Ho già messo la traduzione corretta.
    Questo il testo originale in inglese dell'art. 1 prima parte da due fonti qui sotto
    -BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.
    -The University of North Carolina  “Permissible Medical Experiments.” Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, WASHINGTON. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (N.D.), VOL. 2., PP. 181-182.
    art.1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. …
    Ma su Enciclopedia Britannica hanno già semplificato
    Art.1) Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential. E IL RESTO??
    Questa la traduzione su Wikipedia che poi è finita in altri siti.
    1. Il consenso volontario è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona interessata deve avere capacità giuridica di esprimere il consenso; deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero potere decisionale senza che si intervenga con la forza, con la frode, con l'inganno, con minacce o con qualsiasi forma sproporzionata di vincolo o coercizione; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi implicati nello studio, tali da consentire una decisione consapevole e ragionata. ...
    SPROPORZIONATA non esiste IN INGLESE, qualcuno voleva giustificare le imposizioni
    Questa è la traduzione automatica Google.
    1. Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona coinvolta deve avere la capacità giuridica di dare il consenso; deve essere in una situazione tale da poter esercitare il libero potere di scelta, senza l'intervento di alcun elemento di forza, frode, inganno, coercizione, abuso o altra ulteriore forma di costrizione o coercizione; e deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi dell'oggetto in questione da consentirle di prendere una decisione comprensiva e illuminata....

    Se dovessi difendermi in tribunale però citerei solo questa:
    Convenzione per la protezione dei Diritti dell’Uomo e della dignità dell’essere umano nei confronti dell’applicazioni della biologia e della medicina : Oviedo, 4 aprile 1997
    adottata a Nizza il 07.12.00 e ratificata dallo Stato italiano con legge 28.03.01, n. 145.
    COUNCIL OF EUROPE mettiamo il English Official Texts e poi la traduzione
    Chapter I – Article 2 – Primacy of the human being The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science.
    Articolo 2 – Primato dell’essere umano L’interesse e il bene dell’essere umano debbono prevalere sul solo interesse della società o della scienza.
    Chapter II – Consent Article 5 – General rule. An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it. This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks. The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time.
    Capitolo II – Consenso Articolo 5 – Regola generale. Un intervento nel campo della salute può essere effettuato solo dopo che la persona interessata vi abbia dato il proprio consenso libero e informato. Questa persona riceve innanzitutto una informazione adeguata sullo scopo e sulla natura dell’intervento e sulle sue conseguenze e i suoi rischi. La persona interessata può, in qualsiasi momento, liberamente ritirare il proprio consenso.
    COME IN 1984: RISCRIVONO LA STORIA E LE LEGGI PAZZESCO, SU WIKIPEDIA AVEVANO CAMBIATO LA TRADUZIONE DEL CODICE DI NORIMBERGA CHE POI SI E' DIFFUSA FALSIFICATA. PENSAVANO DI GIUSTIFICARE LE IMPOSIZIONI VACCINALI E FARCI FESSI. Ho già messo la traduzione corretta. Questo il testo originale in inglese dell'art. 1 prima parte da due fonti qui sotto -BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996. -The University of North Carolina  “Permissible Medical Experiments.” Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, WASHINGTON. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (N.D.), VOL. 2., PP. 181-182. art.1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. … Ma su Enciclopedia Britannica hanno già semplificato Art.1) Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential. E IL RESTO?? Questa la traduzione su Wikipedia che poi è finita in altri siti. 1. Il consenso volontario è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona interessata deve avere capacità giuridica di esprimere il consenso; deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero potere decisionale senza che si intervenga con la forza, con la frode, con l'inganno, con minacce o con qualsiasi forma sproporzionata di vincolo o coercizione; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi implicati nello studio, tali da consentire una decisione consapevole e ragionata. ... SPROPORZIONATA non esiste IN INGLESE, qualcuno voleva giustificare le imposizioni Questa è la traduzione automatica Google. 1. Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona coinvolta deve avere la capacità giuridica di dare il consenso; deve essere in una situazione tale da poter esercitare il libero potere di scelta, senza l'intervento di alcun elemento di forza, frode, inganno, coercizione, abuso o altra ulteriore forma di costrizione o coercizione; e deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi dell'oggetto in questione da consentirle di prendere una decisione comprensiva e illuminata.... Se dovessi difendermi in tribunale però citerei solo questa: CONVENZIONE SUI DIRITTI DELL'UOMO E LA BIOMEDICINA. Convenzione per la protezione dei Diritti dell’Uomo e della dignità dell’essere umano nei confronti dell’applicazioni della biologia e della medicina : Oviedo, 4 aprile 1997 adottata a Nizza il 07.12.00 e ratificata dallo Stato italiano con legge 28.03.01, n. 145. COUNCIL OF EUROPE mettiamo il English Official Texts e poi la traduzione Chapter I – Article 2 – Primacy of the human being The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science. Articolo 2 – Primato dell’essere umano L’interesse e il bene dell’essere umano debbono prevalere sul solo interesse della società o della scienza. Chapter II – Consent Article 5 – General rule. An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it. This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks. The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time. Capitolo II – Consenso Articolo 5 – Regola generale. Un intervento nel campo della salute può essere effettuato solo dopo che la persona interessata vi abbia dato il proprio consenso libero e informato. Questa persona riceve innanzitutto una informazione adeguata sullo scopo e sulla natura dell’intervento e sulle sue conseguenze e i suoi rischi. La persona interessata può, in qualsiasi momento, liberamente ritirare il proprio consenso. NON LEGGERE SOLO LE NOTIZIE. ISCRIVITI E PUBBLICA SU SCENARIO.PRESS ADERISCI AD INSIEMELIBERI.ORG CONFEDERAZIONE POLITICA NAZIONALE.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2140 مشاهدة


    Bambini, al via la campagna contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale (Rsv)
    L'assessore lombardo al Welfare Guido Bertolaso: "Nel 2023 sono stati ricoverati oltre 3 mila bambini"
    ATTENZIONE CI STANNO RIPROVANDO. NON FATELO ASSOLUTAMENTE. PUBBLICATE i DATI di TUTTI i BAMBINI e RAGAZZI MORTI PER I VACCINI AstraZeneca, Pfizer e Moderna. Bambini, al via la campagna contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale (Rsv) L'assessore lombardo al Welfare Guido Bertolaso: "Nel 2023 sono stati ricoverati oltre 3 mila bambini" https://amp.sondriotoday.it/salute/campagna-vaccino-virus-sinciziale-bambini.html
    Bambini, al via la campagna contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale (Rsv)
    L'assessore lombardo al Welfare Guido Bertolasso: "Nel 2023 sono stati ricoverati oltre 3mila bambini"
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1464 مشاهدة
  • Ecco cosa vuole davvero questa gente!


    #LavoroPrecario #WorkingPoor #SalaridaFame #Bruxelles #Povertà #IngiustiziaSociale #Sfruttamento #Economia #LavoroDignitoso #Precarietà #Disuguaglianza #PoliticheSociali #Sostegno #Riforme #Occupazione #CrisiEconomica #LavoroStabile #Ridistribuzione #RedditoMinimo #DirittiLavoratori #Sindacati #Conflitto #Equità #RiduzionePovertà #Lavoratori #GiustiziaSociale #Solidarietà #PoliticaEconomica #Welfare #RiformeLavorative
    Ecco cosa vuole davvero questa gente! https://dituttoedipiu.altervista.org/lavoro-e-salari-da-fame-i-working-poor-italiani-vittime-di-bruxelles/ #LavoroPrecario #WorkingPoor #SalaridaFame #Bruxelles #Povertà #IngiustiziaSociale #Sfruttamento #Economia #LavoroDignitoso #Precarietà #Disuguaglianza #PoliticheSociali #Sostegno #Riforme #Occupazione #CrisiEconomica #LavoroStabile #Ridistribuzione #RedditoMinimo #DirittiLavoratori #Sindacati #Conflitto #Equità #RiduzionePovertà #Lavoratori #GiustiziaSociale #Solidarietà #PoliticaEconomica #Welfare #RiformeLavorative
    Lavoro e salari da fame: i "working poor" italiani vittime di - D
    Un'analisi allarmante dipinge un quadro desolante: quasi 8,5 milioni di italiani, pari al 15% della popolazione, si trovano intrappolati nella morsa della povertà.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 7309 مشاهدة
  • discount Vitamin HDPE Cylindrical Bottle Company Profile: Mingda plastics products Co., Ltd is a comprehensive pharmaceutical food plastic packaging container manufacturer ,specializing in design, development, production and sales. our products are professional for food ,medicinal healthy purposes,supplements and the cosmetics packing vessel. The bottle body made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) or PET, the bottle cap made of PP (polypropylene ) with the sealing liner in it. the sealing gasket is made of imported PS-20 pressure-sensitive sealing and electronic heat-sensitive aluminum foil sealing. Company History: Dongguan Mingda Plastic Products Co., Ltd since its establishment in 2006, mainly in injection molding and extrusion blowing, at that time the staff is not more than 10 people, but the general manager Mr. Li Yubing from the beginning of the factory in line with the "customer first, quality first" purpose, pay close attention to product quality, and strive to achieve customer satisfaction.It is this purpose and the efforts of all the staff of Mingda, the company created two workshops of PET and injection blowing in 2008.etc Company Ability: Mingda plastic has a production base of more than 100 acres in central China, relying on the convenience of transportation of nine provinces -- hukou wuhan, from loading to the provinces within a week at the slowest can dispatch goods.The company has 172 sets of production equipment, 10,000 grade inspection rooms and professional testing equipment, 20 people R & D team, 50 people technical team Quality Assurance: Quality is the life of enterprise survival锛丮ingda always insists on the principle that superior product quality originated from strict management and customers satisfaction ensured by concerted efforts. Strict supervision and control are carried out from product design,die making,supplier selection,incoming inspection,manufacturing process,quality inspection,packaging solution and logistics transporation . Looking forward: Achievement is just the starting point; Mingda is gaining momentum to go to higher points.Mingda keeps ascending锛丏ream produces when stepping out from the hometown, dream comes out of the hard journey , the wing of dream spread on the bank of the Pearl River and open a new chapter on the south bank of the Yangtze River,Standing at the leading edge of The Times in possession of the top team,the most advanced technology and the highest quality products. Keep in mind the social responsibility Today鈥檚 development is responsible for tomorrow, and the development of the enterprise is responsible for society. As the basic cell of the social economy, the enterprise is the carrier of the value of all stakeholders and the company.Mingda strives to participate actively in poverty-stricken education, targeted poverty alleviation, charitable donations and other public welfare activities to support the development of social public undertakings Mingda always keeps the guiding principle of 鈥渢o be professional needs to be concentrated鈥?/strong> in mind all the way.Always adhere to the plastic container packaging -based sustainable development road,provide higher quality and more professional service for customer at home and abroad.After years of development, the company has established a solid customer relationship network in China's healthcare product plastic packaging industry, and has won a large number of high-quality customers and suppliers.Of all the clients we have served,many production-oriented companies have our bottle samples displayed in their sample room. Customer is the foundation of survival for the enterprise锛?/strong> The company has always practised "customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal", putting ourselves in the customer鈥檚 shoes and thinking about customer needs and expectations from the perspective of customers.Internally we simulate customer鈥檚 production and equipment conditions to reach the customer鈥檚 production request to the greatest extent.We鈥檙e committed to鈥淥nly the success of our customers is our success鈥?/p>discount Vitamin HDPE Cylindrical Bottle website:http://www.chinaplasticsbottles.com/
    discount Vitamin HDPE Cylindrical Bottle Company Profile: Mingda plastics products Co., Ltd is a comprehensive pharmaceutical food plastic packaging container manufacturer ,specializing in design, development, production and sales. our products are professional for food ,medicinal healthy purposes,supplements and the cosmetics packing vessel. The bottle body made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) or PET, the bottle cap made of PP (polypropylene ) with the sealing liner in it. the sealing gasket is made of imported PS-20 pressure-sensitive sealing and electronic heat-sensitive aluminum foil sealing. Company History: Dongguan Mingda Plastic Products Co., Ltd since its establishment in 2006, mainly in injection molding and extrusion blowing, at that time the staff is not more than 10 people, but the general manager Mr. Li Yubing from the beginning of the factory in line with the "customer first, quality first" purpose, pay close attention to product quality, and strive to achieve customer satisfaction.It is this purpose and the efforts of all the staff of Mingda, the company created two workshops of PET and injection blowing in 2008.etc Company Ability: Mingda plastic has a production base of more than 100 acres in central China, relying on the convenience of transportation of nine provinces -- hukou wuhan, from loading to the provinces within a week at the slowest can dispatch goods.The company has 172 sets of production equipment, 10,000 grade inspection rooms and professional testing equipment, 20 people R & D team, 50 people technical team Quality Assurance: Quality is the life of enterprise survival锛丮ingda always insists on the principle that superior product quality originated from strict management and customers satisfaction ensured by concerted efforts. Strict supervision and control are carried out from product design,die making,supplier selection,incoming inspection,manufacturing process,quality inspection,packaging solution and logistics transporation . Looking forward: Achievement is just the starting point; Mingda is gaining momentum to go to higher points.Mingda keeps ascending锛丏ream produces when stepping out from the hometown, dream comes out of the hard journey , the wing of dream spread on the bank of the Pearl River and open a new chapter on the south bank of the Yangtze River,Standing at the leading edge of The Times in possession of the top team,the most advanced technology and the highest quality products. Keep in mind the social responsibility Today鈥檚 development is responsible for tomorrow, and the development of the enterprise is responsible for society. As the basic cell of the social economy, the enterprise is the carrier of the value of all stakeholders and the company.Mingda strives to participate actively in poverty-stricken education, targeted poverty alleviation, charitable donations and other public welfare activities to support the development of social public undertakings Mingda always keeps the guiding principle of 鈥渢o be professional needs to be concentrated鈥?/strong> in mind all the way.Always adhere to the plastic container packaging -based sustainable development road,provide higher quality and more professional service for customer at home and abroad.After years of development, the company has established a solid customer relationship network in China's healthcare product plastic packaging industry, and has won a large number of high-quality customers and suppliers.Of all the clients we have served,many production-oriented companies have our bottle samples displayed in their sample room. Customer is the foundation of survival for the enterprise锛?/strong> The company has always practised "customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal", putting ourselves in the customer鈥檚 shoes and thinking about customer needs and expectations from the perspective of customers.Internally we simulate customer鈥檚 production and equipment conditions to reach the customer鈥檚 production request to the greatest extent.We鈥檙e committed to鈥淥nly the success of our customers is our success鈥?/p>discount Vitamin HDPE Cylindrical Bottle website:http://www.chinaplasticsbottles.com/
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