La popolazione italiana di qualsiasi età, sana malata o gia’ guarita, è stata bombardata ripetutamente, senza possibilità di sottrarsi, pena la perdita dei diritti civili, con milioni di fiale di prodotti genici ad RNA mai sperimentati. Sono stati inoculate a casaccio prodotti differenti senza alcun controllo di qualità: per es Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna etc etc. Si iniettava quello che si aveva sottomano, senza alcun criterio, anche farmaci de tempo scaduti e conservati in modo inappropriato. Con 3 certezze ampiamente propagandate: lo Spike tossico non va in circolo, bastano due dosi e sei immune, il farmaco e’ sicuro ed efficace. Tre bugie smentite dai fatti. Nessun controllo degli esiti : la ricchissima religione vaccinista non poteva tollerare controlli su sicurezza ed efficacia e la maggior parte dei medici se ne è ben guardata. Ancora oggi, e faccio un esempio per tutti, se un paziente ha un serio problema cardiaco, nella cartella clinica si specifica se è stato esposto al caldo o al freddo, se ha mangiato troppo, se è stressato, ma manca sempre la domanda fondamentale, se è stato inoculato o meno, quando, quante volte e con quali prodotti. Altro che vigilanza attiva sugli effetti collaterali, e’ stata nei fatti impedita anche quella passiva. E in questo mondo alla rovescia gli Ordini professionali stigmatizzano i medici che fanno l’interesse del paziente e premiano gli ignavi che non scrivono nulla e che poi finiscono a processo, come i colleghi del caso Canepa, per non aver scritto in cartella della avvenuta inoculazione. Le case farmaceutiche di sono abbondantemente protette ammettendo per iscritto gravi e frequenti effetti collaterali, per es. pericarditi e miocarditi, e poi pagano i propagagandisti che , a rete unificate, ammettono di un caso di pericardite da inoculazione in un soggetto giovane in Paupasia, però benigna e perfettamente guarita. Signore mio , lo dice la scienza! Dott Daniele Giovanardi.
The Italian population of any age, healthy, sick or already recovered, has been repeatedly bombarded, without the possibility of evading, under penalty of losing civil rights, with millions of vials of never-before-tested RNA gene products. Different products were inoculated at random without any quality control: for example Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna etc etc. They injected whatever they had on hand, without any criteria, even expired drugs stored inappropriately. With 3 widely propagandized certainties: the toxic Spike does not go into circulation, two doses are enough and you are immune, the drug is safe and effective. Three lies denied by the facts. No control of the results: the very rich vaccine religion could not tolerate checks on safety and efficacy and most doctors were very careful not to do so. Even today, and I'll give you an example, if a patient has a serious heart problem, the medical record specifies whether he or she has been exposed to heat or cold, whether he or she has eaten too much, whether he or she is stressed, but the fundamental question is always missing: whether he or she has been inoculated or not, when, how many times and with which products. Rather than active monitoring of side effects, passive monitoring has also been prevented. And in this upside-down world, professional associations stigmatize doctors who act in the interests of the patient and reward the cowards who don't write anything and then end up on trial, like the colleagues in the Canepa case, for not having written in the record that the inoculation had taken place. Pharmaceutical companies have amply protected themselves by admitting in writing serious and frequent side effects, for example pericarditis and myocarditis, and then pay the propagandists who, with a unified network, admit a case of pericarditis from inoculation in a young subject in Papua, but benign and perfectly healed. My lord, science says so! Dr. Daniele Giovanardi.
The Italian population of any age, healthy, sick or already recovered, has been repeatedly bombarded, without the possibility of evading, under penalty of losing civil rights, with millions of vials of never-before-tested RNA gene products. Different products were inoculated at random without any quality control: for example Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna etc etc. They injected whatever they had on hand, without any criteria, even expired drugs stored inappropriately. With 3 widely propagandized certainties: the toxic Spike does not go into circulation, two doses are enough and you are immune, the drug is safe and effective. Three lies denied by the facts. No control of the results: the very rich vaccine religion could not tolerate checks on safety and efficacy and most doctors were very careful not to do so. Even today, and I'll give you an example, if a patient has a serious heart problem, the medical record specifies whether he or she has been exposed to heat or cold, whether he or she has eaten too much, whether he or she is stressed, but the fundamental question is always missing: whether he or she has been inoculated or not, when, how many times and with which products. Rather than active monitoring of side effects, passive monitoring has also been prevented. And in this upside-down world, professional associations stigmatize doctors who act in the interests of the patient and reward the cowards who don't write anything and then end up on trial, like the colleagues in the Canepa case, for not having written in the record that the inoculation had taken place. Pharmaceutical companies have amply protected themselves by admitting in writing serious and frequent side effects, for example pericarditis and myocarditis, and then pay the propagandists who, with a unified network, admit a case of pericarditis from inoculation in a young subject in Papua, but benign and perfectly healed. My lord, science says so! Dr. Daniele Giovanardi.
La popolazione italiana di qualsiasi età, sana malata o gia’ guarita, è stata bombardata ripetutamente, senza possibilità di sottrarsi, pena la perdita dei diritti civili, con milioni di fiale di prodotti genici ad RNA mai sperimentati. Sono stati inoculate a casaccio prodotti differenti senza alcun controllo di qualità: per es Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna etc etc. Si iniettava quello che si aveva sottomano, senza alcun criterio, anche farmaci de tempo scaduti e conservati in modo inappropriato. Con 3 certezze ampiamente propagandate: lo Spike tossico non va in circolo, bastano due dosi e sei immune, il farmaco e’ sicuro ed efficace. Tre bugie smentite dai fatti. Nessun controllo degli esiti : la ricchissima religione vaccinista non poteva tollerare controlli su sicurezza ed efficacia e la maggior parte dei medici se ne è ben guardata. Ancora oggi, e faccio un esempio per tutti, se un paziente ha un serio problema cardiaco, nella cartella clinica si specifica se è stato esposto al caldo o al freddo, se ha mangiato troppo, se è stressato, ma manca sempre la domanda fondamentale, se è stato inoculato o meno, quando, quante volte e con quali prodotti. Altro che vigilanza attiva sugli effetti collaterali, e’ stata nei fatti impedita anche quella passiva. E in questo mondo alla rovescia gli Ordini professionali stigmatizzano i medici che fanno l’interesse del paziente e premiano gli ignavi che non scrivono nulla e che poi finiscono a processo, come i colleghi del caso Canepa, per non aver scritto in cartella della avvenuta inoculazione. Le case farmaceutiche di sono abbondantemente protette ammettendo per iscritto gravi e frequenti effetti collaterali, per es. pericarditi e miocarditi, e poi pagano i propagagandisti che , a rete unificate, ammettono di un caso di pericardite da inoculazione in un soggetto giovane in Paupasia, però benigna e perfettamente guarita. Signore mio , lo dice la scienza! Dott Daniele Giovanardi.
The Italian population of any age, healthy, sick or already recovered, has been repeatedly bombarded, without the possibility of evading, under penalty of losing civil rights, with millions of vials of never-before-tested RNA gene products. Different products were inoculated at random without any quality control: for example Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna etc etc. They injected whatever they had on hand, without any criteria, even expired drugs stored inappropriately. With 3 widely propagandized certainties: the toxic Spike does not go into circulation, two doses are enough and you are immune, the drug is safe and effective. Three lies denied by the facts. No control of the results: the very rich vaccine religion could not tolerate checks on safety and efficacy and most doctors were very careful not to do so. Even today, and I'll give you an example, if a patient has a serious heart problem, the medical record specifies whether he or she has been exposed to heat or cold, whether he or she has eaten too much, whether he or she is stressed, but the fundamental question is always missing: whether he or she has been inoculated or not, when, how many times and with which products. Rather than active monitoring of side effects, passive monitoring has also been prevented. And in this upside-down world, professional associations stigmatize doctors who act in the interests of the patient and reward the cowards who don't write anything and then end up on trial, like the colleagues in the Canepa case, for not having written in the record that the inoculation had taken place. Pharmaceutical companies have amply protected themselves by admitting in writing serious and frequent side effects, for example pericarditis and myocarditis, and then pay the propagandists who, with a unified network, admit a case of pericarditis from inoculation in a young subject in Papua, but benign and perfectly healed. My lord, science says so! Dr. Daniele Giovanardi.