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  • Brain Health Supplements Market Global outlook 2024 to 2031
    The research analysis on the global Brain Health Supplements Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Brain Health Supplements Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031.
    Read More @ https://www.skyquestt.com/report/brain-health-supplements-market
    Brain Health Supplements Market Global outlook 2024 to 2031 The research analysis on the global Brain Health Supplements Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Brain Health Supplements Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. Read More @ https://www.skyquestt.com/report/brain-health-supplements-market
    0 Comments 0 Shares 232 Views
    Ho già messo la traduzione corretta.
    Questo il testo originale in inglese dell'art. 1 prima parte da due fonti qui sotto
    -BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.
    -The University of North Carolina  “Permissible Medical Experiments.” Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, WASHINGTON. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (N.D.), VOL. 2., PP. 181-182.
    art.1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. …
    Ma su Enciclopedia Britannica hanno già semplificato
    Art.1) Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential. E IL RESTO??
    Questa la traduzione su Wikipedia che poi è finita in altri siti.
    1. Il consenso volontario è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona interessata deve avere capacità giuridica di esprimere il consenso; deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero potere decisionale senza che si intervenga con la forza, con la frode, con l'inganno, con minacce o con qualsiasi forma sproporzionata di vincolo o coercizione; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi implicati nello studio, tali da consentire una decisione consapevole e ragionata. ...
    SPROPORZIONATA non esiste IN INGLESE, qualcuno voleva giustificare le imposizioni
    Questa è la traduzione automatica Google.
    1. Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona coinvolta deve avere la capacità giuridica di dare il consenso; deve essere in una situazione tale da poter esercitare il libero potere di scelta, senza l'intervento di alcun elemento di forza, frode, inganno, coercizione, abuso o altra ulteriore forma di costrizione o coercizione; e deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi dell'oggetto in questione da consentirle di prendere una decisione comprensiva e illuminata....

    Se dovessi difendermi in tribunale però citerei solo questa:
    Convenzione per la protezione dei Diritti dell’Uomo e della dignità dell’essere umano nei confronti dell’applicazioni della biologia e della medicina : Oviedo, 4 aprile 1997
    adottata a Nizza il 07.12.00 e ratificata dallo Stato italiano con legge 28.03.01, n. 145.
    COUNCIL OF EUROPE mettiamo il English Official Texts e poi la traduzione
    Chapter I – Article 2 – Primacy of the human being The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science.
    Articolo 2 – Primato dell’essere umano L’interesse e il bene dell’essere umano debbono prevalere sul solo interesse della società o della scienza.
    Chapter II – Consent Article 5 – General rule. An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it. This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks. The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time.
    Capitolo II – Consenso Articolo 5 – Regola generale. Un intervento nel campo della salute può essere effettuato solo dopo che la persona interessata vi abbia dato il proprio consenso libero e informato. Questa persona riceve innanzitutto una informazione adeguata sullo scopo e sulla natura dell’intervento e sulle sue conseguenze e i suoi rischi. La persona interessata può, in qualsiasi momento, liberamente ritirare il proprio consenso.
    COME IN 1984: RISCRIVONO LA STORIA E LE LEGGI PAZZESCO, SU WIKIPEDIA AVEVANO CAMBIATO LA TRADUZIONE DEL CODICE DI NORIMBERGA CHE POI SI E' DIFFUSA FALSIFICATA. PENSAVANO DI GIUSTIFICARE LE IMPOSIZIONI VACCINALI E FARCI FESSI. Ho già messo la traduzione corretta. Questo il testo originale in inglese dell'art. 1 prima parte da due fonti qui sotto -BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996. -The University of North Carolina  “Permissible Medical Experiments.” Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuremberg October 1946 – April 1949, WASHINGTON. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE (N.D.), VOL. 2., PP. 181-182. art.1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. … Ma su Enciclopedia Britannica hanno già semplificato Art.1) Voluntary consent of the human subject in the experimentation is absolutely essential. E IL RESTO?? Questa la traduzione su Wikipedia che poi è finita in altri siti. 1. Il consenso volontario è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona interessata deve avere capacità giuridica di esprimere il consenso; deve essere in grado di esercitare il libero potere decisionale senza che si intervenga con la forza, con la frode, con l'inganno, con minacce o con qualsiasi forma sproporzionata di vincolo o coercizione; deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi implicati nello studio, tali da consentire una decisione consapevole e ragionata. ... SPROPORZIONATA non esiste IN INGLESE, qualcuno voleva giustificare le imposizioni Questa è la traduzione automatica Google. 1. Il consenso volontario del soggetto umano è assolutamente essenziale. Ciò significa che la persona coinvolta deve avere la capacità giuridica di dare il consenso; deve essere in una situazione tale da poter esercitare il libero potere di scelta, senza l'intervento di alcun elemento di forza, frode, inganno, coercizione, abuso o altra ulteriore forma di costrizione o coercizione; e deve avere sufficiente conoscenza e comprensione degli elementi dell'oggetto in questione da consentirle di prendere una decisione comprensiva e illuminata.... Se dovessi difendermi in tribunale però citerei solo questa: CONVENZIONE SUI DIRITTI DELL'UOMO E LA BIOMEDICINA. Convenzione per la protezione dei Diritti dell’Uomo e della dignità dell’essere umano nei confronti dell’applicazioni della biologia e della medicina : Oviedo, 4 aprile 1997 adottata a Nizza il 07.12.00 e ratificata dallo Stato italiano con legge 28.03.01, n. 145. COUNCIL OF EUROPE mettiamo il English Official Texts e poi la traduzione Chapter I – Article 2 – Primacy of the human being The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science. Articolo 2 – Primato dell’essere umano L’interesse e il bene dell’essere umano debbono prevalere sul solo interesse della società o della scienza. Chapter II – Consent Article 5 – General rule. An intervention in the health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it. This person shall beforehand be given appropriate information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its consequences and risks. The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any time. Capitolo II – Consenso Articolo 5 – Regola generale. Un intervento nel campo della salute può essere effettuato solo dopo che la persona interessata vi abbia dato il proprio consenso libero e informato. Questa persona riceve innanzitutto una informazione adeguata sullo scopo e sulla natura dell’intervento e sulle sue conseguenze e i suoi rischi. La persona interessata può, in qualsiasi momento, liberamente ritirare il proprio consenso. NON LEGGERE SOLO LE NOTIZIE. ISCRIVITI E PUBBLICA SU SCENARIO.PRESS ADERISCI AD INSIEMELIBERI.ORG CONFEDERAZIONE POLITICA NAZIONALE.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2406 Views

    Video rimosso da Tiktok, insieme al precedente.
    www.scenario.press - libera espressione contro la CENSURA

    Estratto dal documentario di TRT World che mostra i sionisti israeliani imbarcarsi per ammirare le terre che ruberanno a Gaza, mentre la Striscia è sotto i bombardamenti.

    LA BARCHETTA IN MEZZO AL GENOCIDIO! Video rimosso da Tiktok, insieme al precedente. www.scenario.press - libera espressione contro la CENSURA MASSIMA DIFFUSIONE! Estratto dal documentario di TRT World che mostra i sionisti israeliani imbarcarsi per ammirare le terre che ruberanno a Gaza, mentre la Striscia è sotto i bombardamenti. #freegaza #stopgazagenocide
    0 Comments 0 Shares 639 Views 26
  • The research analysis on the global Cannabis Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Cannabis Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Cannabis Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements.

    Market Growth

    The Cannabis Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Global Cannabis Market size was valued at USD 36.4 Billion in 2022 poised to grow from USD 42.6 Billion in 2023 to USD 148.4 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.9% in the forecast period (2024-2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure.

    Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/cannabis-market
    The research analysis on the global Cannabis Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Cannabis Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Cannabis Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements. Market Growth The Cannabis Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Global Cannabis Market size was valued at USD 36.4 Billion in 2022 poised to grow from USD 42.6 Billion in 2023 to USD 148.4 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.9% in the forecast period (2024-2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure. Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/cannabis-market
    Cannabis Market Size, Share & Growth Report | 2024-2031
    The Cannabis Market size is poised to grow from USD 42.6 Billion in 2023 to USD 148.4 Billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.9% in the forecast period (2024-2031).
    0 Comments 0 Shares 971 Views
  • Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market Global outlook 2024 to 2031 | Skyquest

    Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled 'Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2031,' This study Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis.

    The research analysis on the global Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements.

    Market Growth

    The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. In 2022, the global fill-finish pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market reached a significant value of USD 8.1 billion. Projections indicate that this market is poised for steady growth, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% expected from 2024 to 2031. This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure.

    Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market

    Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR):

    The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.

    By Product Type - Prefilled Syringes, Vials, Cartridges, Others
    By Molecule Type - Large Molecules, Small Molecules
    By End-user - Biopharmaceutical Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies
    By Region - North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe
    Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market

    Following are the players analyzed in the report:

    AbbVie Inc.
    Boehringer Ingelheim
    Catalent Inc
    Recro Pharma, Inc.
    Baxter’s BioPharma Solutions
    Eurofins Scientific
    Symbiosis Pharmaceutical Service
    MabPlex International Co. Ltd.
    Recipharm AB
    Fresenius Kabi Contract Manufacturing
    Regional Analysis

    1. North America:
    - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract consumption.

    2. Europe:
    - Europe is a significant player, with major Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector.

    3. Asia-Pacific:
    - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth.

    4. Latin America:
    - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications.

    5. Middle East and Africa:
    - The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions.

    Future Outlook

    The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development.

    Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market
    Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market Global outlook 2024 to 2031 | Skyquest Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled 'Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2031,' This study Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis. The research analysis on the global Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements. Market Growth The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. In 2022, the global fill-finish pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market reached a significant value of USD 8.1 billion. Projections indicate that this market is poised for steady growth, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% expected from 2024 to 2031. This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure. Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs. By Product Type - Prefilled Syringes, Vials, Cartridges, Others By Molecule Type - Large Molecules, Small Molecules By End-user - Biopharmaceutical Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies By Region - North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market Following are the players analyzed in the report: AbbVie Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Pfizer Catalent Inc Recro Pharma, Inc. Baxter’s BioPharma Solutions Eurofins Scientific Symbiosis Pharmaceutical Service MabPlex International Co. Ltd. Recipharm AB Fresenius Kabi Contract Manufacturing Novartis Regional Analysis 1. North America: - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract consumption. 2. Europe: - Europe is a significant player, with major Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector. 3. Asia-Pacific: - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth. 4. Latin America: - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications. 5. Middle East and Africa: - The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions. Future Outlook The Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development. Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/fill-finish-pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market
    Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis - Industry Forecast 2023-2030
    Fill-finish Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market report covers growth of the adjacent market, revenue growth of the key market vendors, scenario-based analysis, and market segment growth.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2201 Views
  • Cartilage Repair Market Global Latest Trends and Insights 2024 to 2031

    Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled ‘Cartilage Repair Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024–2031,’ This study Cartilage Repair report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Cartilage Repair Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis.

    The research analysis on the global Cartilage Repair Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Cartilage Repair Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Cartilage Repair Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements.

    Market Growth

    The Cartilage Repair Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Cartilage Repair Market size was valued at USD 927.63 million in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 1040.29 million in 2023 to USD 1570.16 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 12.13% in the forecast period (2024–2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure.

    Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/cartilage-repair-market

    Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast — 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR):

    The Cartilage Repair Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.

    Treatment modality type
    Cell-Based (Chondrocyte Transplantation, Growth Factor Technology), Non-Cell-Based (Tissue Scaffolds, Cell-Free Composites)
    Hyaline, Fibrocartilage
    Treatment type
    Palliative (Viscosupplementation, Debridement & Lavage), Intrinsic Repair Stimulus
    Knee Cartilage Repair (Arthroscopic Chondroplasty, Autologous Chondrocyte, Osteochondral Grafts Transplantation, Cell-based Cartilage Resurfacing, Microfracture, Other), Other
    Regional Analysis:

    On the basis of region, the market is studied across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The report offers detailed insight into new product launches, new technology evolutions, innovative services, and ongoing R&D. The Cartilage Repair Market report also provides fundamental details such as raw material sources, distribution networks, methodologies, production capacities, industry supply chain, and product specifications.

    Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/cartilage-repair-market

    Following are the players analyzed in the report:

    DePuy Synthes (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson)
    Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc.
    Smith & Nephew plc
    Vericel Corporation
    Osiris Therapeutics Inc. (acquired by Smith & Nephew in 2019)
    Histogenics Corporation
    Anika Therapeutics Inc.
    Arthrex Inc.
    B. Braun Melsungen AG
    Stryker Corporation
    CONMED Corporation
    Orthocell Limited
    RTI Surgical Holdings Inc.
    MEDIPOST Co. Ltd.
    CellGenix GmbH
    Tissue Regenix Group plc
    CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd.
    ISTO Technologies Inc.
    MTF Biologics
    CartiHeal Ltd
    Regional Analysis

    1. North America:
    - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Cartilage Repair Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Cartilage Repair consumption.

    2. Europe:
    - Europe is a significant player, with major Cartilage Repair Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector.

    3. Asia-Pacific:
    - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Cartilage Repair manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth.

    4. Latin America:
    - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications.

    5. Middle East and Africa:
    - The Cartilage Repair Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions.

    Future Outlook

    The Cartilage Repair Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development.

    Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/cartilage-repair-market
    Cartilage Repair Market Global Latest Trends and Insights 2024 to 2031 Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled ‘Cartilage Repair Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024–2031,’ This study Cartilage Repair report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Cartilage Repair Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis. The research analysis on the global Cartilage Repair Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Cartilage Repair Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Cartilage Repair Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements. Market Growth The Cartilage Repair Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Cartilage Repair Market size was valued at USD 927.63 million in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 1040.29 million in 2023 to USD 1570.16 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 12.13% in the forecast period (2024–2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure. Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/cartilage-repair-market Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast — 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Cartilage Repair Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs. Treatment modality type Cell-Based (Chondrocyte Transplantation, Growth Factor Technology), Non-Cell-Based (Tissue Scaffolds, Cell-Free Composites) Application Hyaline, Fibrocartilage Treatment type Palliative (Viscosupplementation, Debridement & Lavage), Intrinsic Repair Stimulus Site Knee Cartilage Repair (Arthroscopic Chondroplasty, Autologous Chondrocyte, Osteochondral Grafts Transplantation, Cell-based Cartilage Resurfacing, Microfracture, Other), Other Regional Analysis: On the basis of region, the market is studied across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The report offers detailed insight into new product launches, new technology evolutions, innovative services, and ongoing R&D. The Cartilage Repair Market report also provides fundamental details such as raw material sources, distribution networks, methodologies, production capacities, industry supply chain, and product specifications. Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/cartilage-repair-market Following are the players analyzed in the report: DePuy Synthes (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson) Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc. Smith & Nephew plc Vericel Corporation Osiris Therapeutics Inc. (acquired by Smith & Nephew in 2019) Histogenics Corporation Anika Therapeutics Inc. Arthrex Inc. B. Braun Melsungen AG Stryker Corporation CONMED Corporation Orthocell Limited RTI Surgical Holdings Inc. MEDIPOST Co. Ltd. CellGenix GmbH Tissue Regenix Group plc CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd. ISTO Technologies Inc. MTF Biologics CartiHeal Ltd Regional Analysis 1. North America: - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Cartilage Repair Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Cartilage Repair consumption. 2. Europe: - Europe is a significant player, with major Cartilage Repair Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector. 3. Asia-Pacific: - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Cartilage Repair manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth. 4. Latin America: - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications. 5. Middle East and Africa: - The Cartilage Repair Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions. Future Outlook The Cartilage Repair Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development. Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/cartilage-repair-market
    Cartilage Repair Market Growth, Size & Share Analysis | 2031
    Cartilage Repair Market By Treatment modality type(Cell-Based (Chondrocyte Transplantation, Growth Factor Technology)), By Application(Hyaline, Fibrocartilage), By Treatment type(Palliative (Viscosupplementation, Debridement & Lavage)), By Site(Knee Cartilage Repair (Arthroscopic Chondroplasty, Autologous Chondrocyte) and By Region.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2184 Views
  • Oncology Market Rising Trends, Demand and Future Scope 2024 to 2031

    Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled 'Oncology Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2031,' This study Oncology report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Oncology Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis.

    The research analysis on the global Oncology Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Oncology Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Oncology Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements.

    Market Growth

    The Oncology Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Oncology Market size was valued at USD 286.04 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 309.3 billion in 2023 to USD 581.25 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.2% in the forecast period (2024-2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure.

    Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/oncology-market

    Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR):

    The Oncology Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.

    Cancer Diagnostics & Treatment
    Cancer Diagnostics {Tumor Biomarker Test, Imaging, Biopsy, Liquid Biopsy, Immunohistochemistry, In Situ Hybridization}, Cancer Treatment {Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Hormonal Therapy}
    Cancer Type
    Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colon & Rectal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Liver Cancer, Breast Cancer
    Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Academia, Specialty Clinics
    Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/oncology-market

    Following are the players analyzed in the report:

    Roche Holding AG
    Novartis International AG
    Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
    Pfizer Inc.
    Merck & Co., Inc.
    AstraZeneca PLC
    Johnson & Johnson
    Sanofi S.A.
    Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
    Amgen Inc.
    AbbVie Inc.
    Eli Lilly and Company
    Gilead Sciences, Inc.
    Celgene Corporation (a subsidiary of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company)
    Bayer AG
    Biogen Inc.
    Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
    Astellas Pharma Inc.
    Eisai Co., Ltd.
    Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
    Regional Analysis

    1. North America:
    - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Oncology Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Oncology consumption.

    2. Europe:
    - Europe is a significant player, with major Oncology Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector.

    3. Asia-Pacific:
    - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Oncology manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth.

    4. Latin America:
    - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications.

    5. Middle East and Africa:
    - The Oncology Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions.

    Future Outlook

    The Oncology Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development.

    Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/oncology-market
    Oncology Market Rising Trends, Demand and Future Scope 2024 to 2031 Leading market research firm SkyQuest Technology Group recently released a study titled 'Oncology Market Global Size, Share, Growth, Industry Trends, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2031,' This study Oncology report offers a thorough analysis of the market, as well as competitor and geographical analysis and a focus on the most recent technological developments. The research study on the Oncology Market extensively demonstrates existing and upcoming opportunities, profitability, revenue growth rates, pricing, and scenarios for recent industry analysis. The research analysis on the global Oncology Market report 2024 offers a close watch on top industry rivals along with briefings on their company profiles, strategical surveys, micro as well as macro industry trends, futuristic scenarios, analysis of pricing structure, and an all-encompassing overview of the Oncology Market circumstances in the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The global Oncology Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, encompassing the development, production, and distribution. This market is essential for improving global market and driving economic growth through innovation and industry advancements. Market Growth The Oncology Market has experienced robust growth over the past decade and is projected to continue expanding. Oncology Market size was valued at USD 286.04 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 309.3 billion in 2023 to USD 581.25 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 8.2% in the forecast period (2024-2031). This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging global population, increasing prevalence of advancements in technology, and rising global expenditure. Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/oncology-market Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Oncology Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs. Cancer Diagnostics & Treatment Cancer Diagnostics {Tumor Biomarker Test, Imaging, Biopsy, Liquid Biopsy, Immunohistochemistry, In Situ Hybridization}, Cancer Treatment {Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, Hormonal Therapy} Cancer Type Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colon & Rectal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Liver Cancer, Breast Cancer End-Use Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Academia, Specialty Clinics Get your customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/oncology-market Following are the players analyzed in the report: Roche Holding AG Novartis International AG Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Pfizer Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. AstraZeneca PLC Johnson & Johnson Sanofi S.A. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited Amgen Inc. AbbVie Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Gilead Sciences, Inc. Celgene Corporation (a subsidiary of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company) Bayer AG Biogen Inc. Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited Astellas Pharma Inc. Eisai Co., Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Regional Analysis 1. North America: - The United States and Canada dominate the North American Oncology Market. The U.S. is the largest market globally, driven by advanced global infrastructure, high R&D investments, and significant Oncology consumption. 2. Europe: - Europe is a significant player, with major Oncology Markets in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The region benefits from strong regulatory frameworks, high industry standards, and a robust R&D sector. 3. Asia-Pacific: - This region is experiencing rapid growth, with countries like China and India leading the charge. Factors such as increasing industry access, growing middle-class populations, and expanding Oncology manufacturing capabilities contribute to this growth. 4. Latin America: - Brazil and Mexico are key markets in Latin America. Growth in this region is driven by rising industry needs, increasing investments in industry infrastructure, and a growing demand for affordable medications. 5. Middle East and Africa: - The Oncology Market in this region is expanding due to rising market spending, increased prevalence of diseases, and improvements in Market infrastructure, although the market is relatively smaller compared to other regions. Future Outlook The Oncology Market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs. As the industry adapts to evolving challenges and seizes emerging opportunities, it is likely to see ongoing innovation and expansion, contributing significantly to global health and economic development. Buy your full report: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/oncology-market
    Oncology Market Size, Growth & Trends Report | 2031
    Oncology Market By Cancer Diagnostics & Treatment(Cancer Diagnostics {Tumor Biomarker Test, Imaging), By Cancer Type(Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer), By End-Use(Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories) and By Region.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2571 Views
  • Understanding the Design Characteristics of Rubber Traffic Cones

    Rubber traffic cones are designed to offer both stability and visibility in various traffic management scenarios. The design elements of these cones are meticulously crafted to address the needs of road safety, and understanding these aspects can provide insights into their effectiveness.

    One of the key design features of rubber traffic cones is their base stability. The base of a rubber traffic cone is typically wider and heavier than the cone's body. This design is intentional, as a broader and heavier base helps prevent the cone from tipping over under various conditions.

    Weight Distribution: The weight distribution of rubber traffic cones is carefully engineered to lower the center of gravity. This design ensures that even in strong winds or accidental impacts, the cone remains upright. The rubber material's inherent flexibility also helps absorb shocks, enhancing the stability of the traffic cone.

    Understanding the Design Characteristics of Rubber Traffic Cones Rubber traffic cones are designed to offer both stability and visibility in various traffic management scenarios. The design elements of these cones are meticulously crafted to address the needs of road safety, and understanding these aspects can provide insights into their effectiveness. One of the key design features of rubber traffic cones is their base stability. The base of a rubber traffic cone is typically wider and heavier than the cone's body. This design is intentional, as a broader and heavier base helps prevent the cone from tipping over under various conditions. Weight Distribution: The weight distribution of rubber traffic cones is carefully engineered to lower the center of gravity. This design ensures that even in strong winds or accidental impacts, the cone remains upright. The rubber material's inherent flexibility also helps absorb shocks, enhancing the stability of the traffic cone. https://www.cnluba.com/product/rubber-traffic-cones/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 394 Views
  • Palermo fa i conti con la siccità: acqua razionata in periferia. Il dramma di Nicosia, dove arriverà ogni 7 giorni: “Non potremo più usare i water”.

    Alla fine tocca anche a Palermo fare i conti con la siccità e dover sperimentare il razionamento dell’acqua. Dopo il braccio di ferro negli scorsi mesi tra il sindaco Roberto Lagalla e il presidente della Regione Renato Schifani, che aveva chiesto una frenata poi di fatto arrivata, il capoluogo siciliano – già in sofferenza per una raccolta dell’immondizia deficitaria – adesso subirà un nuovo disagio. Dal 7 ottobre alcuni quartieri periferici (pari al 25 per cento del tessuto urbano) subiranno un giorno di stop del servizio idrico alla settimana. “Lo scontro politico non ha fatto che ritardare una misura urgente per preservare le risorse idriche e farle durare più a lungo possibile, adesso potrebbe essere troppo tardi”, punta il dito Beppe Amato, responsabile risorse idriche di Legambiente. Mentre Salvo Cocina, capo della Protezione civile regionale, spiega che “la misura è stata adottata per esigenze di risparmio idrico ma anche come sperimentazione, per mettere, cioè, alla prova il sistema idrico cittadino in previsione dello scenario peggiore, ovvero che non piova il prossimo autunno”.

    Uno scenario pressoché apocalittico ma che deve essere comunque considerato, secondo gli esperti della Regione. Le prime settimane di settembre non hanno portato il sollievo sperato: le piogge sono state scarse e la situazione “è di molto peggiorata – indica Amato – soprattutto perché le precipitazioni non hanno aumentato le risorse nelle dighe: questo vuol dire che i terreni hanno assorbito molta acqua e se c’è questa esigenza idrogeologica, ovvero se i terreni hanno bisogno di tutta quest’acqua, vuol dire che le piogge serviranno soprattutto ai terreni non aumentando la disponibilità in diga: una situazione gravissima”. Dopo avere perso la diga Fanaco, prosciugata da un paio di settimane, a destare particolare preoccupazione è adesso l’Ancipa, la diga sui Nebrodi che serve le zone interne della Sicilia. Non a caso dal 14 settembre comuni come Nicosia, Troina, Gagliano, Valguarnera ed Enna hanno subito un aggravio del razionamento: “Siamo passati da 4 a sette giorni ma questa cosa non è possibile, non ce la facciamo e siamo pronti a proteste eclatanti”, avverte Fabio Bruno, presidente del Movimento per la difesa dei territori.

    E spiega: “A Nicosia, comune in provincia di Enna, non ci sono abitanti con serbatoi capienti, tutti con un massimo di 500 o mille litri di capienza, per questo non si riesce a stare una settimana senz’acqua: non si può andare avanti in questo modo, bisogna trovare un’altra soluzione”. La Protezione civile ha già disposto l’invio di altre autobotti e la realizzazione di serbatoi comunali dove andare a rifornirsi. Ma per Bruno non è questa una soluzione praticabile: “Noi chiediamo che l’acqua venga razionata con un intervallo minore: 5 giorni e non sette, non siamo certi di farcela così ma è un inizio”. Altrimenti dall’entroterra siculo promettono battaglia: “Il consumo maggiore è quello del water, vuol dire che per risparmiare davvero sul consumo, dovremmo tornare al medioevo, e allora noi siamo pronti a gettare i nostri water e a mostrare al mondo il nostro disagio, se servirà”, avverte il presidente del Movimento per la difesa dei territori.

    Con la fine dell’estate l’emergenza si è dunque aggravata, soprattutto nelle zone interne, dove, non avendo avuto disagi precedenti, gli abitanti non sono equipaggiati per un razionamento così prolungato. Senza contare che in quelle zone sono stati trovati pochi pozzi, che nei mesi estivi hanno rappresentato la soluzione d’emergenza per le zone in maggiore sofferenza. La Protezione civile ha chiesto ai comuni di setacciare i propri territori per scovare altre risorse idriche e in molti casi ne sono stati trovati, come a Trapani, dove sono stati riattivati i vecchi pozzi. Idem a Messina, dove 6 nuovi pozzi adesso servono la città e il Comune ha potuto chiudere il centro operativo attivato per fronteggiare la siccità. Mentre per il prossimo maggio si attendono i dissalatori di Porto Empedocle, Gela e Trapani, già finanziati con i fondi Fsc per 90 milioni e con altri 10 stanziati dalla Regione. Serviranno come “stabilizzatori”, spiega Cocina. In altre parole serviranno a rendere stabile l’approvvigionamento idrico a prescindere dalla piovosità soggetta a brusche oscillazioni a causa dei cambiamenti climatici.

    Ma i tre dissalatori riguardano solo il 5 per cento dell’isola e non posso essere una soluzione nella parte interna, dove l’acqua dal mare dovrebbero non solo essere dissalata ma anche pompata in altezza. In queste zone più impervie sono anche pochi i pozzi scovati finora, situazione molto critica che ha spinto all’aggravio del razionamento. Nel frattempo però i pesci restano dove sono: durante l’estate una delle ipotesi vagliate dai tecnici era stata quella di spostarli dagli invasi per poter prelevare più acqua. Soluzione che finora non è stata adottata ma neanche del tutto esclusa: i pesci sono ancora sotto osservazione, in caso servisse e in attesa di un’autorizzazione ambientale, senza la quale l’operazione di travaso da una diga a un’altra non si può fare. Ma non si esclude nulla in Sicilia, dove la Protezione civile sta valutando lo scenario peggiore: “Non è il più probabile – spiegano dai vertici– ma le statistiche non davano probabile neanche la terza alluvione a Bologna: il cambiamento climatico ci impone di valutare scenari imprevedibili e di avere massima cautela”.

    Palermo fa i conti con la siccità: acqua razionata in periferia. Il dramma di Nicosia, dove arriverà ogni 7 giorni: “Non potremo più usare i water”. Alla fine tocca anche a Palermo fare i conti con la siccità e dover sperimentare il razionamento dell’acqua. Dopo il braccio di ferro negli scorsi mesi tra il sindaco Roberto Lagalla e il presidente della Regione Renato Schifani, che aveva chiesto una frenata poi di fatto arrivata, il capoluogo siciliano – già in sofferenza per una raccolta dell’immondizia deficitaria – adesso subirà un nuovo disagio. Dal 7 ottobre alcuni quartieri periferici (pari al 25 per cento del tessuto urbano) subiranno un giorno di stop del servizio idrico alla settimana. “Lo scontro politico non ha fatto che ritardare una misura urgente per preservare le risorse idriche e farle durare più a lungo possibile, adesso potrebbe essere troppo tardi”, punta il dito Beppe Amato, responsabile risorse idriche di Legambiente. Mentre Salvo Cocina, capo della Protezione civile regionale, spiega che “la misura è stata adottata per esigenze di risparmio idrico ma anche come sperimentazione, per mettere, cioè, alla prova il sistema idrico cittadino in previsione dello scenario peggiore, ovvero che non piova il prossimo autunno”. Uno scenario pressoché apocalittico ma che deve essere comunque considerato, secondo gli esperti della Regione. Le prime settimane di settembre non hanno portato il sollievo sperato: le piogge sono state scarse e la situazione “è di molto peggiorata – indica Amato – soprattutto perché le precipitazioni non hanno aumentato le risorse nelle dighe: questo vuol dire che i terreni hanno assorbito molta acqua e se c’è questa esigenza idrogeologica, ovvero se i terreni hanno bisogno di tutta quest’acqua, vuol dire che le piogge serviranno soprattutto ai terreni non aumentando la disponibilità in diga: una situazione gravissima”. Dopo avere perso la diga Fanaco, prosciugata da un paio di settimane, a destare particolare preoccupazione è adesso l’Ancipa, la diga sui Nebrodi che serve le zone interne della Sicilia. Non a caso dal 14 settembre comuni come Nicosia, Troina, Gagliano, Valguarnera ed Enna hanno subito un aggravio del razionamento: “Siamo passati da 4 a sette giorni ma questa cosa non è possibile, non ce la facciamo e siamo pronti a proteste eclatanti”, avverte Fabio Bruno, presidente del Movimento per la difesa dei territori. E spiega: “A Nicosia, comune in provincia di Enna, non ci sono abitanti con serbatoi capienti, tutti con un massimo di 500 o mille litri di capienza, per questo non si riesce a stare una settimana senz’acqua: non si può andare avanti in questo modo, bisogna trovare un’altra soluzione”. La Protezione civile ha già disposto l’invio di altre autobotti e la realizzazione di serbatoi comunali dove andare a rifornirsi. Ma per Bruno non è questa una soluzione praticabile: “Noi chiediamo che l’acqua venga razionata con un intervallo minore: 5 giorni e non sette, non siamo certi di farcela così ma è un inizio”. Altrimenti dall’entroterra siculo promettono battaglia: “Il consumo maggiore è quello del water, vuol dire che per risparmiare davvero sul consumo, dovremmo tornare al medioevo, e allora noi siamo pronti a gettare i nostri water e a mostrare al mondo il nostro disagio, se servirà”, avverte il presidente del Movimento per la difesa dei territori. Con la fine dell’estate l’emergenza si è dunque aggravata, soprattutto nelle zone interne, dove, non avendo avuto disagi precedenti, gli abitanti non sono equipaggiati per un razionamento così prolungato. Senza contare che in quelle zone sono stati trovati pochi pozzi, che nei mesi estivi hanno rappresentato la soluzione d’emergenza per le zone in maggiore sofferenza. La Protezione civile ha chiesto ai comuni di setacciare i propri territori per scovare altre risorse idriche e in molti casi ne sono stati trovati, come a Trapani, dove sono stati riattivati i vecchi pozzi. Idem a Messina, dove 6 nuovi pozzi adesso servono la città e il Comune ha potuto chiudere il centro operativo attivato per fronteggiare la siccità. Mentre per il prossimo maggio si attendono i dissalatori di Porto Empedocle, Gela e Trapani, già finanziati con i fondi Fsc per 90 milioni e con altri 10 stanziati dalla Regione. Serviranno come “stabilizzatori”, spiega Cocina. In altre parole serviranno a rendere stabile l’approvvigionamento idrico a prescindere dalla piovosità soggetta a brusche oscillazioni a causa dei cambiamenti climatici. Ma i tre dissalatori riguardano solo il 5 per cento dell’isola e non posso essere una soluzione nella parte interna, dove l’acqua dal mare dovrebbero non solo essere dissalata ma anche pompata in altezza. In queste zone più impervie sono anche pochi i pozzi scovati finora, situazione molto critica che ha spinto all’aggravio del razionamento. Nel frattempo però i pesci restano dove sono: durante l’estate una delle ipotesi vagliate dai tecnici era stata quella di spostarli dagli invasi per poter prelevare più acqua. Soluzione che finora non è stata adottata ma neanche del tutto esclusa: i pesci sono ancora sotto osservazione, in caso servisse e in attesa di un’autorizzazione ambientale, senza la quale l’operazione di travaso da una diga a un’altra non si può fare. Ma non si esclude nulla in Sicilia, dove la Protezione civile sta valutando lo scenario peggiore: “Non è il più probabile – spiegano dai vertici– ma le statistiche non davano probabile neanche la terza alluvione a Bologna: il cambiamento climatico ci impone di valutare scenari imprevedibili e di avere massima cautela”. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2024/09/21/palermo-acqua-razionata-siccita-nicosia/7702353/
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