• Room-Temperature-Vulcanizing Silicone Market 2025 | Growth, Trends and Advancements By 2032 https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/zh/reports/global-room-temperature-vulcanizing-silicone-market
    Room-Temperature-Vulcanizing Silicone Market 2025 | Growth, Trends and Advancements By 2032 https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/zh/reports/global-room-temperature-vulcanizing-silicone-market
    全球室温硫化硅橡胶市场报告-行业趋势和2028年预测 | 数据桥市场研究
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 136 Views
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/pt/reports/global-silicone-coating-market
    Demanda Do Mercado De Revestimentos De Silicone, Principais Players, Oportunidades, Escopo E Análise De Previsão Até 2029
    O Mercado de Revestimento de Silicone cresce a uma taxa de 5,90% e é esperado atingir 8,72 bilhões de dólares até 2029. Ele é categorizado com base na composição, aplicação e tecnologia.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 209 Views
  • https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/de/reports/global-silicone-coating-market
    Silikonbeschichtungsmarkt Nachfrage, Schlüsselspieler, Chancen, Bereich & Prognoseanalyse Bis 2029
    Der Markt für Silikonbeschichtungen wächst mit einer CAGR von 5,90 % und wird bis 2029 voraussichtlich 8,72 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen. Er wird nach Zusammensetzung, Anwendung und Technologie kategorisiert.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 210 Views
  • Le batterie non creano elettricità, ma immagazzinano elettricità prodotta altrove, specialmente attraverso carbone, uranio, centrali elettriche naturali o generatori a diesel.

    Quindi l'affermazione che un'auto elettrica è un veicolo a zero emissioni non è affatto vera, perché l'elettricità prodotta proviene da centrali elettriche e molte di esse bruciano carbone o gas.

    Quindi oggi il 40%? delle auto elettriche sulla strada sono basate sul carbonio.

    Ma non è tutto.

    Chi è entusiasta delle auto elettriche e di una rivoluzione verde dovrebbe dare un'occhiata più da vicino alle batterie, ma anche alle turbine eoliche e ai pannelli solari.

    Una tipica batteria di auto elettrica pesa 450 kg, grande circa quanto una valigia. Contiene 11 kg di litio, 27 kg di nichel, 20 kg di manganese, 14 kg di cobalto, 90 kg di rame e 180 kg di alluminio, acciaio e plastica. Ci sono più di 6.000 cellule individuali agli ioni di litio all'interno.

    Per fare ogni batteria BEV, dovrai trattare 11.000 kg di sale per litio, 15.000 kg di minerale per cobalto, 2.270 kg di resina per nichel e 11.000 kg di minerale di rame.

    In totale, devi estrarre 225.000 kg di terra per una batteria.

    Il problema più grande con i sistemi solari sono i prodotti chimici usati per convertire il silicato nella ghiaia usata per i pannelli.

    Per produrre abbastanza silicio pulito, deve essere trattato con acido cloridrico, acido solforico, fluoruro, tricloroetano e acetone.

    Inoltre, sono necessari gallio, arseniuro, diselenuro di rame-indiano-galio e tellururo di cadmio, che sono anch'essi altamente tossici.

    La polvere di silicone rappresenta un pericolo per i lavoratori e le piastrelle non possono essere riciclate.

    Le turbine eoliche non sono plus-ultra in termini di costi e distruzione ambientale.

    Ogni mulino a vento pesa 1.688 tonnellate (equivalente al peso di 23 case) e contiene 1300 tonnellate di cemento, 295 tonnellate di acciaio, 48 tonnellate di ferro, 24 tonnellate di fibra di vetro e terre rare difficili da ottenere Neodimio, Praseodimio e Disprosio.

    Ognuna delle tre pale pesa 40.000 kg e ha una vita di vita compresa tra 15 e 20 anni, dopo i quali devono essere sostituite. Non possiamo riciclare pale rotori usate.

    Certamente queste tecnologie possono avere il loro posto, ma bisogna guardare oltre il mito della libertà di emissione. Going Green può sembrare un ideale utopistico, ma se guardi i costi nascosti e incorporati in modo realistico e imparziale, scoprirai che "Going Green" oggi fa più danni all'ambiente terrestre di quanto sembri.

    Non mi oppongo alle miniere, ai veicoli elettrici, all'energia eolica o solare. Ma la realtà non è così idilliaca.

    Fonte: Utopia.
    Le batterie non creano elettricità, ma immagazzinano elettricità prodotta altrove, specialmente attraverso carbone, uranio, centrali elettriche naturali o generatori a diesel. Quindi l'affermazione che un'auto elettrica è un veicolo a zero emissioni non è affatto vera, perché l'elettricità prodotta proviene da centrali elettriche e molte di esse bruciano carbone o gas. Quindi oggi il 40%? delle auto elettriche sulla strada sono basate sul carbonio. Ma non è tutto. Chi è entusiasta delle auto elettriche e di una rivoluzione verde dovrebbe dare un'occhiata più da vicino alle batterie, ma anche alle turbine eoliche e ai pannelli solari. Una tipica batteria di auto elettrica pesa 450 kg, grande circa quanto una valigia. Contiene 11 kg di litio, 27 kg di nichel, 20 kg di manganese, 14 kg di cobalto, 90 kg di rame e 180 kg di alluminio, acciaio e plastica. Ci sono più di 6.000 cellule individuali agli ioni di litio all'interno. Per fare ogni batteria BEV, dovrai trattare 11.000 kg di sale per litio, 15.000 kg di minerale per cobalto, 2.270 kg di resina per nichel e 11.000 kg di minerale di rame. In totale, devi estrarre 225.000 kg di terra per una batteria. Il problema più grande con i sistemi solari sono i prodotti chimici usati per convertire il silicato nella ghiaia usata per i pannelli. Per produrre abbastanza silicio pulito, deve essere trattato con acido cloridrico, acido solforico, fluoruro, tricloroetano e acetone. Inoltre, sono necessari gallio, arseniuro, diselenuro di rame-indiano-galio e tellururo di cadmio, che sono anch'essi altamente tossici. La polvere di silicone rappresenta un pericolo per i lavoratori e le piastrelle non possono essere riciclate. Le turbine eoliche non sono plus-ultra in termini di costi e distruzione ambientale. Ogni mulino a vento pesa 1.688 tonnellate (equivalente al peso di 23 case) e contiene 1300 tonnellate di cemento, 295 tonnellate di acciaio, 48 tonnellate di ferro, 24 tonnellate di fibra di vetro e terre rare difficili da ottenere Neodimio, Praseodimio e Disprosio. Ognuna delle tre pale pesa 40.000 kg e ha una vita di vita compresa tra 15 e 20 anni, dopo i quali devono essere sostituite. Non possiamo riciclare pale rotori usate. Certamente queste tecnologie possono avere il loro posto, ma bisogna guardare oltre il mito della libertà di emissione. Going Green può sembrare un ideale utopistico, ma se guardi i costi nascosti e incorporati in modo realistico e imparziale, scoprirai che "Going Green" oggi fa più danni all'ambiente terrestre di quanto sembri. Non mi oppongo alle miniere, ai veicoli elettrici, all'energia eolica o solare. Ma la realtà non è così idilliaca. Fonte: Utopia.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4χλμ. Views
  • Bucket moulds are essential tools in the production of containers for various applications, from industrial storage to consumer goods. The material used in these moulds can affect the quality, strength, and longevity of the buckets produced. This comprehensive analysis aims to explore the implications of material selection on bucket mould performance, focusing on plastic, metal, and silicone.

    Plastic is a popular choice for bucket moulds due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. The use of plastic in moulds offers several advantages:

    Plastic moulds are generally less expensive to produce than their metal counterparts, making them an attractive option for manufacturers looking to minimize costs.

    Plastic moulds are lighter, which can reduce the overall weight of the bucket, making it easier to handle and transport.

    Plastic can be easily moulded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for a wide range of bucket designs.
    Bucket moulds are essential tools in the production of containers for various applications, from industrial storage to consumer goods. The material used in these moulds can affect the quality, strength, and longevity of the buckets produced. This comprehensive analysis aims to explore the implications of material selection on bucket mould performance, focusing on plastic, metal, and silicone. Plastic is a popular choice for bucket moulds due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. The use of plastic in moulds offers several advantages: Plastic moulds are generally less expensive to produce than their metal counterparts, making them an attractive option for manufacturers looking to minimize costs. Plastic moulds are lighter, which can reduce the overall weight of the bucket, making it easier to handle and transport. Plastic can be easily moulded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for a wide range of bucket designs. https://www.rdmould.com/news/industry-news/paint-bucket-mold-safety-operation-guide.html
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1χλμ. Views
  • Vacuum Container Νέο
    Σε απόθεμα
    Vacuum Food Storage Container is an upgraded method for food storage. It is composed of a plastic lid, a heat resistant high borosilicate glass container, silicone seal ring and valve, and a date tracker. The container is safe to use in microwave, oven, freezer and dishwasher. It expands the time for freshness of food.
    Specification:1380ml / 2600ml
    Vacuum Food Storage Container is an upgraded method for food storage. It is composed of a plastic lid, a heat resistant high borosilicate glass container, silicone seal ring and valve, and a date tracker. The container is safe to use in microwave, oven, freezer and dishwasher. It expands the time for freshness of food. Brand:Bestfull MOQ:1000 Specification:1380ml / 2600ml https://www.bestfulltech.com/Vacuum-Container.html
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4χλμ. Views
  • https://www.ascendtechs.com/FSH-DS128-spraying-system.html
    FSH-DS128 spraying system
    FSH-DS128 series spraying system is a new high-precision CNC micro spray atomization system launched by Guangzhou Ascend company. The system includes a set of high-precision micro ceramic pump system, a XYZ three-axis platform, and a set of micro precision atomization nozzle.

    Spray volume: nl, ul,ml

    Fluid viscosity:0-12500cps, a wide range of fluids, from very thin fluids to Dow Corning 360 silicone oil or more viscous fluids

    Atomization effect: fine, uniform, 5-50 micron size fluid atomization

    High consistency and repeatability

    Fluid heat part can be installed.

    https://www.ascendtechs.com/FSH-DS128-spraying-system.html FSH-DS128 spraying system FSH-DS128 series spraying system is a new high-precision CNC micro spray atomization system launched by Guangzhou Ascend company. The system includes a set of high-precision micro ceramic pump system, a XYZ three-axis platform, and a set of micro precision atomization nozzle. Features: Spray volume: nl, ul,ml Fluid viscosity:0-12500cps, a wide range of fluids, from very thin fluids to Dow Corning 360 silicone oil or more viscous fluids Atomization effect: fine, uniform, 5-50 micron size fluid atomization High consistency and repeatability Fluid heat part can be installed.
    FSH-DS128 spraying system
    Pellet Dispensing System Includes A High-Precision Micro-Ceramic Pump System, An Xyz Three-Axis Platform And A Set Of Micro-Precision Atomizing Nozzles.Sales Are Ok.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4χλμ. Views
  • http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/ ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier Designed with a flexible silicone base, T&D has many radiation shielding materials and product options. We design custom solutions to help customers achieve their ALARA goals. Tungsten silicone shielding is designed for maximum radiation dose reduction during operation and installation to protect personnel and equipment. Sheets Tungsten polymer sheets are the non-toxic and non-hazardous alternative to lead products in radiation protection for gamma and neutron shielding. They decontaminate easily and eliminate the possibility of mixed waste contamination costs. Tungsten silicone sheets come in various sizes and thicknesses, starting at 1/8鈥?thick up to several inches. As with all of our sheets can be customized to your requirements. Standard sheets come with the option of grommets and are available with or without our slick yellow decontamination layer. Pipe Wraps A convenient and quick solution for shielding pipes, elbows, tees and valves. No more wrapping or hanging lead blankets to shield pipes. These pipe wraps are custom made to wrap around the diameter and height of the pipe being shielded. Tungsten silicone and Bismuth pipe wrap around can be engineered to meet weight and size restrictions, while meeting or exceeding attenuation goals. This innovative design and technology have allowed plants to shield areas they previously could not and is one of the easiest custom applications to install Flooring Tiles T&D flooring tiles come in interlocking and straight configurations. Interlocking tiles are designed to stay together with pedestrian traffic and prevent radiation streaming. Interlocking flooring comes in 20"x20"x1.1" tiles and is designed for quick installation. The platform shielding is a great product for shielding solid or grated platforms. Not only provides a quick installation for an excellent radiation shield, it also provides workers with a cushioned work surface for kneeling. We have also had our flooring tiles engineered for equipment travel over solid and grated platforms. Curtains Our newly designed radiation shielding curtains are the competitively priced replacement for lead curtains within the nuclear and NDT industries. T&D radiation shielding curtains can be designed as strips or panels with panels in dimensions suited for the application. Unlike lead curtains which are designed in heavy panels, these strips and panels allow for a significantly improved ease of movement. These radiation shielding curtains are designed for nuclear shielding. T&D lead free tungsten shielding products are a great solution for all your shielding needs. Tungsten, Bismuth and Iron-based attenuating materials are available. They can be molded into any shape, allowing the application of localized shielding directly at the source. Isolated hot spots can be shielded using them, eliminating the need to shield larger areas surrounding the hot spot. They can be engineered to meet weight, size, and radiation attenuation specifications. These products have saved power plants time and money during maintenance shutdowns. All These products are non-toxic and free of hazardous materials. T&D shielding materials allow us the ability to create light weight, easy-to-use, customizable products. Customer feedback indicates this is a user friendly and effective means of reducing radiation fields. The weights and sizes available make them easy to handle, with improved ergonomics, reducing the prospect of lifting and handling injuries. They can provide attenuation properties similar to lead products, but at half the weight. T&D lead free products maximize shielding effectiveness while keeping weight to a minimum. It is ideal for applications that require custom moldable shapes along with flexibility; such as small-bore pipes, elbows and valves. These products are available as blankets, ribbon wrap, pipe shields, floor tiles, magnetic tiles, and molded shapes 鈥?flexible or rigid. Fasteners and securing methods are also available, including magnets, grommets and locking devices.ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier website:http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/
    http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/ ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier Designed with a flexible silicone base, T&D has many radiation shielding materials and product options. We design custom solutions to help customers achieve their ALARA goals. Tungsten silicone shielding is designed for maximum radiation dose reduction during operation and installation to protect personnel and equipment. Sheets Tungsten polymer sheets are the non-toxic and non-hazardous alternative to lead products in radiation protection for gamma and neutron shielding. They decontaminate easily and eliminate the possibility of mixed waste contamination costs. Tungsten silicone sheets come in various sizes and thicknesses, starting at 1/8鈥?thick up to several inches. As with all of our sheets can be customized to your requirements. Standard sheets come with the option of grommets and are available with or without our slick yellow decontamination layer. Pipe Wraps A convenient and quick solution for shielding pipes, elbows, tees and valves. No more wrapping or hanging lead blankets to shield pipes. These pipe wraps are custom made to wrap around the diameter and height of the pipe being shielded. Tungsten silicone and Bismuth pipe wrap around can be engineered to meet weight and size restrictions, while meeting or exceeding attenuation goals. This innovative design and technology have allowed plants to shield areas they previously could not and is one of the easiest custom applications to install Flooring Tiles T&D flooring tiles come in interlocking and straight configurations. Interlocking tiles are designed to stay together with pedestrian traffic and prevent radiation streaming. Interlocking flooring comes in 20"x20"x1.1" tiles and is designed for quick installation. The platform shielding is a great product for shielding solid or grated platforms. Not only provides a quick installation for an excellent radiation shield, it also provides workers with a cushioned work surface for kneeling. We have also had our flooring tiles engineered for equipment travel over solid and grated platforms. Curtains Our newly designed radiation shielding curtains are the competitively priced replacement for lead curtains within the nuclear and NDT industries. T&D radiation shielding curtains can be designed as strips or panels with panels in dimensions suited for the application. Unlike lead curtains which are designed in heavy panels, these strips and panels allow for a significantly improved ease of movement. These radiation shielding curtains are designed for nuclear shielding. T&D lead free tungsten shielding products are a great solution for all your shielding needs. Tungsten, Bismuth and Iron-based attenuating materials are available. They can be molded into any shape, allowing the application of localized shielding directly at the source. Isolated hot spots can be shielded using them, eliminating the need to shield larger areas surrounding the hot spot. They can be engineered to meet weight, size, and radiation attenuation specifications. These products have saved power plants time and money during maintenance shutdowns. All These products are non-toxic and free of hazardous materials. T&D shielding materials allow us the ability to create light weight, easy-to-use, customizable products. Customer feedback indicates this is a user friendly and effective means of reducing radiation fields. The weights and sizes available make them easy to handle, with improved ergonomics, reducing the prospect of lifting and handling injuries. They can provide attenuation properties similar to lead products, but at half the weight. T&D lead free products maximize shielding effectiveness while keeping weight to a minimum. It is ideal for applications that require custom moldable shapes along with flexibility; such as small-bore pipes, elbows and valves. These products are available as blankets, ribbon wrap, pipe shields, floor tiles, magnetic tiles, and molded shapes 鈥?flexible or rigid. Fasteners and securing methods are also available, including magnets, grommets and locking devices.ASTM Tungsten Alloy supplier website:http://www.td-tungstenshielding.com/tungsten-alloy/astm-tungsten-alloy/
    ASTM Tungsten Alloy Suppliers Manufacturers Factory - T&D
    T&D is one of the most professional astm tungsten alloy manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please feel free to buy customized astm tungsten alloy at competitive price from our factory. For free sample, contact us now.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 5χλμ. Views
  • Vacuum Container

    Vacuum Food Storage Container is an upgraded method for food storage. It is composed of a plastic lid, a heat resistant high borosilicate glass container, silicone seal ring and valve, and a date tracker. The container is safe to use in microwave, oven, freezer and dishwasher. It expands the time for freshness of food.
    Specification:1380ml / 2600ml
    Vacuum Container Vacuum Food Storage Container is an upgraded method for food storage. It is composed of a plastic lid, a heat resistant high borosilicate glass container, silicone seal ring and valve, and a date tracker. The container is safe to use in microwave, oven, freezer and dishwasher. It expands the time for freshness of food. Brand:Bestfull MOQ:1000 Specification:1380ml / 2600ml https://www.bestfulltech.com/Vacuum-Container.html
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 3χλμ. Views
  • Doll size:22inches,55CM
    Weight: Doll Net weight is around 1.3KG, 2.4LBS
    Material and structure: full body silicone vinyl doll, soft touch and realistic, flexible. the doll can be put into water to have bath or shower
    Eyes: high quality clear acrylic eyes, the eyes can not blink
    Clothing: dress will be exactly same as picture. you can changes clothes for her by yourself, newborn real baby size clothes fits the doll you will receive a dressed doll same as pictures showing, a pacifier + a feeding bottle+certificate
    Huizhou Xinongyuan science and technology Co., Ltd. is a professional Plastic toys company, which specialized in operation: vinyl toys, P V C cartoon character, Sofubi vinyl toy, plastic key chain, Injection toys, Anime figure, reborn baby dolls, money box etc.
    Our company Established in 2017, We are located in Huizhou. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. we have had a reliable reputation among our customers because of our professional services, quality products and competitive prices. Customized 55 Cm Reborn Doll
    Doll size:22inches,55CM Weight: Doll Net weight is around 1.3KG, 2.4LBS Material and structure: full body silicone vinyl doll, soft touch and realistic, flexible. the doll can be put into water to have bath or shower Eyes: high quality clear acrylic eyes, the eyes can not blink Clothing: dress will be exactly same as picture. you can changes clothes for her by yourself, newborn real baby size clothes fits the doll you will receive a dressed doll same as pictures showing, a pacifier + a feeding bottle+certificate COMPANY PROFILE Huizhou Xinongyuan science and technology Co., Ltd. is a professional Plastic toys company, which specialized in operation: vinyl toys, P V C cartoon character, Sofubi vinyl toy, plastic key chain, Injection toys, Anime figure, reborn baby dolls, money box etc. Our company Established in 2017, We are located in Huizhou. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. we have had a reliable reputation among our customers because of our professional services, quality products and competitive prices. Customized 55 Cm Reborn Doll website:http://www.xdongyuan.com/reborn-baby-doll/55-cm-reborn-doll/
    China 55 Cm Reborn Doll Manufacturers - XINDONGYUAN
    XINDONGYUAN is one of the most professional 55 cm reborn doll manufacturers and suppliers in China. Please rest assured to buy bulk high quality 55 cm reborn doll for sale here from our factory. For customized service, contact us now.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 3χλμ. Views
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