Vision/IRIS and Others); Application (Multimedia/Infotainment/Navigation, Lighting Systems and Others); Region and Country
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  • Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast (2022-2028)

    The Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 6% during the forecast period. Automotive fuel injection systems are a system that mixes the appropriate air and fuel in the internal combustion engine through pressure from a pump. Moreover, this system helps in improving engine efficiency and reducing exhaust emissions.

    For a detailed analysis of the Global Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market browses through https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-fuel-injection-systems-market

    · Based on components, the market is segmented into electronic control units (ECU), fuel injectors, pressure regulators, and others. The electronic control unit is to witness lucrative growth in this market. The electronic control unit is an embedded system in automotive electronics that controls one or more of the electrical systems or subsystems in a car or other motor vehicle. Factors like maintaining fuel injection, cabin temperature, and controlling braking and suspension are driving the growth of the market.

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    UnivDatos Market Insights

    Contact Number - +19787330253

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    Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast (2022-2028) The Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 6% during the forecast period. Automotive fuel injection systems are a system that mixes the appropriate air and fuel in the internal combustion engine through pressure from a pump. Moreover, this system helps in improving engine efficiency and reducing exhaust emissions. For a detailed analysis of the Global Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market browses through https://univdatos.com/reports/automotive-fuel-injection-systems-market · Based on components, the market is segmented into electronic control units (ECU), fuel injectors, pressure regulators, and others. The electronic control unit is to witness lucrative growth in this market. The electronic control unit is an embedded system in automotive electronics that controls one or more of the electrical systems or subsystems in a car or other motor vehicle. Factors like maintaining fuel injection, cabin temperature, and controlling braking and suspension are driving the growth of the market. Contact Us: UnivDatos Market Insights Contact Number - +19787330253 Email - contact@univdatos.com Website - www.univdatos.com Linkedin- https://www.linkedin.com/company/univ-datos-market-insight/mycompany/
    Automotive Fuel Injection Systems Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2022-2028)
    Emphasis on Components (Electronic Control Units (ECU), Fuel Injectors, Pressure Regulators, and Others); Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicle, and Heavy Commercial Vehicle); Fuel Type (Gasoline and Diesel); Region/Country
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